forum Too many UNREAD
Started by @jlhasa

people_alt 81 followers


I took a few months off to rethink some things, and I return to see nearly 1200 forum posts next to my "Discussions." Please tell me there is a mass-unsubscribe or something.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

In the left sidebar, go to My settings.

Go to your settings, and then to Preferences.

Scroll down to Notification preferences; at the bottom there should be this: "To change your forum preferences, including email notifications for posts you are following, please click here."

Click the link, and select "follow topics youre mentioned in".

Update settings and you should be unsubscribed from all. Sounds like you have 'follow all new topics' turned on right now. This should turn it off.