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forum "They were roomates" oxo (open)
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

And they were roomates ~

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know about an idea I have for a roleplay prompt. It's heros and villain type beat so if you don't like that type of stuff you don't have to keep reading lol.
Basically the hero and the villain end up roomates in the same house but both of them are trying to hide the fact that they are the hero and the villain.
Though it becomes increasingly harder to hide when they start coming home with unexplained injuries and have to make up very lack luster excuses.
Plus if they are already friends/best friend.
They could also be just acquaintances if you want it to be.
It could go a lot of different directions and I'm open to discussion. Especially stuff like anti heros, vigilantes and etc.



I'm open to be either role

@RhysTheFirebird group

Name: Cyris (with a 's' sound)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Looks: Flame red hair, that's a little shaggy and always in an unkempt style with the looks that he's always running his fingers through his hair. He has amber eyes, that seem to glow in the dark, like a felines. He stands at about 5'10" with a lean body type and corded muscles. He usually wear dark fine clothes that are easy to move around in. He also has whip mark scars all over his back from punishments for running away.
Personality: His mind hearted interior has been scared due to his up bringing, so he tends to have a rough, jaded output. His tone almost always short and snapoy, he tends towards borderline offensive and he has a 'strike first as questions never' attitude. Inside he's kind, and is just super curious, and sometimes the curiosity can be seen when he starts asking lost of questions about things.
Likes: He loves reading and learning, but he does so in a physical maner, preferring to always be moving as well.
Dislikes: Cyris dislikes anyone tell g him what to do and when to do it, but he'll usually do it with out a fuss, but continually doing so will build his dislike for you until he eventually gets enough and the back lash can be dangerous.
Fears: Cyris is irrationally afraid of silence. The kind of silence with no background sound at all. If you put him in a sound proof room, he would have a full blown panic attack and do anything to get out.
Heights, especially man made heigts. He just feels super unstable, as if whatever he is standing on is going to colapse.
Hand to hand combat. Despite his intense trading and the fact he's one of the best at it, he despises seeing the pain on peoples faces and he does everything he can to avoid it. (Hence why he becomes an assassin)
History: Cyris was orphaned when he was just 2, and someone found him in the ashes of the fire that burned his parents home down. The man, Fioln, became his adoptive father, raising Cyris from the moment he could walk and hold things, to be silent on his feet, listen and be deadly. Cyris enjoyed his training and looked forward to it everyday. But along side the trading came schooling. This, Cyris resented with a burning passion, and would do anything to get out of them.
He quickly learned though, that Fioln was smart, and when Cyris got out of his studies, he made the boy miss training as well. So, Cyris learned to accept the evil and learned the content he was supposed to.
By the age of 13, Cyris was one of the best trained fighters, better than every boy his age and ahead of them by 3 years. This lead Cyris to be taken on as an assassin and body guard for on of the 'Selected' in the society when he was only 14. The boy could beat anyone in a straight out fight who was 18, and had been training just as long as he had. Despite his rigours training thiugh, he refused to do hand to hand, preferring the shadows and stealth of assassination. If you wanted someone dead, he would kill them, but every time you put him in the ring with someone, he would never be able to finish them.

I’m not CRAZY about people having superpowers, as it’s kind of difficult to monitor OP, as I hate Op, but if you want superpowers, we can do that

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Elise Jessie benjamin /ELI 15 (Extraterrestrial learning intelligence)
Age: 21
Gender: female

Personality: she's extremely friendly and extroverted to almost everyone she meets. She's talkative and will talk off anyone's ears if they let her. She's loyal to anyone that she meets, along with sticking by their side when anyone needs defense.

Likes:Her best friend Ryan, friends, aliens, puppy's, kittens, making friends, having fun 

Dislikes:Rude people,Her best friend getting hurt, Not being able to help.

Fears: people thinking she's going to hurt them or kill them, people being afraid of her, hurting innocent people, failing someone. People finding out she's actually a robot. Failing in love with someone only for them to never love her back because she can't do things a human girl could do.

Bio: She was a goverment science project, she was made by a doctor in a lab. She started out as an ai program only to turn into a hand as well, and then the doctor made her a full body with synthetic skin and actual hair like a real girl's. He managed to make her sentient, imputing within her to always protect those who couldn't protect themselves.
She was made to defend the earth against aliens, it's why she's made to look just like a human, with the capility to heat up to resemble body heat and the ability to eat and swallow foods. (Just not digest them)
She was eventually just, cast to the side as a defensive measure seeing as no aliens have come.
She's decided to start saving people instead of waiting around and collecting dust.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Elise had just come home from being gone for a couple days from the house, she had let Cyril know she was going to be gone, she just didn’t tell him why or where she was going. She had needed to get repaired and couldn’t let him see her fixing herself in her room. She moved to unlock the front door and then walk inside, she didn’t know if he was home or not.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyris was lounging on the couch nursing a burn on his arm, scowling at it. He looks up when he hears the door unlock and then open, "Elise?" He gets up swiftly, dropping the ice pack onto the coffee table and turns around to watch the girl walk in.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

She paused when she heard Cyris Call out to her before moving over towards him, “hey cy, I’m home.” She spoke, waving a bit at him before she noticed the burn on his arm. She frowned and swiftly walked over to him. “How did you get that burn?”

@RhysTheFirebird group

He laughs softly, "Oh, I spilt not water on myself while making some food this norning. I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

He sucks his arm out of her reach, moving away slightly.