For one of my character's I'm heavily considering having him previously had a speech delay when he was younger and before I make that decision I'd rather be more educated on the topic! I did a bit of research but I still have some questions that hopefully y'all can help me with.
-Can it carry over it adulthood and what would that look like?
-What are some reasonings a child could be delayed? I know autism is one of the reasons and same as hearing disabilities but as of know I'm not convinced this character having autism would work out so well, maybe the hearing but even then thats a big maybe
-What learning disabilities are linked to speech delay?
-What would you consider dos and don'ts for writing a character with speech delay?
If you have any comments or general things to note feel free to put them here too! I wanna make sure that if I decide this fits the character well instead of trying to force something onto him.