@RhysTheFirebird group
Trigger Warning: Contains slight abuse, as well as mentions of abuse, and probably more, if it gets more, I’ll add
Note: This RP would technically take place in the middle of a story.
My character, Reo, falls in love easily, but has a hard time falling out of it. And once he’s in love, he’ll do almost anything for the person he’s in love with. The story takes place shortly after Reo’s fallen in love with Character B, not exactly the best person to be in love with. Character B is manipulative, and has no regard for Reo’s feelings, preferring to use him, as he’s as loyal as a dog.
Reo is head over heels for Character B, and does everything they ask in the hopes of gaining their attention and affection. Eventually, Reo finds out that B is using him and breaks down, but can’t help that he still does what they ask. He emotionally and mentally beats himself for this foolishness, trying to break his feelings for B.
Eventually realizing that this won’t work, Reo plans to make B fall in love with him. At any means possible if it mean Reo gets out of the shithole he’s put himself in.
My idea is that the RP takes place shortly before Reo finds out that B is using him, but really, it can start anywhere in the timeline as long as it’s shortly before he decides to make B fall in love with him.
I’m not going to hold a word limit for this one, as I want this to be a little more laid back, but I will want more than just one liners.
I’m also asking that if you join this, you be fairly active throughout the day, as I;m making this to keep myself busy throughout the day. If you do join and life happens, please do let me know. I don’t mind as long as you communicate, and so I know know to poke this if it goes quiet for a while.