forum What would your characters do if lost in an IKEA
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

  • Cyrus + Zariah - They got lost together, and they’ll blame each other for getting them lost. Ultimately they end up arguing and getting escorted out of the store.
  • Verena - Politely asks someone for directions.
  • Hendrix - He got so lost he’s in the backrooms now.
  • Daphne - Panic and immediately start searching for a way back, probably getting more lost. Someone asks her if she needs help leaving.
  • Niko - He got lost on purpose. Totally. He’s not lost at all. But by chance, would you know where the exit is?
  • Evie - Cries.
  • Torin - Taking a trip to IKEA with his extended family was a very bad idea, but he did it anyway. Now he can’t find any of them, and none of the directions in the store are making any sense. He gets progressively more annoyed as time goes on.
  • Calian - Pretends to keep their cool, but in reality, they have no idea what to do. They are Panicking™️ in the most chill way possible and when they finally find someone to ask for directions they sound very desperate.
  • Emilia - Very chill. Too chill. She’s not lost. She’s searching for her sibling who is lost. Where are they?
  • Demetrius + Medea - Medea has been leading this whole time while Demetrius followed her. He didn’t want to say anything when they took a wrong turn, but maybe he should have. . .
  • Tseth - How did he even let himself get lost? This place was more of a maze than he thought. Once he realizes, he starts searching for directions out of the IKEA.
  • Aelin - She might be lost, but she just wants to look at the furniture right now. She can worry about getting out when it’s late.
  • Ren - She barely got lost before she realized, and immediately started retracing her steps back. When she gets back, though, the rest of her family is gone.
  • Alex - He’s so lost he found Hendrix in the backrooms.
  • Harper + Jesse - Jesse got them lost, Harper brings them back. Barely even getting lost.
  • Soatsaki - Like Verena, she stays calm and politely asks someone for directions. Simple and effective.
  • Lili - When she realizes she’s lost she gets major anxiety. Immediately brings speed-walking to find the way out.
  • Avirex + Kovi - They end up in the far back of the store, where almost nobody is. Not knowing what to do or where to go, they stay there for a while.

@im-with-stoopid pets

  • Naveil - If lost with a group, he's already planning on which member they'll hunt first. If on his own, he's turning some of the furniture into weapons. He has enough rations to last a week-and-a-half.

  • Tommahud - Laughs at the idea of getting lost and then gets lost. Apparently, he's not too great with directions.

  • Salmook + Mackerin - Salmook probably gets distracted by the smell of IKEA meatballs, and proceeds to get lost. Mackerin runs around looking for both him and a way out. He's a little brat, but he's her little brat.

  • Rhival'lur + Bracke'nad - Wouldn't be able to get fully lost because the entire store would be able to hear them arguing. Likely escorted out if they don't break their own hole in a wall and leave through there.

  • Helion - Do you smell something burning?

Also some more combos because yes.

  • Naveil + Helion - Alright, something's definitely burning.

  • Tommahud + Rhival'lur - Rhiv does most of the "finding a way out" while Tommad cracks jokes to keep the morale up.
    Why is the djungelskog always sitting? Because it can bear-ly move. Please laugh, Rhiv.

  • Mackerin + Bracke'nad - Estranged family meetup! It's just as awkward as it sounds.

  • Salmook - Well, at the very least, he found the meatballs.

@thecasual_hooman drive_eta

Carlos- he would find the pillow section and sleep
Stol- cry till needed food
Daydream- would go find sauce for Stol then would get lost
Pointer- would try to destroy everything and fail
moon- god knows what
Judy- wouldn't notice a thing
Izzy- try to find everyone
puppet- would go insane and murder Stol for crying


Xavier - Tries to find the exit but gets distracted by that one section with all the lights
Jackson - Somehow manages to annoy any employee that tries to help
Douglas- Politely asks for directions, gets confused, and probably ends up living there
Rita - in denial that she's lost…
Elena - Either starts a fight with the employees or pretends to be one


Theyon - jumps high enough to see over the medium and small shelves

Narion - goes to the edge of the store and walks along the wall

Starling - either fly over or just asks an employee

Alph - panicking in a pillow fort

Rynn - climbing on the highest thing he can find like spiderman, striking fear in employees

Cetuine - tears a rift in space to teleport away

Oracle - got lost long ago and has now claimed the gardening section as her territory, everything is overgrown with lush greenery

Virion - turns into sand and escapes through the vents

Hiryur - in denial, does property damage and gets escorted out, but not before he finds the meatballs

Kiah - try to find the rest

Ballista - threatens employee to show him out

@aekv group

Cobbles: has a panic attack :( eventually ends up cuddling with the Djungelskogs to calm down.
Vape: not lost per se. he knows where he want to go (to purchase an unspeakable amount of Blåjaj) and where he'll check out at, but gets lost on the way from point A to B.
Xygen: not too concerned about leaving. mostly just walks around aimlessly, putting trinkets and pretty things in his cart every so often.