Hello! I have a new world I'm developing, and I thought, how fun would it be to develop via rp. Just saying.
The year is 2089, and even though climate change has been under control since 2023, this last decade has been a dark one. So-called "Dirty Business" is on the rise in countries like America, Great Britain, and the Koreas. Together, they form an alliance, calling themselves the Billionaires for the Betterment of Businesses (BIFBOB), where money once again makes might, and might inevitably makes right. Nature, having finally settled closer to her original balance, is now being threatened again, by the same pollutants as well as many new ones.
A conference of the Natural-ethical World County Committee (NATEWC) is called, and they decide peace is not an option this time around. This time, they must act quickly, and put a stop to this destruction before it gets out of hand. They choose warriors who will be able to fight for mother nature, and send them to protect the world. It is thier job to keep the businessmen and women who seek only power and money away from the forests, mountains, grasslands, and jungles they have no claim on. They will not be allowed to steal that land again.
…Only, we aren't playing as any of those people. We are part of an ethically neutral scientific board, (The Ethically Neutral Board of Science (ENBS)), that has been commissioned to create monsters to battle the NATEWC's warrior squads. Using the newly discovered technology of Alchemic Science, the closest thing the world has to magic, the BIFBOB wants us to bring back the greatest creatures to ever walk this earth - dinosaurs. Only…model them after cars. Cool cars. Why? Because the uppity ups at BIFBOB want us to. And they're paying the big bucks.
We, being generally fed up with everyone, like to jokingly refer to these two entities as NATE WOT IN CHRIST?? and BIFF BOB respectively. In fact, Nate and Bob have become the 'Yankee' of the modern day.
Come join if you have a scientist you'd like to play! Alchemic Science is a new and budding craft, and with it, we can create anything!
…Even car-dinos.
Can be a romance, if we want, totally chill w/ that ^^
First come first serve, but you do have to ask before joining
I may ask for a writing example if we haven't rp'd before or if I don't know you
May contain some pretty dark themes and more mature content
But also, let's face it…it's comedy.
Do not be rude please
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s
If you have any complaints, do not hesitate to bring them to me!
I may change or update these at any time
Please be active. If you can't keep going, just let me know, it's no problem
Please have good grammar. Thank-you. Occasional slip ups are fine, of course.Also, having decent paragraphing is appreciated. For longer replies, an extra line, like this:
Is appreciated to keep things easier to read.
Swearing is fine, and allowed, just don't go too overboard
No god modding
Please keep your replies a little longer. Doesn't have to be more than 3 lines, but wherever you can, try to stay above 1.
I am only active to rp on Tuesday, occasionally Thursday. If you do not like infrequent replies, this is not the rp for you, that is all