forum The World is a Big Place and You Are a Very Tiny Human REBOOT / one on one / Closed!!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I've got a tiny people prompt, anyone interested? I'd just like to have a roleplay qwq

A world where a species of humans was discovered that evolved near identical to our own- except for their height. At a mere few inches tall, this new species has been deemed too helpless by the general population, thus to be treated as pets needing constant protection.
People who have “service tinies” instead of therapy dogs/other animals. They keep the tiny with them all the time, and they help the giant calm down from panic attacks, detect medical problems, help with physical disabilities, all kinds of stuff. Just… tinies helping people as their job. For example, a blind person always has a tiny on their shoulder who help them locate themselves when they move around or to retrieve objects for them; a person who would use a tiny as a fidget item (either gently or not) to calm themselves in stressful situation, or to have their hands occupy while they concentrate on something else; tinies with some kind of simplified therapist formation that would be frowned upon bc doesn't replace a real therapy session but still preferred by some people that don't want to go to or can't afford a therapist

Person A wasn't expecting to find themself in the Tiny section of the pet store, but there they were. They also weren't expecting to find one of the tinies (Person B) had a shock collar to 'deal with behavioral problems,' and had been in and out of the shop for the past six months. Least of all, they didn't expect themselves to be buying the tiny.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

So, size can range anywhere from 4 inches to up to a foot, and some people also like to go as big as only half the size of a normal person. It's up to you to decide what you'd be most comfortable with, I'm good with any of those sizes!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin kept to themselves as they stepped into the small, local pet shop. Their car had broken down so they couldn't head into the city like they normally did, but they needed feed for their mouse. So, hands deep in their pockets and head down, they moved through the isles, glancing up occasionally. They didn't know their way around, yet, so they looked like they were wandering around. Silent the entire time, they passed through several different rows that housed the animals for sale here- they didn't pay much attention, having to desire to take a new animal in.
When they looked up again as they walked, they were surprised to find themselves in a Tiny section. They'd thought only properly licensed big retail stores could afford to have them. So, they gave pause, glancing at the Tinies in the glass cages.

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Lian paced in her cage, wild eyes peering out into the open shop behind her little glass wall. Her hand kept coming up to gently touch the collar around her neck and then back down to her side, like she was afraid of what would happen if she held on for too long. She had been dropped back off in the shop yesterday, covered in scratches from a fight with another Tiny. They had won, of course, but they were still dropped off as soon as the giants came back and saw what she had done.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin's eyes darted over the Tinies before him, taking it all in. How could this place be qualified to house them? The human kept looking, eyes pausing on one in particular. She had scratches all over, and they looked recent too. Had the shop even considered taking care of them before putting her up for sale? And what was that around her neck?
The human knelt down some to get a better look at the Tiny, biting their lip. Marin didn't like this, not one bit.

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When Lian's clear view of the store was taken up by two pairs of giant eyes, she tripped backwards in her effort to get away. Her small hands balled into fists and she slowly inched into the back corner, trying not to be seen.

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Lian squinted her eyes at them and skirted forward a bit, tapping the glass before racing back to the back of the cage. They grabbed the small piece of fabric that constituted as their bed and pulled it over their head, playing the ultimate strategy of: If I don't see them, they don't see me.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Marin watched the Tiny tap the glass, then run back to the back of the cage again. They let out a soft breath, running one hand through their hair. They looked up, trying to find someone to talk to about the state this Tiny was in. They stayed in front of the cage, hands folding back in their hoodie pocket.
"Hello?" they called out.