forum What are your character(s) "condition(s)"?
Started by @garden0f3den group

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@garden0f3den group

This is the one thing on the character template that I haven't been able to figure out what to put in. What do you guys use? What is it for? Is it for chronic illnesses/disabilities/etc?

Deleted user

Although it is recommend to fill out all parts of the template (and add some of your own like how I did), if a section doesn't apply to your character, just answer "n/a"

For example, my protag is neurotypical, and doesn't have mental nor physical illness. So this section doesn't apply to her. Neither did the "MAGICAL POWERS" section (since she's human). Both sections were answered with "n/a".

I'm not saying don't add CONDITIONS but just know you don't have to add it in if it doesn't apply to your character.

(ps I'm basing this off how CONDITIONS usually mean "mental, physical illnesses & disabilities (short-term/chronic) and neurodivergence. As that is the term that is usually used in health sectors as a blanket term for stuff like that)

If that didn't help sites like Mayo Clinic provide a full list of conditions from A-Z with excellent, factual info.

Hope this helped :>

(Feel free to quote reply if you have more questions )

@garden0f3den group

Both of these were great! Thank you so much! I've literally been using this site for years and just couldn't figure out if what I thought it was for was what it was actually for lmfao

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Haha, this is probably one of the most generic fields out there. It's intentionally generic just to let you use it however you might want, but I also use it like @a-creative-name does: disabilities and/or illnesses usually, but sometimes I'll add more fantastical things like curses, blessings, and the rare qualm with lady luck. :)