I've been wanting to create a comic my whole life, but after sinking multiple years off and on into trying to develop a story for myself (actually two), I'm finally getting closer to the drawing process and it occurred to me that I actually don't know how to draw comics. So I'm going to use one of your ideas for practice!
Hopefully with this project I can figure out how to efficiently draw panels, what fonts work best for me, whether or not my art style needs simplification, and all that good stuff.
For example purposes, here's what some of my artwork looks like:

and while it's not a finished drawing, these doodles are probably a little more accurate to the style I'll be using

I've done professional work for a lot of small businesses and authors, but never something this big before, so it would be a whole new experience and might take me a while to get good at. I can't promise that each panel will match the quality of the illustrations shown above, and the details will be heavily reduced. The exact art style might be somewhat fluid as I develop, so I cannot provide any perfectly accurate examples beforehand.
My requirements are
- the story must stay under 50 pages unless you're willing to pay me, and my rates aren't cheap. I don't want to spend more than approximately 6 months on this
- you gotta write the story. if you collab with a bunch of people for it that's a-ok but don't try and steal or parody another work
- you might need to provide stick figure sketches here and there, as layouts are hard to describe
- I get to set my own deadlines and pick up/drop the project as needed to work on paid commissions
- you'll have to format the story into a comic script. I can help with that to an extent, but that's not what I volunteered for and I can only do so much
also, keep in mind that while I'm open to a wide variety of genres and topics, I am still a minor. if anything crosses a line, no matter how far into the project, i have every right to not draw it anymore.
Apart from all that, you have a lot of creative freedom! just because i mainly draw people and nature doesn't mean the focus has to be on a person! there can be cities and fantasy creatures, non-human MCs, romance, interactions, horrifically contorted monsters, even death-
as long as it doesn't get too graphic I'm willing to work with it!
let me know if you're interested, I'm excited to start :D