forum "Won't you pull me from myself again?" (oxo, mlm fantasy, open!)
Started by @Indie

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Disgraced Prince x Loyal Knight

In which the third prince of a kingdom, which we’ll call Coris, was born with a delicate constitution. Never quite as strong or fast as his brothers, unworthy to be noted as anything but “the spare to the spare”.

Even a weak prince, however, carries royal blood. And as the promise of war encroaches on the land, a personal knight is assigned to protect the youngest prince from the threats that lurk outside the castle walls.


Takes place in an Old Fantasy style setting with no modern technology. Magic exists, concentrated most strongly in those with royal blood. By Coris law, spellcasters who are not of royal blood must be carefully documented and monitored. Those who wield their magic freely risk imprisonment and having their power stripped from them.

I’ll be playing the prince, meaning it’s up to you to decide whether the knight has any magical talent, and if so, whether it is known.

If you have any world-building ideas or suggestions for this, hit me up! I don’t have much set in stone at this moment.


Trigger Warnings:
Expletives, blood and violence, emotional and/or physical abuse, & classism.

We're all mature here. Just be a decent person and we shouldn't have any issues! If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

I'm looking for a serious writer who isn't daunted by the idea of long passages of text or taking their own direction in the story (this is a collaboration, after all). Response time doesn't really matter to me because I'll likely be inconsistent myself.


NAME Augustus Brent Sinnett
AGE Nineteen
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Stands at 5’4”. Very thin and very pale; oftentimes a touch too pale to be considered the image of health. August has sunken eyes with circles beneath them that never seem to fully fade no matter how much sleep he gets. His hair is platinum blonde and wavy, long enough to cover his forehead at the front and to frame his cheeks on either side. His eyes are a pale blue, gray in certain lighting. Picrew here! (Not entirely accurate, but close enough. Keep in mind his hair and eyes are lighter than shown here.)
PERSONALITY Clumsy, insecure, eager to please, optimistic, inquisitive, & kind.
OTHER (1) His magic, like himself, is considered weak for a royal. August possesses the ability to conjure spirits made of mist, though he lacks the skill to call upon any larger than a songbird. (2) In spite of his constitution, he regularly undergoes the same training as his siblings. He's familiar with elements of the blade, archery, and horseback riding, though it's clear he doesn't hold a candle to his older brothers. (3) Coris is a kingdom known for military might. As such, the royal family is not mere decoration with inflated authority. Each member is deadly in their own right.