forum tonight, I’m arriving alive and alight. // CLOSED 2/2
Started by @the-void-phantasmic language

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@the-void-phantasmic language

Guys I let the intrusive thoughts win :(((
My friend that I shall not name Will bully me relentlessly over this dynamic choice please help me

So there’s this character dynamic that I got from a music album that I absolutely adore,,, Please bear with me

The album is Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium (by Chonny Jash, a lovely Tally Hall cover artist), but the three songs that best show each individual personality are The Heart Acoustic, The Mind Electric, and The Soul Eclectic. basically, think Left Brain Right Brain by Bo Burnham’s edgy cousin

Now I’m but half of a hollow man’s lies. . . The love, the hate, the emotional side.

The Heart: the right brain. creativity, emotion, intuition, abstract concepts. they find themselves being overly emotional and they struggle with being overreactive.

I’m sure it seems from his point of view, that I’m a simple, cynical machine.

The Mind: the left brain. logic, analytics, language, objective concepts. they often don’t see past the facts and logic, seeing emotion and feelings as simply getting in the way.

Oh, label me whatever you would like. . . Call me your host, or call me insane.

The Soul: separated from the brain. they serve as the leader of the group, kind of. I like to see them as a tired parent or older sibling, lmao. But they’re also chaotic asf and won’t hestiate to cause ✨problems✨

Basically, the Heart and Mind hate each other and constantly argue, but have Soul as a mutual friend, so they end up being around each other frequently. Mind sees Heart as useless, sees their emotional tendencies as a burden, and is easily ticked off by them. Heart sees Mind as a cold, unfeeling machine, that doesn’t care about anything other than logic. (Which is partially true.) These arguments get heated pretty quickly, and usually need to be settled down by Soul, the mediator of the three.

Soul decides to contact each of them individually, to meet at one place together, in an attempt to get them to get along. But neither Heart nor Mind knows the other will be there.

Will the Soul help the Heart and Mind learn to see past their differences and reconcile? Or will everything fall apart? Well, this time, it’s up to us to find out.

Heart: Me ( @ame-the-spooky-scary-skeleton)

Mind: @Morals-are-for-mortals

Soul: @maglo-the-stressed-person


  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules.
  • Please be active at least once a day, but I would prefer a bit more, since I’d like this to stay pretty active.
  • your character can be mean, but you can’t.
  • on that note, you can curse but using any slurs will get you kicked out immediately. I feel very strongly about this.
  • 2-3 sentence minimum. I get it, we get tired and can’t write as well for the day, and that’s okay! Just try your best, nothing like “She sneezed.” and we’re on good terms, lol
  • Also, if you think you may not be active for an extended time period, please warn me first.
  • No godmodding or powerplaying. It’s sad I have to say this.
  • I will give you a character template. You may edit the template a bit to match your character and preferences, but I would like it to stay moderately detailed. And please, don’t just send your character’s Notebook page.
  • if I’m not familiar with your style, I’ll ask for a sample.
  • I do reserve the right to say no. If our styles clash, or I otherwise don’t feel that we’d be good role playing partners, I may turn you down. It’s not about you, and I will say I’m a little nitpicky about writing styles.

Character Template:

Basic Info

Nicknames (if any):
Gender and pronouns:


Skin tone:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Other blemishes:
Body type:
Usual outfit:


Basic personality:
Physical conditions:
Mental conditions:
Quotes (optional):

My Character:

Basic Info

Name: Juno Hall
Nicknames (if any): whatever you come up with, ig
Age: 17
Gender and pronouns: genderfluid, she/they/he


Skin tone: pale
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye color: deep brown, almost black
Hair color: raven black
Hair style: reaches the middle of their back, usually tied in a loose ponytail
Scars: mostly small scars on their face and arms from picking/scratching at their skin
Other blemishes: freckles, dark circles
Body type: small and thin, built like a child kind of
Usual outfit: normally just baggy hoodies and pants with combat boots, usually in black or other dark tones, plus a pair of sunglasses to shield their eyes from the light.


Basic personality: quiet, introverted, emotional, tends to lash out if put under too much stress, skittish, kind of a mess, tries to see the silver lining but struggles (help them), over-apologetic
Sexuality: pansexual
Physical conditions: sensory issues, mostly optical, which results in a strong aversion to bright lights
Mental conditions: depression, anxiety
Quotes (optional):

  • “I don’t know how I feel about the sun. It’s warm, but it hurts my eyes…”
  • “You know that scares me.”
  • “I can’t just… not be sad.”
  • “Oh, did I bother you..?”

Other: they have a lot of stimming and self-soothing habits, mainly stemming from anxiety and emotional stress. Sometimes, they laugh if they don’t know how else to react to stressful situations.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Character Template:

Basic Info

Name: Apollon Sharpe
Role: The Mind
Nicknames (if any): Apollo
Age: 18-20
Gender and pronouns: Male, He/him


Skin tone: Light
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 190-ish
Eye color: Grey
Hair color: White
Hair style: Straight and down, styled in the front.
Scars: A scar on his left eye, and another strange scar on his left temple. (Yes, I’m keeping that.)
Other blemishes: None, or TBD.
Body type: Tall and thin, but athletic. Built like a typical villain. (/j)
Usual outfit: Favors formal to semi-formal style clothing in monochrome colors, often dark. Very clean-cut.
Face claim (picrew):


Basic personality: Apollon is a cold, calculating character. He often disregards people’s emotions, dismissing them and instead believing that having no emotion at all would be a better life to lead. He rarely ever apologizes for his actions. He often mocks the Heart for their over-emotional stance, and openly has a negative disposition about them. However, the main emotions he does display regardless consist of annoyance and anger.
Sexuality: Unknown.
Physical conditions: None.
Mental conditions: Possibly narcissistic, anger issues.
Quotes (optional):

  • ”I don’t even know why you bother with this.”
  • ”I’m sure it seems from their point of few that I’m a simple, cynical machine.”
  • ”I merely want the best for our lives. And the answer is right there, in front of us. But you’re too blind to see it.”
  • “Love and emotion is a fools errand.”

Other: Might add something here later.

Deleted user

(So by realism that means that these are all actual people, and the Mind and Heart thing is just their dynamics and vibe?)

Deleted user

Name: Sol/Sal

Age: 19
Gender and pronouns: He/him, Male


Skin tone: Pale
Height: 6'1
Eye color: Golden
Hair : Silver, curly and short
Body type: Tall and lean
Usual outfit: Wears long sleeves and pants often. Very cozy. Doesn't wear any extra layers beyond that, unless its actively in a blizzard


Basic personality: A calming presence, acts as a peacekeeper pretty often. Quite relaxed, though he has an excellent sense of humour. He sometimes wishes his friends were a little less argumentative with each other. Very much a pacifist. Has a tendency to forget things, due to a sometimes one track mind.
Sexuality: Aroace
Physical conditions: N/A
Mental conditions: N/a(probably)

@the-void-phantasmic language

Juno kept their head down and stared at the ground as they walked down the street. Even with their glasses, they didn’t like looking up very much, especially on a bright day like this one. The only reason they went out was because Sol had told them to meet him at the park nearby. They picked at a spot on their forehead, glancing up to make sure they were still going in the right direction.

As they arrived, they looked around to see if they could spot Sol. Not seeing him, they just assumed they got there a little early. They found a spot in the shade and sat down there, hugging their knees to their chest. They started humming to themselves, subconsciously swaying back and forth slightly.

(Sorry, ‘tis a bit short for a starter 😔)

Deleted user

"Hey Juno!" Sol drops out from the tree above, landing in a sitting position next to her. He grins at her. "Glad you made it Juno! How've you been?" Sol had invited both Juno and Apollon to the park, but he knew that Juno would be early, and Apollon would be right on time. So he would have time to chat with Juno, so perhaps Sol could make it so that an argument didn't instantly break out once they both were here.

@the-void-phantasmic language

Juno quickly looked over at Sol as he sat next to them, blinking a few times before letting out a short, startled laugh. “Hi, Sol.” They leaned back against the tree’s trunk and bit their lip. “I’ve been fine, I guess. Though, I am grateful you got me to go outside for once. Who knows if I’d ever do it myself.” They gave Sol a small smile, happy to spend some time alone with their friend.