@Mojack group
“Nobody’s gonna believe you, that one of the top Blaudian pilots crashed down in your property.”
The war that broke out 3 years ago is still ongoing, and with no end in sight. The aggressors may have been Eblus, but one of their allies, Blaudal has become one of the most fierce combatants in the war.
In Cashil, many people have gone off to fight the war, but some have stayed back, like with any war. Those unable to fight, too young, or are better off focused in another job have stayed. Though Cashil is an island and located a distance away from the main battles, it has been the target of devastating Blaudian air raids. Thankfully, the air raids have become less frequent, but that doesn’t make them any less scary to bear witness to.
You live in the Cashilian countryside, although not too far from the town of Penshaw, a coastal town. Whether it’s alone or with family, friends or something else, this is your home. You’ve been fortunate enough that bombs haven’t hit your property (Penshaw too, although a bomb did land on the beach, but did not go off).
One day, while outside, there’s a familiar buzzing in the sky. Before you know it, you see planes - no, not multiple. Just one you realize, and this one is smoking heavily. It’s also sinking closer and closer to the ground - you almost worry that it’ll hit you, but it doesn’t. It soars right over your abode and towards the thick forest beyond it, until finally crashing. It probably won’t be long until city guard arrives to check out the area, but also some curious people, eager (and concerned) to find out what’s happened, and maybe grab a ‘souvenir’ along the way.
It’s a Blaudian plane - it doesn’t take long to figure that out. Despite the wreckage, the Blaudian flag is clearly pained onto the tail of the plane. A black bottom stripe with a yellow top one, and a blue arc with a white dot towards the right of the flag. This specific model of plane has two pilots. The first pilot is still in the cockpit, dead - the problem is, the other pilot is missing. They couldn’t have gotten out somehow, could they?
Whatever happened to them, the advice sent out by the government is of course to report any signs of an enemy in the area. You don’t know what happens to the people when they’re captured, of course, as you’re just a civilian.
Even after the crash, you still can’t shake the fact that the Blaudian Pilot is hiding in or around Penshaw city.
Blaudal - ally of Eblus, enemy of Cashil. Another island country made up of multiple islands. People who live here are called Blaudians.
Cashil - The setting country of this RP. An island country, located far enough from Eblus and other main countries to not be right in the middle of the fray, but close enough to Blaudal to be the receiver of many air raids. People who live here are called Cashilians.
Eblus - the aggressor of The Great War. Ally to Blaudal. People who live here are known as Ebluns.
Zocron - ally of Eblus and Blaudal. Located on the Oban continent, where Eblus and the main conflict are occurring. People who live here are known as Zocians.
Oban - The continent where Zocron, Eblus, Blaudal, Beprar, and Floze are located.
Beprar - Ally to Cashil, located on Oban. The largest country in the world by size, but not by population or power. People who live here are called Beps.
Floze - A small neutral country on the southernmost part of Oban. People who live here are called Flozans.
Utura - ally to the Beps and Cashilians. People who live here are called Uturians.
Grobeth - the continent/area where Utura, Cashil and Blaudal are located.
Penshaw - a small coastal town on the southwest part of Cashil. Has cliffs, fields and forests in the general area. Located in the countryside. Main setting of the RP.
The Great War - the conflict that began 3 years ago when Eblus invaded Beprar.
PR - post revolution, the method of years used in this world.
Revolution - a term used to refer to when humans revolted against the Ancients, who had the humans in chains for centuries prior to that event.
Ancients - could be real, could be fake. No records aside from tales or paintings, the Ancients were giants with varying, bestial features who enslaved humans up until 0 PR. Ancients do not exist in the modern world, whether they existed at all is another question.
Technology: Older technology will be used in this RP, I’m talking 1930s-1940s stuff. No mobile phones, no social media, etc. Some slightly steampunk stuff in bigger cities but nothing like that in Penshaw + it would be unaffordable for most people in Penshaw anyways.
Months: We’ll just be using the standard 12 month cycle for this. (I would make my own, but I don’t want this post to get too long, plus that’s more worldbuilding ive gotta do on my own time.)
Years: Although months and days might be the same, years are not. The current year in this RP is known as 1925 PR (post revolution). The war would’ve begun in 1923 PR.
Naming: most of the countries in this RP are European based, when naming your character, keep that in mind (I recommend fantasynamegenerators.com, where you can look up a specific country to get names from)
Your character: Is from Cashil, but in reference to above, they could have had heritage in other countries (which could add an extra element to the RP if it was known heritage. Like if they were Eblun, they could be distrusted by some people. The only heritage that will be off limits is Blaudian.)
Each country has two real-world countries it takes inspiration from. Keep this in mind when it comes to names! Primarily, the countries are European inspired, but there are exceptions.
- England
- Netherlands
- Switzerland
- Italy
- Egypt
- Spain
- Russia
- Norway
- Germany
- Slovakia
- France
- Japan
- Cuba
- Greece
- Do not autohit, but don’t dodge everything either. Play to your strengths, but remember your weaknesses.
- Mature RPers, please. There may be some dark topics referenced depending on where the RP ends up going.
- And as always, swear to your heart’s desire!
- Ask questions as needed. I’ll be pleased to answer.
- Response time may vary, from same day to several days later. Please keep that in mind!
- Absolutely no one liners.
I’ll swing you into the sun if you do one even though you’ve read this rule - Please try to have good grammar/punctuation!
- Say the sexytimes somehow happen in this, it’ll probably be a fade to black sort of thing. Sorry. I’m not good at writing that stuff, nor am I extremely fond of reading it.
- If you have any ideas for this..let me know.
- This list may change (most likely won’t, but I always mention this just in case).
TEMPLATE (remove brackets)
Age: (19-24)
Heritage: (look to the list of countries! The only one that’s off limits is Blaudian, but everything else is free game; though your character will be a citizen of Cashil no matter what. They could also just be purely Cashilian.)
Background: (show as little or as much as you want)
If I am not familiar with your writing style, I will ask for a sample.