forum “What’s your greatest fear?” // 5/5, closed // Stalkers welcome!
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

Warning for any stalkers: There will be moments of severe violence during this roleplay. Here be dragons.

”We just have one question for you, contestants. What’s your greatest fear? Don’t lie. We’ll know.”

Your characters get a letter from an unknown source. It’s addressed to them, specifically, but there’s no indication of who or where it came from. It says nothing on the envelope. The letter itself says,

Dear Contestant,

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to participate in our game show!

You and your fellow contestants will meet each other in about two weeks, and the competitions will start in three. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know where to go. You won’t need to pack your things, either; we’ll have everything prepared for you when you arrive. You’ll each have a room to yourselves to stay in for the duration of the competition.

There wasn’t even a closing to the letter. Your characters all probably think it’s a scam, or a prank.

Then, two weeks pass. The environment feels… off… for the entire day. In the evening, your character’s surroundings seem to melt away, and your characters are teleported into a simple room with a bed, a table, and a door. It’s very plain, and slightly claustrophobic.

There’s a note on the table that says, Welcome, contestant. A staff member will see you in a few minutes to lead you to the main room, where you’ll meet the others.

It wasn’t a scam. It was very real, and your characters have essentially been kidnapped.

Your characters have been invited to join a game show. The competitions are normal at first, but then the final competition is… scary.

Your characters each are locked in a room alone, one by one, for a few hours. Once they are let out, they each have varying degrees of absolute terror all over their face and demeanor.


Because they’re being locked in a room with their greatest fears. That may be a person, a creature, or a circumstance. It’s all up to you!

But of course, they don’t know that. The first two competitions last about a week or so each, but the final one seems to drag on forever. Your characters can’t escape the place, either; every exit from the main areas just leads them back into that area. They can roam freely during the day, but they have to be back to their rooms by sundown. Also, the doors to their rooms remain locked at night, just as an extra precaution.

Have fun!

Author’s note: I’ll be controlling the staff members.


  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules.
  • Have I ever cared about y’all cursing? Nope. Go off.
  • I’m a minor, among others- keep things pg-13 please.
  • I’d like the responses to be at a 2-3 sentence minimum, please- y’all know I’m not too harsh on that.
  • Multiple characters are allowed and encouraged! I won’t set a maximum since I trust you guys not to go too crazy.
  • That’s about all I can think of-

Character template:

Basic Info

Nicknames (if any):
Gender and pronouns:


Skin tone:
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc):
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Body type:
Usual outfit (optional):
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional):


Basic personality:
Greatest Fears:
Background (optional):
Physical conditions:
Mental conditions:

Yes, I stole this idea, but shh shut up it’s mine.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Basic Info

Name: Kody Tsethlekai Stryker
Nicknames (if any): Tseth
Age: 26
Gender and pronouns: Male, he/him


Skin tone: Light
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Laceration scars on his back, matching knife scars on his wrists, various other scars. Metal arm and extreme scarring right below it, etc. Has gothic/tribal tattoo markings on his chest and wings. Not symbolic, he just liked it.
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 250
Eye color: Light blue
Hair color: Blond
Hair style: Viking style (braids n such)
Body type: Muscular
Usual outfit (optional): I'll just put the military uniform because how dare you assume he only has one usual outfit, (also get rid of the color it's all black), he also has a lot of ear piercings.
Wings: large, dragon-like black wings with a spiked back-ridge that trails down into a tail, which also has spikes the way down. The wings have a barely-visible tattoo pattern on them, similar to the tattoo markings on his chest. It's pretty much just a slightly lighter shade of black than his wings, but his species can differentiate colors better than humans and therefore it's more visible to him and others with better eyesight.
Face claim (optional): (hey this also counts for hairstyle)
Voice (optional): vaguely Anton Ivanov from Agents of Shield-


Basic personality: Intimidating, generally due to his general build/look. He’s not terrible once you get to know him well. He’s a flirt at times, can’t really tell whether he does this genuinely or just for the banter. Sarcasm is pretty frequent. He can be blunt at times, when people aren’t getting the hint or generally being idiots. He’s antisocial with large crowds and suspicious of newer people partly due to traumatic experiences, but he was never a fan of large crowds. He’s kinda good with kids but like- he’s not. Good with animals though.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Greatest Fears: Oh boy- drowning, being unable to hear anything, being locked up, being restrained, people behind him (few exceptions-), general torture, Cyrus Allen.
Motivations: His family and friends, and the duties of his job.
Hobbies: Risking his life uh he vaguely knows how to play acoustic guitar and he learned how to whittle from a friend.
Talents: Various weapon fighting, hand-to-hand combat, other stuff that I can't think of rn
Background (optional):
Physical conditions: His arm was obliterated-
Mental conditions: C-PTSD
Other: I know I overuse him but idc he's traumatized and I want to see him suffer.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Basic Info

Name: Daphne Allen
Nicknames (if any): Daph
Age: 17
Gender and pronouns: female, she/her


Skin tone: dark brown, with freckles everywhere because I love freckles they’re cute stfu
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): a lot of knife scars, mostly concentrated on her arms and shoulders, but scattered elsewhere as well. She tends to keep them hidden. they probably look like self harm but I promise they aren’t
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 118 lbs
Eye color: yellowish-gold
Hair color: black
Hair style: Afro textured, very poofy
Body type: deadass built like a toothpick
Wings: White and gold Manta wings, winged part drapes over shoulders when not in flight. The wings themselves are white and the tips are golden. Connecting to the wings is a tail with a gold tip. For a better reference they pretty much look like Season of Shattering ultimate manta cape in Sky. yes I copy/pasted this shhh
Usual outfit (optional): white turtleneck sweater, light blue ripped jeans, beige boots, various gold bracelets and rings, large gold hoop earrings, gold septum ring
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional): what


Basic personality: sarcastic lil bitch, antisocial, very quiet, usually only talks to friends, skittish, doesn’t like being touched
Sexuality: g,,,, girls,,,,,
Greatest Fears: Her greatest fear (as in what she’s locked in a room with for hours-) is her eldest brother, Cyrus Allen. No you don’t get context cry about it. She’s also claustrophobic as hell
Motivations: nope, she’d throw herself off a bridge in a heartbeat probably
Hobbies: what’s a hobby
Talents: Does neglecting her emotional and physical health count
Background (optional): I’m too lazy
Physical conditions: none (?)
Mental conditions: anxiety, C-PTSD
Other: She jokes about trauma wayyyy too much

@JustALostM book

Greatest Fears: Her greatest fear (as in what she’s locked in a room with for hours-) is her eldest brother, Cyrus Allen. No you don’t get context cry about it. She’s also claustrophobic as hell

(Now you Need to tell me about Cyrus-)

@im-with-stoopid pets

(Ok, ok, sooo- this Salmook is from like before the Salmook in Chaos chat. He's a little different.)
(Still figuring out my timelines and stuff, so feel free to yell at me about any inconsistencies.)

Basic Info

Name: Salmook Greyforge
Nicknames (if any): Salmo, Mook, Sal
Age: Somewhere around 9 years old.
Gender and pronouns: Male, He/Him/His


Skin tone: Tan, although he is a bit pale.
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc):
Height: 3'4" (Around 102 cm.)
Weight: 45 lbs (Around 20 kg.)
Eye color: Light Green
Hair color: Brown, almost Auburn.
Hair style: Shoulder-length, feathery, and poorly kept. Puffs up like crazy after getting wet.
Body type: Short and a little round, almost shaped like a friend.
Usual outfit (optional): An oversized bearskin rug worn like a jacket and some medieval-looking pants. He tends to wear stuff he found in the woods as "jewelry" – mostly twig-and-vine bracelets.
Face claim (optional): (If you don't mind waiting another week to start the roleplay, then sure-)
Voice (optional): (See above.)


Basic personality: Goblin. Will bite fingers, if needed. Doesn't trust easily, and his first instinct is to run away. Doesn't spend a lot of time thinking before doing. General troublemaker. Curious and caring. He'd break your favorite pen trying to figure out how it works, and then he'd be sorry.
Sexuality: None(?) (Love isn't exactly a priority of his.)
Greatest Fears: People, War,
Motivations: Not much outside of general survival, though he does want to make his pater proud.
Hobbies: Pickpocketing, Exploring, and Drawing.
Talents: Great at foraging - tons of environmental knowledge, Good memory (when he's not hallucinating), Great at sneaking.
Background (optional): Child lives happily until he's drafted for war. His pater helps him escape, but uh-oh, now Child is in the middle of nowhere. Child learns to live in the forest, becoming a friend in the process.
Physical conditions: None.
Mental conditions: Narcolepsy, General Hallucinations, Social Anxiety
Other: He carries around a wooden loop as a toy, and he has meltdowns when he can't find it.

@im-with-stoopid pets

(Spent a good twenty minutes trying to figure out how much Salmook should weigh and holy shit why are toddlers so light? I could just throw one like a dumbbell-)