@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
@Whisper-Is-A-Halloween-Fan, this is it for when you wake up. Do you want to post our templates again?
@Whisper-Is-A-Halloween-Fan, this is it for when you wake up. Do you want to post our templates again?
Hey. Yeah sure.
Name: Corbin Kemp
Nicknames: Cory
Age: 27
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi-curious
Race: human
**Name: Dragomir Son of Firth
Nicknames: Mir
Age: 22
Gender: Male (can actually change genders but prefers being Male)
Sexuality: Homoflexible
Race: half human half Fae
Okay, how shall we start this time? Like before, or another way..?
I don’t know. The previous way repeated would probably end up being slightly cuter if Mir is the only one. ‘Cause he’s a shy boi that needs encouragement…
(I'm still stalking this.. Mir is adorable. ALso if you guys go to DM's pls add me as a stalker..)
(Oh, I'd like to stalk this as well!! Two of my favorite rpers in one place :3c)
Aaaah, yeah, we can start that way then!
(Okay then!)
(Reeeeeed that means a lot? Jeez guys I swear I'm not a good writer–)
You start again?
Sure thing. It'll probably be a bit different, cause I don't wanna look at the original one
That’s absolutely fine
I don’t mind that in the least
Corbin wasn't sure just how this war would end. He wasn't sure if it even would. It had waged for years, for generations, almost a millennia. There was always something, some reason why each side had to keep going. Land, gold, even the freeing of their people- most every reason to fight had already been fought for. The king couldn't help but think that neither side would win. He knew his kingdom was already low on resources, everything going to the soldiers and mercenaries, and it must be the same for the other. They'd both destroy themselves at this rate.
Corbin wanted it to end, he wanted all of it to end. He was desperate, looking for any way at all to solve this. Any way at all. So, it wasn't surprising, thinking with this in mind, when Corbin was going through the city, following one of the trails he'd found to the end. He wore none of his fancy court clothes, nothing to indicate he was the king. He wore a cloak, designed to look simple, even if it was truly much more than that. He had his hood up, entering the pub silently. He scanned it, knowing what he was looking for. There weren't very many halflings left, after all. Not after his grandfather… Corbin shook his head just some, clearing his mind of such thoughts.
Dragomir was wiping down a table in dark corner, pausing to take a breath as pain shot through his arm. He reached up with his uninjured hand to readjust his hat covering his hair and ears, but he accidentally tugged it off, exposing the white hair and pointed ears. He squeaked and quickly knelt to the floor, his magenta eyes flashing up to see if anyone saw as he fumbled for the hat with his injured arm, supporting himself with the other by the table.
Corbin had one hand holding his cloak closed as he moved further into the pub, with no intention of sitting. He caught a flash of white out of the corner of his eye, head shooting up. There, that was the man he was looking for. The king made his way over, doing his best to keep himself from seeming threatening. He bent down, picking the hat up the man still hadn't managed to collect himself before offering it to him.
"Here," Corbin said, voice soft and gentle. There was no malice, no disgust with who the halfing was, for what he was. "This is yours, correct?"
Mir cowered, nodding silently and slowly reaching out as if afraid the guy was messing with him. Which wouldn’t be the first time. Or the first hat. He tried to cover his hair with a hand as he fumbled for the hat, shaking out of pure, instilled fear.
Was this really how halfings were treated in Corbin's own kingdom? Terrified, even of the simplest of kindnesses? The king couldn't help but feel pity for the man, and disgust at his subjects. He moved the hat, hand slow as he placed it on the halfling's head. He pulled his hand away when he was done, giving the man space.
"I'm not here to hurt you," he swore softly.
Dragomir was frozen as the hat was put on him, and quickly shoved himself up against the table when the man moved away, his eyes still full of distrust as he watched the cloaked figure warily. “What do y-you want, s-sir…?”
Corbin glanced around once. No one seemed to care he was talking to the halfing, to care about how terrified he was. He looked back to the man, reaching up with one hand to carefully reveal his face to only him.
"I've come to ask for your help," the king said, his hair coming out from his hood some as it was shifted, golden eyes looking into the halfling's magenta ones.
"I… I heard that you could help end this war, that you were smart enough to do it."
Mir’s eyes widened. He recognized that the king didn’t want to be known so he just softly said, “Your Majesty…” And bowed his head submissively, magenta eyes to the cobbled filthy floor, before saying softly, “I-I don’t think I’m s-smart enough t-to end a war, your M-Majesty… I’m j-just a m-mutt… nob-body special… Th-that’s something for the w-war council to do…”
Corbin let his hood fall back into place, looking around again to make sure no one had seen him. Good, no one had…
He couldn't help but feel his stomach drop when he heard the halfing's words.
"You're no mutt," he said, forcing himself to keep his voice gentle. He was gripped, for a moment, with a horrible rage. There should be no reason for anyone to think of themselves like this.
"And you are, you truly are someone special for me to have heard report of you. Please, my council has proven they have to way and no reason to end this war. Please…"
“I-“ Mir glanced up at the clock over next to the bar. “My shift e-ended an hour ago… Why don’t we- um, go talk elsewhere…?” His pink, care-worn eyes shifted across the tavern. “This… isn’t the best place for th-this… you shouldn’t be seen t-talking with me.” He then softly hissed and curled up a bit as his arms shot through with red hot pain again.
If this man's shift had ended an hour ago, why was he still working..? Corbin thought it best not to question the man for now. He was still jumpy, Corbin could see.
"Yes, I must agree…" Unfortunately, there was nothing Corbin could do about how they would be perceived for now. He shifted to stand, but he couldn't stop himself from moving towards the halfing when he saw the pain on his face, how he was acting.
"What's wrong?" he asked quickly, voice full of concern. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
The half-fae whimpered a bit, but shook his head, hissing out, “It’s oxokay… I-it just happens sometimes…” Soon the pain passed and he visibly relaxed with a sigh of relief. “L-let’s go out the back… I’ll take you to my home, and we c-can talk there…” He headed for the back way out of of the tavern, his steps weighed down with stress and exhaustion but a hint of his former grace still there, hinting almost as if he had wings…
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