forum “Will you wander or roam?” (OxO, Closed, Mature)

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(I went with my shorter template, because my longer one for De’Tearion is huge lol)

Name: Ákle-Ikli De’Tearion (Pronounced Akel [rhymes with hackle] ick-lee Dē/Deh Tier-ian)

Age: Approx. 1,326 years (Goliathans measure deeds not years, so he is considered a true adult/veteran warrior despite being the age equivalent of a 20 year old human)

Race/Species: Goliathan (A race of nocturnal, insectile humanoid mimics with four arms. They are known for their immense strength, honorable and militant ways, and elusiveness. They are carnivorous bloodsuckers with senses attuned to the heart and blood)

Eye Color: Deep cerulean blue eyes that dimly glow

Hair Color: Shoulder-length black hair

Height: Has a 2’ height range because of his feet. At his shortest, he stands at 5’6”. At his tallest, he is 7’6”. He typically prefers to stand at 6’3”.

Weight: 325 lbs, with his shell. 125 lbs, without his shell.

Basic Personality: He is honorable, cunning, and quiet, but he is also cruel, stubborn, secretive, and rebellious. He has a brilliant mind, and is a master at military strategy, but his past torments him.

—He’s a true gentleman and is very proper/formal. He also has a gentle side that has rarely ever come out.

Other: It is extremely difficult to tell how he’s feeling, because he has mastered the ‘stone face’ effect. This, combined with his military experience and imposing appearance, easily makes him very intimidating.

—He’s quite powerful among Goliathans, both with weapons and with magic.

—Here’s an old pic of him. It’s from Heroforge, so it’s not completely accurate, particularly with his feet. (I need to update his pics honestly lol)

—He possesses a magic ring that negates his natural sensitivity to sunlight. He also has a treasured amulet that was given to him by his sister, Agatha, when she died.

—Steel burns De’Tearion, among other adverse effects.

@JustALostM book

(Now that I'm thinking about it, I have no idea why he's in a Doc and not in character sheets. I'll probably move him over sooner or later.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(You’re fine. He’s cool! He’s probably going to hate De’Tearion initially lol)
(I actually had my rp templates in Docs for the longest time, but I kept losing track of them so I put them in the character pages lol)

@JustALostM book

(Yeahhhh. My NB Docs aren't as used as My google Docs are. I have a lot of google docs. But it isn't too hard to navigate)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Also, I keep forgetting to put this in his template, [slow brain sucks. Ugh], when it comes to weapons/tools, the material they’re made of matters. Steel burns De’Tearion)

Night had fallen hours ago. However, it meant little to De’Tearion as he had not slept since the night before. Too many memories, too little action. The trees around him were thinning, slowly giving way to grasslands, and not much moved except for birds and some deer. None of it interested him.

With a quiet sigh, De’Tearion paused in his endless walking. A gentle breeze blew through the trees, softly rattling the branches. He took a deep breath, then looked around, eyeing his surroundings in the glorious moonlight. He listened closely to the wind and the land, curious if there was anything nearby of interesting.

@JustALostM book

Golem kicked a pebble along his path through the forest. Nothing much else to do after a day filled with many challenges and anything of that sort. Walking through the forest was calming to Golem. In truth, the man enjoyed this because who else would be out in the middle of the forest at night? It was the spot to be if you wanted peace of mind.

The movement of the many animals in the forest was a noise that didn't come as a scare for Golem. He walked this path many times; he made it after all. Though no one seemed to use it which was a good thing. He didn't want it to become public more than it needed to be.

As Golem's feet were tiering from the constant kicking of the pebble, he decided to kick the pebble into the darkness and decided to take a small rest, sitting by a tree.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Slow footsteps echoed in the wind. De’Tearion turned, curious, just as a pebble flew by his feet. On instinct, he shut his eyes, hiding their glow. Focusing his hearing beyond the wind, he heard a heartbeat nearby and the shifting of cloth and dirt as someone sat down.

The heart was human, the blood and the human’s scent both indicated a male. A young male, relaxed, resting. Not for long…

Without opening his eyes, De’Tearion soundlessly walked toward the tree where the man sat. He soon stood on the opposite side of the tree from where the human sat. The pumping of the man’s blood reminded him that he hadn’t eaten in days. It would be so easy to kill this man and have his meal.

A small clicking chirp escaped him at that thought. How easy? Too easy? He wanted a challenge, something to earn. An easy meal wouldn’t, couldn’t, hold his interest. And, why should it? He had failed so much already…

@JustALostM book

Golem placed his left hand on one of the roots, running his fingers over the rough bark. It was good to be alive, especially today. It'd been a big day in his kingdom. Coronation of a new King and an old friend. It wasn't a surprise, no. Golem was happy his friend had made into such high royalty.

He froze when he heard the clicking chirp sound. It was faint. The thoughts in the mans head began to fade, forgetting about everything for a moment.

What was that? He thought. No, no. It must be an animal in the woods. It's fine. Golems thoughts did not match his actions. He slowly took a dagger out of his pocket with his left hand and then continued to lay his hand on the root, now starting to carve away at the root a little.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

De’Tearion lost track of the human’s activities until he sensed the man tensing up. He immediately focused on the human again, hearing his tightening grip on the tree root and something else. Was he pulling out a weapon? The noise was too slow and faint for him to accurately describe, but the possibility of a fight inspired his hunger.

His human hands morphed into a pair of large, insectile claws and his secondary arms emerged from his waist. He then crouched slightly, preparing to either lunge or jump, before chirping again. The sound was more calculated and defined than the first.