@Mojack group
War isn’t fun. It never is. The people that come in expecting to be heroes are often the first to come to the realization. You have the other people that have already realized it all.
The war between man and machine began about two years ago, in 2304. It is now 2036. There are no signs of it slowing down, nor a peace treaty. You know the machines are more than capable of understanding peace - but they do not want it. They want this Earth to be theirs, for humans to be theirs. They wish to be the superior species. And currently - the war is in their favour.
You fight in this war. Whether it’s willingly or not, you are one of the many fighters. Maybe you’ve been in this war since the beginning, maybe not.
It’s an average day on the western front - polluted, cold and dark. Things that may encompass your duties include patrolling, writing reports, cleaning and maintaining equipment, and more. Of course, there’s also fighting - but your portion of the Front has been quiet lately. Not much fighting going on, even though you know that over that barren wasteland, over that city in the distance - the machines are there, somewhere. Preparing.
But then there’s a sudden panic on the wall, and you see the gates open. The recent patrol has come back. No casualties. In fact, they bring back one more with them, but it’s debatable if they’re alive or not. You don’t catch much, but they’re a lot bigger than your average human, height wise and build. They’re also more metallic looking. Is that just armour…or did the patrol just bring in a machine?
Whatever the case is, you can’t help but feel curious as they carry the stretcher with the newcomer into the medcenter.
Hello hello hello! Here’s a new RP. Apocalyptic themes, with a slight bit of biopunk (you’ll see where the ‘bio’ comes in eventually)
Whoever joins the RP will be one of the soldiers fighting in war - my character, is this mysterious humanoid brought into the base.
As usual, lore bits/clarifications:
- machines still live along humans, but there’s a fear surrounding them. Cities have established machine zones, where machines don’t leave, or else they’re to be ‘shut down’ (aka destroyed.)
- city machines, in effort to look more human use artificial technology which essentially gives them a more human look.
- the machines in the war see blending in to humans as submitting to them. most of these machines refuse to wear artificial technology, thus they look more mechanical.
- not all machines are humanoid. you won’t find a non-humanoid machine in a city, though (only rare cases, if they got smuggled in, or completely depowered). in fact, in the Machine Army (the human name of the opposing side in the war; machines have a different name for it) most machines make themselves look as non humanoid as possible.
- machines can speak human languages, but only do so on the occasion they communicate with humans. otherwise, they speak in their own language, a mixture of frequencies sometimes perceivable to humans, sometimes not. no translation exists.
- the war began as a small one for machines to be freed of humans, but the more mankind pushed back, the harder the flames of war burned, until it escalated into global conflict.
- for once, humans have put their differences aside and put their resources together.
- the machines have polluted the world, even more than the humans, consuming resources to make more of themselves and flood humans out of their living spaces. if you’re travelling in a polluted spot (e.g, deep in the wastelands; while the outer edges are safe the farther you go the more your lifespan could be shortened, or you could even just die right in the wasteland) protective gear such as masks is recommended.
- as machines do not need air to breathe, this was a strategy on their part.
- cities are generally safe, using technology to keep the air breathable. larger, more established bases (like the one you’re in) is also safe.
- around a few months before the first machine uprising, there were also experiments on humans to create a stronger human. although the final result wasn’t achieved, offspring of these ‘Mod-humans’ still lives on today.
- M-humans live longer, age slower (they age at the same rate as normal humans up until they reach 20, then their physical age slows down), are generally stronger and have better stamina. they can live for up to 200 years. the only physical different between them and normal humans is the ring of gold around their pupils in their inner irises.
- technology puts emphasis on protection against machines. when radios aren’t available, older methods are put to use - the use of birds and letters.
- the base you reside in has a massive wall protecting it. it goes down several feet in the ground as well, meaning anyone hoping to go under it would have to dig very deep. the only way through is the gates, operated by humans - or above.
- Do not autohit, but don’t dodge everything either. Play to your strengths, but remember your weaknesses.
- This will probably be a mature RP in terms of violence n blood. Though there’s a time and place for those two.
- And as always, swear to your heart’s desire!
- Ask questions as needed. I’ll be pleased to answer.
- Response time may vary, from same day to several days later. Please keep that in mind!
- Absolutely no one liners.
I’ll swing you into the sun if you do one even though you’ve read this rule - Please try to have good grammar/punctuation!
- Say the sexytimes somehow happen in this, it’ll probably be a fade to black sort of thing. Sorry. I’m not good at writing that stuff, nor am I extremely fond of reading it.
- If you have any ideas for this..let me know.
- This list may change (most likely won’t, but I always mention this just in case).
If I do not recall your writing style I will ask for a sample
TEMPLATE (remove brackets.)
Age: (20-27)
Species: (Are they modified or just a normal human? modified humans have gold rings around their pupils in the inner part of their irises, are generally stronger and don’t get as tired as normal humans. they also live longer and age slower; although they age at a normal human rate until they reach 20. they can live up to 200)
Clothing: (the average uniform of a soldier was mass produced, and fell apart at a faster rate even with good care. there aren’t many rules as to what you can wear; the higher ups stopped caring about uniforms long ago. as long as it’s not impacting your ability to move quickly and fight, you should be fine)
Skills: (anything they’re good at, goes here)
Fears: (anything they fear)
Other: (anything else, fun facts, etc, goes here.)