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forum We Were Stars (Open)
Started by @murphysgirl

people_alt 56 followers


The Leviathan is a prison in the Keshra galaxy, open to any and all truants. Here, homicidal maniacs rub shoulders with speed-limit breakers. There are few rules; chaos reigns.
You've been cast into a cell with five other prisoners.
Let the jailbreaks begin.

PG-13, keep swearing to a minimum, no sexual content.
No blood/gore you wouldn't find in an Avengers movie.
Be polite. If your characters are naturally inclined to be rude, do tell.
No OPs or Mary Sues.

Age (20+):
Reason for Imprisonment:
Preferred Weapon:

(If I've forgotten anything, tell me, I haven't done this in a while.)

@larcenistarsonist group

Name: Zri-Akiah (Zri) Lamosino
Age (20+): 22
Species: Dostranian
Reason for Imprisonment: She was a spy for the enemy galaxy who was caught (she got her info to her galaxy though)
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual
Preferred Weapon: Yellow sword with a blade coming out the front and the back
Appearance: Bright red hair in a messy ponytail on the top of her head. Color changing eyes that go from red to gold to purple to green. Eight and a half feet tall but only 70 lbs (she's short and light for her species but the biggest Dostranians are 10 feet and barely 100 lbs). Has smooth black skin that reflects no light and is cold to the touch. Has three white gill-like flaps on her cheeks, thighs, and arms. Large red lips and a pointy nose and elf-like ears.
Other: She's really sweet and innocent, you would never think she would last in this prison, but she's tough as nails. Hates conflict and prefers order to chaos. Definition of a lawful good. She does what she thinks is best for her galaxy and not for herself.
Abilities: She has ultra-violet vision and regular vision she can switch from. She can also see where an object has been if she touches it and can see like through the object if it had eyes. She can only do this with objects though and sometimes what she sees can be pretty gruesome. EX: if there's a gun she can touch it and see that the gun was on this planet at this time and she can see that it shot four people and was then left in a lake or something.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Kalex grim
Age (20+): 23
Species: Glites
Reason for Imprisonment: vandalism and attempted murder(although he claims it was accidental)
Gender/Pronouns: male he/him/his
Sexuality: straight
Preferred Weapon: toxins
Abilities: well he has the ability to paint from any section of his body, any type of paint he wants, spray paint, oil paints, acrylic, guache, you name it. Sometimes he has to refill by down some but usually it lasts him a while. The paints he makes are usually toxic however, some less then others.
Appearance: His eyes have a bioluminescent glow to them, they glow 24/7 but can be seen super strong in the dark and less strong in light.
I like to think he looks like this as he original form, but when he's around most people his skin has a faint glow, and his appearnce can tend to change to someones most desired person. Whether they be non existent or real. However if someone dosent have one he's himself.


(I keep forgetting to do my own character whoops)

Name: Azure Malie Keftel
Age (20+): 21
Species: Eskeran (basically human)
Reason for Imprisonment: Speeding
Gender/Pronouns: Female; she/her
Sexuality: Straight
Preferred Weapon: Her HX-868 plasma pistol, which was confiscated when she got to the Leviathan.
Abilities: Her cyborg parts are wickedly strong.
Appearance: Her right side was crushed in an accident when she was a baby, meaning that she has a cyborg white-metal right arm, right leg, and metal plating (covered in artificial skin) on the right side of her torso. Her hair is a bluish grey, and long; she prefers to wear it in a ponytail or braid. Moon-pale skin, blue eyes.
Other: She's a bit of a speed freak.