Try and explain a movie in the most heartbreaking, horrible way possible, and the next person tries to guess it
This movie a man loses his wife and kids, the only who lives is disables and he has to travel the world to find him
Try and explain a movie in the most heartbreaking, horrible way possible, and the next person tries to guess it
This movie a man loses his wife and kids, the only who lives is disables and he has to travel the world to find him
Finding Nemo
A girl is taken from her parents because they don't want her to sew and she sews Anyways and gets poisoned and saved by a man she'd only met once
Sleeping Beauty
A kid is kidnapped from his adoptive family by a large hairy man and put into a boarding school with teachers trying to kill him.
I- I honestly have no clue
(I don't have one for the next one, but I know what that ^^ one is.)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
A girl raised in a secluded tower cannot do so much as step outside without her strict mother consoling her. Once she gets outside and wanders, criminals and guards chase and try to capture her.
A boy with a magical instrument goes on a quest with a bug with memory problems, a sentient piece of paper, and a talking monkey, in order to find a family heirloom.
Why my first thought be Nighg at the Museum?
Ooooo! I’ve never seen it
A kid with a big family has to protect his house from burglary and protect himself
Home alone
Boy is taken away from his mother by wizard warriors to train to become a wizard warrior. He becomes the most powerful wizard warrior, marries a woman twice his age, and ends up killing his mentor and wife.
Why was my first thought Harry Potter-
Home alone
Boy is taken away from his mother by wizard warriors to train to become a wizard warrior. He becomes the most powerful wizard warrior, marries a woman twice his age, and ends up killing his mentor and wife.
That’s freaking Star Wars. Gotta be Anakin.
An unsinkable ship nominates everyone for the ice bucket challenge, and a door could have been the saving grace.
A girl struggling listens to the voices in her head but the voices are misleading
Inside Out?
Two groups with conflicting beliefs duke it out over a new government policy
Mind instantly goes to Percy Jackson
Four nobody save the world from a giant marshmallow
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