forum “What is with this sassy, lost child?” // closed with @whathappensifidothis
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

@whathappensifidothis FLUFF!!!!!!! :D !!!!!

So uhhh. Character sheets. Yes,
Mine is lazy bc I just snatched it from the other thingy 😔

Name: Resh Corvus
Nicknames: Crow
Age: ????? Yes
Gender/pronouns: Gender is fake, He/him
Height: 6’11
Skin tone: v pale
Eye color: traffic cone orange
Hair color: pure white
Hair style: long and very very knotted
Body type: twink very thin, like toothpick
Basic outfit: black vest, gray shirt, black pants, black combat boots, black cloak. He’s emo
Scars (optional): uhhh yes
Personality: blunt, sarcastic, can and will fight people, likes small children for some reason
Fears: being responsible for a child’s death (long story), being held captive, also loud noises like thunder spook him easily
Mental conditions: PTSD, severe depression, generalized anxiety
Physical conditions: slight limp in his right leg

Mans is very very spooky

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Basic Info

Name: Ren (Last name both TBD and unimportant)
Nicknames (if any): None, but feel free to make some :}
Age: 13
Gender and pronouns: There is no gender here ✨, she/her pronouns


Skin tone: Light (sure)
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Various littered scars across her entire body.
Height: 5’5
Weight: 90-100
Eye color: Dark blue
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Cut short and curly, almost makes her look like a boy at first glance.
Body type: Thin and underweight.
Wing type (if applicable): Black raven wings that almost look too big for her with poorly-kept feathers and some missing.
Usual outfit (optional): Tattered and dirty clothing, a (formerly) white shirt paired with black pants.
Face claim (optional): No thank you hahahA
Voice claim (optional): No thanks once again, but imagine a very soft and quiet voice.


Basic personality: Aha no thank you
Sexuality: aaa a aa aaaa?
Motivations: None.
Hobbies: Unknown
Talents: Anxiety
Physical conditions: Anorexic?
Mental conditions: PTSD, anxiety, probably depression, hey her and Resh are matchy matchy-
Other: I bullshitted this as fast as I could

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh was walking around in the depths of Eden, his cloak wrapped around him and his face obscured by the hood. He cradled his daughter, Juni, with one arm, gently stroking her hair as she slept. He pinned his ears to the sides of his head as a particularly strong gust of wind hit him, growling quietly at the mild inconvenience.

As he was walking, Resh spotted a lone figure wandering around. They seemed lost. He narrowed his eyes and started following them from a distance. He tilted his head, his his eyebrows raising curiously. The figure looked about in their younger teen years. What were they doing so deep in the Eye of Eden?

He decided to just follow them for now. If they were up to something, then he’d want to stay hidden. If they looked in his direction, they might notice him. And at that point he would just approach them anyway.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Ren wrapped her wings tighter around herself as the Eden winds blew relentlessly towards her. She didn’t know why she came here. She didn’t know where in Eden she was. She just knew that the farther away she got from that house, the better off it would be.

Her head perked up suddenly as she thought she heard something. She gripped a dull knife in her hand. She stole it when she left, thinking it might help her in some way.

She glanced around warily, looking for the source of the noise. She spotted a dark figure a short distance away from her and froze. Oh no.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh paused when the figure froze. He studied them silently for a while, debating whether it was a good idea to get any closer. He finally decided to start walking towards them, slowly. He didn’t want to frighten them. Though that would probably be difficult, considering the rumors about him that had spread like wildfire since he disappeared.

As Resh got closer, he noted this person’s nervousness, his brows furrowing with concern. What caused them to end up here? Did their parent leave them here? It wouldn’t have been the first time something like that has happened.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Ren moved back a step as the figure got closer. She was seriously considering running. It wouldn't be the first time recently she ran from someone.

She glanced to either side of her, and then back at the man. Which is when she noticed first, how tall he was. She couldn't tell much else. That made her even more apprehensive of him. She had heard stories of someone in Eden, and she was having her suspicions. But she didn't exactly trust the stories either. That didn't mean she would let her guard down though.

Her wings flared out defensively, trying to make her as intimidating as possible. Given her appearance, it didn't do much for her.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh stopped a respectful distance away from the person, stifling a small laugh as she flares her wings out. She was clearly scared, why would it be funny? He huffed quietly to himself.

Resh looked down at Juni, shifting his cloak slightly so he could see her. He whispered softly to her, “Wake up, little one. I need to set you down for a bit.”

The small moth stirred and opened her eyes when Resh spoke. She stared up at him for a moment, then chirped at him, nodding. Resh knelt down and slowly set a Juni down on the ground. “Stay close.”

Juni wrapped her cloak around herself, then looked up and stared at the girl in front of her and Resh. She chirped again, a little louder this time, staring at her with wide eyes.

Resh lowered the hood of his cloak and looked at the girl again. This time he spoke audibly. His voice was deep and surprisingly gentle. “What are you doing here?” He sounded genuinely worried. “It’s dangerous to wander this far into Eden, especially by yourself.”

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Ren's expression softened ever so slightly at the appearance of the kid. She looked back up at the man. But at his question her head dropped to look at the ground and her wings folded back. "I'm sorry, I'll leave- I don't want to cause problems-"

Her answer seemed frantic. And it was. She was afraid of what might happen to her. She was already mentally calculating the best direction to run and hopefully get away from this strange man if need be.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh stared at the girl for a moment, then took a deep breath. “It’s alright. Don’t apologize, you haven’t done anything wrong.” He stayed silent for a few moments, then continued. “Where are your parents?” They couldn’t have been anywhere near, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to ask. Probably,

Juni took a few steps toward the girl, tilting her head curiously. She had so many questions to ask. But Resh was already talking to the girl, so Juni’s questions would have to wait. Instead, Juni just stared, as moths tend to do when they see someone new to them.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Ren blinked at his response. What? She wasn’t used to not being held accountable for any little thing. That was… different.

She glared at him with his next question. “Doesn’t matter. Care less about one less kid in their house.” Megabird knows why they were allowed to even have one in their care. Whoever was in charge of that was a damn idiot.

Ren glanced at Juni as she stepped closer. She lowered the hand holding the knife. She wouldn’t threaten a moth. Well, she could, but she still had some morals. And questions.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh suppressed a sigh. All these kids have been paired up with really bad parents lately. It was… strange, to say the least. “Sorry.”

Juni looked back at Resh. She knew he said to stay close, but her curiosity got the better of her. Besides, she wasn’t that far away.

Resh looked at Juni and nodded slightly, smiling a bit. “Huh. Juni usually isn’t a fan of meeting new people. You must be really interesting to her.”

Juni walked quickly toward the girl again, stopping to stand right in front of her. She looked up at her and gave her a small, shy wave. “Hi.”

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Ren shook her head at the man. “It’s fine.”

She stared at the little girl for a moment, processing what he said. If this moth actually knew anything about her, she’d want to stay away from Ren as much as possible. Just like everyone else did. But if this child were going to be friendly, maybe she should return the favor. Especially if it was that guy’s kid.

She had to think for a moment. How did you greet people? Oh right. Ren pocketed her knife and extended a hand to the moth cautiously. She kept glancing up at the man as if he might suddenly attack her if she didn’t keep an eye on him.

“Uh… hello.”

@the-void-phantasmic group

Juni reached out and took the girl’s hand without hesitation, chirping happily at her. Her cloak shifted over a bit, revealing the large scar on her arm. She didn’t seem to notice.

Resh watched the girl greet Juni, not moving from his position on the ground. He noticed how she kept an eye on him. He wasn’t really bothered, and honestly, he was surprised that the girl hadn’t run away from him by now. He probably could have moved to a more comfortable position by now, but he was afraid he’d spook the girl if he did.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Ren saw the scar on the moth’s arm. A look of concern crossed her features before disappearing as quickly as it came.

She retracted her hand and looked at the man. Her wings folded to her front, wrapping herself in them. One could easily note their uncared-for state, which was about as bad or even worse than Ren’s overall appearance. “Who are you?”

@the-void-phantasmic group

Juni blinked at the girl, then looked at her hand, slightly confused. She shrugged and wrapped her cloak around herself again.

Resh stared at the girl for a moment, then slowly extended his own hand, not really expecting her to take it or anything. “I’m Resh Corvus. You… may have heard of me before.” Surely the girl would hear his name and run away. Then again, Juni had never heard anything about Resh, so maybe it was the same for this girl.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Resh was correct. Ren wouldn’t take his hand.

…But it wasn’t fully because his admittance of his name. Yes, she knew some of the stories regarding that name. Child murderer. Run if you see him. Be glad we don’t send you to Eden, child.

But she didn’t trust the words of the ones who told her those stories. If they were true, however, maybe she would be granted a quick way to Orbit.

The child that accompanied him right now eliminated the truth of about half of those stories.


Resh was incorrect about Ren running.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh quickly withdrew his hand back into his cloak, looking down at the ground. He questioned leaving the girl alone, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He’d never be able to live with himself if he just left her to die.

His thoughts are interrupted by a sudden lightning strike in the distance, followed by loud thunder. Resh flinches and quickly stands up. “…Fuck. A storm.” He scoops Juni up into his arms, then reaches towards the girl. He hesitates and steps back. We need to get to shelter. But I can’t just snatch her up, that would be weird- but does it really matter if it’s to save her life? He almost looks… scared.

(Hahaha why am I like this)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language


Ren flinched suddenly and looked back at the storm. Why did every little thing have to make her so jumpy?

She cursed and looked up at Resh again. She didn’t trust him, but she had a feeling he wouldn’t let her stay out in the open given his immediate reaction to reach for her after grabbing his kid. And if she ran away, they would all be caught in the storm.

Ren didn’t want to be responsible for that. Her expression turned to a frown and she spoke up. “Where are we going, then?”

@the-void-phantasmic group

(Bestie y’all are both jumpy asf it’s ok)

Resh looked around for a second, then looked at the girl. “There’s a cave nearby. If we hurry, we can make it before the worst of the storm hits.” His grip on Juni tightened a bit, and he held out his hand again. “I know you don’t want to, but you’ll have to trust me just this once.” So for the love of Megabird, please let me help-