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forum What injuries hurt but don't kill?
Started by @tay_sweetwriter group

people_alt 63 followers

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typically the further away from your core it is, the more likely it is that your character would live. so toes/fingers, arms, lower legs, and outer thigh are good places to get shot without dying. your sides too, if it's not going too deep. head and most torso area is likely to kill you if they're well placed.

@stolenbrocoli group

Also keep in mind that if your character gets shot in the knee they likely won't walk again. That kind of wound can't really be recovered from.


Keep injuries away from the head and chest. Consider the ammunition. If they're cannon balls, they're best not getting hit in the first place because they'll surely die. If they're bullets or arrows, consider the armor/protection your characters are wearing. Heavy? The lower torso is fine if you have established that there are ways for this to be treated. Light? Keep away from vital organs, go for limbs. Are they non-piercing projectiles? Depending on the artillery, it wouldn't be unrealistic for the combatant to get away bruised and cut but not seriously hurt.

One last thing: Consider that there are more ways to die from crossfire than instant death. Infection, bleeding out, organ failure, surgery, etc.


Sometimes a person takes hours to bleed to death when shot in the gut, mainly the intestines. It's excruciating though.


It really depends where the bullet hits them. If it's in the hands, feet, arms or legs, it probably won't kill them. If it hits the head or chest though, then the character's probably dead depending on where they're hit within those areas