@Mojack group
but which one is worse?
Imagine you’re a bad person.
You don’t have to be bad bad, but from the eyes of the law, you’re just bad. You do things they don’t like. You get in their way. And every time they come close to catching you, you get away.
Maybe you work alone, maybe you don’t. Maybe you mostly work alone - but sometimes team up with others, or have contacts you might ‘work with.’
But one day, someone shows up, that changes your entire world.
And maybe that someone’s just the beginning of something that will change the entire world.
Vague description done so now we’re onto the usual part where I explain what I mean.
You are a criminal. You live in a modern fantasy world - living in a fictional city called Aleset. Aleset is a massive city, with multiple levels to it. It is not free of class division, however.
Elaborating on fantasy: there is magic, not all people have it but around 60% of the population has it. So a lot of people do have it.
Dividing it up into specifics, most people have:
50%: powers that at the most are only capable of causing physical harm to people, not large groups.
9%: powers that ARE capable of harming large groups of people; starts delving into the mental aspect of things (mind altering powers)
0.99%: powers that could harm people you’re not even standing next to, they could be on the other side of the country. often become extremely taxing to the personal health of the user from this point on
0.01%: powers that can harm anyone and everything, are incredibly hard to control. All over the world, without having to meet or touch anyone. Technically the 0.99% should be a 1%, since this small percentage of 0.01% is not confirmed to exist.
powers usually not used to harm people - most of the time, they’re used for different jobs and advantages. the fine and sentence for being caught using your power to harm another living being is super high - so it’s better to not do that, unless pushed to last resort.
the hook of this RP: my character comes in here. yeah, it’s another (character) jumps to another dimension RP. not on purpose though. and given his world-of-origin, it should be pretty interesting.
your character can chose whether they believe or don’t believe his claims of being someone from a different world. also, his claims of being a bad person. like. a really not so good person. but you’re a criminal - what could he be, that you haven’t heard of?
also, maybe my character coming to this world wasn’t just a single thing…
as usual, if I am not familiar with your writing style, I will request a sample preferably with dialogue.
here are the rules:
- no one liners.
- probably will be violence/fighting in this RP. this specific rule has two parts to it. first; there is a time and place for it. descriptions of injuries and blood n such are allowed.
- Second: in the event of a fight, do not autohit- but don’t dodge everything, either. Play to your strengths, remember your weaknesses.
- swearing is allowed. in all sorts of languages, too.
- Mature RPers preferably wanted.
- Response time could vary - just know I never ignore on purpose, there are multiple reasons as to why I don’t respond (uninspired/low motivation, work piles up/busy, anxious, mood, etc).
- say sexytimes do somehow happen - fade to black. I don’t expect them to happen for three main reasons: I’m slowburn usually + irl I am asexual. and for character reasons, I don’t know why a normal person would fall in love with my character to begin with shrug. But then again, the things I’ve seen…
- Ask questions as needed.
- Though I’ve already said this - I will ask for a writing sample with dialogue if I am not familiar with your style.
Age: (22-25)
Employment: (aside from being a criminal, do they have any jobs, if any?)
Appearance: (only mandatory thing is to include their height)
Clothing: (what they usually wear, their general style, etc)
Background: (share as much or as little as you want)
Power: (feel free to ask as to what sort of abilities you can have. if you already have an idea as to what your character does, clear it with me first.)
Other: (anything else goes. living conditions, if they live with anyone else, favourite things, etc)