forum *the train conductors souls*
Started by @Adam_gets_railed_by_men

people_alt 79 followers


a roleplay about a professor and his older student. the 45-year-old was diagnosed with terminal cancer, affecting his bones and causing walking problems. they eventually notice each other the younger student following the professor home and making sure he gets home fine. more to come as we go along, the theme for this RP is Oceans by Hillsong United and Taya



john watched as the train arrived the whistle reminding him of a song long ago… 2039, that's the year and yet we still haven't replaced our trains… it was nothing new for the old profecer. He was long used to riding the train alone, and his arm crutches helped him walk a little faster than without them. but they made all the difference when it came to walking, he wasn't in nearly as much pain when he used these. his doctor kept trying to put him into a wheelchair, except the young man was a little too stubborn for that. the crutches were almost enough for him.

He felt the jostle to a stop as his stop arrived, and he got off and walked the rest of the way to school. maybe one day hed beat this cancer, hopefully, his students will present today, he always lets them have extra time. maybe, that's why he was the favorite among his college..

out of 80 profecers, he was the favorite.. such a funny thought…

the cold of the classroom made him break out of his thoughts. an almost empty classroom. he knew any moment the rest of his students would fill in and hed get his lecture started. "welcome in young minds, so tell me, are we all ready to present our short stories? or must we need a third extra day?' he asked, bowing as his class came in.


College had never been an option for Chase right after high school. Despite being an honors student on the path to having an amazing career in whatever field he chose to pursue, his plans had been crushed by a devastating diagnosis. Only a couple of weeks after his graduation, his mother had been diagnosed with cancer. Unwilling to witness his family fail to pay for her treatment and provide for themselves, he joined the workforce, taking responsibility to help keep the family running. As the oldest of his siblings, it was his job, wasn't it?

Even if he had to put his own plants on hold, it had all been worth it. His mother received treatment and stayed as happy and comfortable as she could, despite her terminal illness. His siblings eventually grew up and moved out, pursuing their careers while staying close to the family. They had each started their own after a few years. Seeing his mother's smile as she met her grandchildren for the first time brought tears to his eyes originally. Oh, how happy she was, even in chronic pain.

However, she sadly passed away when he was twenty-eight. It had been a long, painful battle, ten years of fighting, false recoveries just for the cancer to come back stronger after a few months, and she had finally lost. Despite his grief, Chase kept working to finish paying off her medical bills so his father wouldn't go into debt, allowing him ample time to grieve the loss of his wife. It was yet another sacrifice he was willing to make.

While her passing still stung eleven years later, Chase had gotten into a better mental state, one of the best he'd ever been in. Despite his occasional moments of grief—typically brief, prompted by something that reminded him of his mother—he had finally brought his original plans to life. Once the rest of his mother's medical bills had been paid off, he put his savings towards paying for his college education. Now, at thirty-nine, he was a few years into it, achieving the dreams he had set for himself over twenty years prior.

On that late November morning, he stepped into his favorite classroom, a warm smile on his face. His typically neat, dirty blond hair had been blown around by the breeze. Half of his bangs scattered across his face, a few strands obscuring his hazel eyes while the other remained in place. Two clips held them in place, given to him by his niece. How could he refuse to keep a hairstyle she had given him? She had even given him a pink scarf to match, perfect for the chilly, autumn morning.

"Good morning!" He turned to John, his favorite professor, with a bright grin. "It's a bit chilly this morning, isn't it?" He chuckled softly, his smile unwavering. "Gotta love this time of year. It's so peaceful, like this class."

His smile grew warmer as he turned away from his professor and took his usual seat in the classroom. The university was rather small, just the way he preferred. Close relationships could be formed, and he had especially bonded with John, quickly turning him into his favorite professor. Once he sat down, he watched as other students entered the classroom until class began.


john smiled as his eldest student greeted him in the usual way " It is quite chilly outside. maybe we could do a writing prompt on it?' he suggested before moving on once the rest of the students settled. he looked to chase, his best and most determined student, for the start of the day " So! chase, would you like to do the honors of starting of this wonderful class? it has been three weeks and three extra days since your short story writing prompts were due on leadership, so let's hear them. chase shall be first if he feels ready and after that will go alphabetically. then maybe we can watch a fall-themed movie?" he suggested,

as the students talked and mingled the professor set up the mic and podium. he sighed, his cancer bothering him with the cold. though he bared through it, putting on a brave face, and letting his students show their views as what a leader should be in a story.


As John called on him, Chase glanced up at him and smiled as he listened to his request about sharing his story with the class. The assignment had been a short one given a couple weeks before Thanksgiving break, nothing more than a quick story showcasing leadership. Unlike most assignments, this one hadn't felt like homework. Most of his assignments for the class never did, as most students had a passion for literature and writing their own stories.

"Gladly!" His warm smile returned as he looked around the classroom. "My story follows a young noble in a collapsing kingdom. His father, the king, had been selfish, taking advantage of the citizens and tormenting the poor simply for their lack of wealth until they revolted, attempting to put an end to his tyranny. Many were killed, but eventually, there had been a successful assassination, putting an end to his rule.

"After witnessing the murder, our protagonist, the new king, promised his citizens that he would value their needs. While skeptical, the assassin decided to spare him, leaving him to rule the kingdom on his own. While he might have been unsure of himself and his abilities, he accepted the challenge of ruling a kingdom without a second thought.

"From there, he visited the towns of his kingdom and gave some of their citizens royal jobs, being to report to him about the town's needs and potential solutions. Receiving information directly from his citizens about their needs and consulting his advisors, he made informed decisions to improve the well-being of as many citizens as he can.

"As he did this, he also kept track of foreign relations and negotiated deals to avoid wars, attempting to benefit both kingdoms in the process. While he was well-liked, he never let the wealth, power, and adoration get to him, instead remaining a serious, caring leader who prioritized those he was supposed to rule over and guide.

"During this, he opened many new schools, open to anyone, and charities, as well as personally training those who chose to join the royal guard. In the face of adversity, he remained calm, ensuring safety of as many as he could.

"In the end, his story was meant to showcase that a true leader understands how to take charge and work towards the change they want to see. It provided examples of how leaders should consult others for information and their feelings to ensure effective decisions. As for why I made him a noble, I did so to showcase that responsibility comes with power, yet power does not always corrupt. Part of leadership is accepting power without letting it get to your head, after all."

As he finished explaining, his gaze focused on John, watching as he subtly shivered. While it was chilly that morning, a brief hint of concern made its way into his gaze, though it faded quickly. Then he glanced around the classroom, watching his classmates' reactions to his story and preparing to hear about some of theirs, as always.


john gave a soft smile, seeing Chase's face show to one of concern. he figured it was stage fright more than worry at the time. "you got this.." he whispered,

John clapped as his student finished the short story, amazed at how well he portrayed his leader and the woeful background. john knew that the kid would go places, as he had the entire class wanting more of the story in the end. it was amazing to see how far kids could learn and grow when given the right conditions to thrive.

" good job chase, give it up for this amazing story class!" he said playfully, as he started to stand up. putting his forearms back into the placeholders for the arms of his crutches. " now the next kid" he said

the day trailed on slowly after that, student after student reading their story and portraying their meaning of a good leader. he listened as his students showed what they learned, and he was proud. his students had come so far from the beginning of this year, from fresh out of high school to some of the best scholars he's seen in a few good years.

the end of the day had come quicker than expected, the last bell rang and the professor dismissed his last class. gathering his things and walking along the now almost empty quarter, watching as students met up with friends and began to leave, all laughing and mingling happily. he listened in on some of the stories, some talked about the trips they did over the break, and others talked about seeing missed family members. he wished he was still in touch with some of his family. in all honesty, John wasn't that old, maybe about 45 at this point. hed lost count, all the years with cancer, had tanked his mental health and hed stopped counting the days for a while. now it was almost September, and December was even closer.
he hated this time of year, it was only a distant reminder of his diagnosis. and the deadline that came with it.
that would be why he never got closer to another person. it was like starting a happy story only to forget the ending and leave the book without a happy ending. though, not all books have happy endings he guessed. but he wouldn't be another person's loney ending.
his death would only bring pain, and he could only imagine how all of his students would feel after he left. it kills him to leave them all behind.

maybe he should retire this year? to help ease the pain? would it though, maybe not but he could only hope. john looked up. his feet had already led him to the train station, the cold air nipping at his already purple-tinted lips. " Sure is cold huh" he whispered to himself.


Once he finished explaining his story to the rest of his classmates, Chase glanced at them as they gave their applause. Even if it had been prompted by their professor, it had been genuine as well. If he had learned one thing during his classes, it was that his younger classmates were quite supportive of his work and skill. Then again, he had kept his hobby of writing even as a stressed, busy young adult working hard to provide for his family or to save for his college education.

Once that was over and class continued, he spent his time focusing on his classmates' stories and their interpretations of leadership, occasionally giving his own feedback. Some of his classmates asked for his advice when it came to their stories, and he hadn't even shared it with them. All he gave them was a summary. A long one, sure—enough to be a short essay—but he hadn't shared the actual work with them just yet. Once class was over, he'd share his document with them and allow them to read it for themselves, like he usually did.

For the rest of class, he listened to discussions about leadership as everyone shared details of their stories until the discussion finally came to an end. With how much passion had been put into some of the descriptions, it ended just as they had finished with the last one. Seeing everyone filled with the same passion for writing always caused Chase to smile. His classmates possessed a lot of passion for the subject, or at least most of them did. How could he not admire that, even if he possessed that very same passion?

Once it had finally ended, he watched as his classmates left the room before gathering his things. Like usual, he decided to stick around and chat with John, as he enjoyed having small conversations with him whenever class was over, unless he had somewhere to he. Besides, his subtle shivers had grown more noticeable throughout the duration of the class, adding to his concern. Maybe he should check on him, just to make sure that he was alright.

With that in mind, he grabbed his and approached John, like usual. Since neither of them had anything to do, he'd likely stick around and chat for a while, as per usual. Whenever neither of them needed to go somewhere directly after class, he'd stick around for half an hour or so or walk with him to the train station, happily chatting with his favorite professor about whatever subject came to mind.

Most of the walk to the train station had been mindless chatter, neither of them thinking much about what they were doing. Before they knew it, they had both reached the train station. As John looked up, he finally noticed the purple tint to his lips. A strong wave of concern hit him, causing him to sigh.

"Are you alright?" His tone matched his worried expression. "Your lips are turning purple… Here, take this…" Without another word, he removed his pale pink scarf and handed it to John. "I've noticed how cold you've been. It's concerning. Please, take that so you can keep warm…"


john was taken aback by his student's kindness. "thank you, and I'm quite alright, just not a fall kinda person, the cold can get to me," he said with a soft chuckle.
"wouldn't you need this more?" he asked, his hand resting on the scarf " Would you not be cold?"
john waited for the train door to open before getting onto the train with Chase. he sighed as he saw someone in the disabled seat. he wouldn't judge someone, for not all disabilities are visible, but he wished someone would give their seat for him sometimes. but the train was way too full already, as it was time for everyone to head home. He released the buckle on his arm crutch and raised his hand to hold onto one of the standing hooks.

"So Chase, you seemed to indulge yourself in this prompt, was there a reason behind it, maybe a role to your story? or did you completely make this up on the whip? I'm interested to hear your ideas behind this story." he asked, his curiosity showing


Despite John's attempt at reassuring him that he was alright, Chase's worried expression remained. His lips had been tinted purple, a sign of excessive cold. How could he not worry about that? Surely it was not normal for him to be that cold. His concern was natural, and he gave him the scarf to provide some sort of warmth, even if it was only a bit. He'd rather not see his favorite professor suffer from hypothermia.

Once asked if he would need the scarf more than him, he shook his head. He typically didn't wear scarves, but his niece had picked it out for him, much like the hair clips residing in his bangs. However, she'd understand that the scarf had gone to someone close to him. Even as a small child, she was quite understanding, so it wasn't much to worry about. Besides, he couldn't stand to see his favorite professor and one of his closest friends suffer.

"No, no, I'll be alright, promise." Despite his concern, he gave him a reassuring smile. "Your lips are turning purple. You need it, really. It's only going to get colder once winter hits…"

While he wanted to say more, the train arrived before he could. He stepped onto it with John and stood near him, that way they could continue their conversation for a little bit longer. As he listened to him ask about his short story, he decided to drop his previous subject, not wanting to press into matters like that. As long as he kept the scarf, it would be fine for the time being.

"It was a mixture of both. I had a nice childhood and loving parents, but as the oldest, I also had my own responsibilities and the task of leading my siblings on the right path. Taking charge and trying to ensure that everyone's needs are met, even at the sacrifice of my happiness at times, was from experience," he explained. "Leaders have to take sacrifices sometimes. Mostly, however, it was just a random thing I came up with, hints of my experiences thrown in for realism. Regardless, it was fun to write, really."


john chuckled, his soft voice filling the space between the endless chatter of the train. his world seemed to face away as he looked at his student. the man was close in age to him. As he called Chase was only forty or so. " I'm glad, there will be many more prompts like that throughout the year. ill try to sprinkle in as many as I can for you," he suggested. the jostle of the train caused him to wince, his head spinning ever so slightly.

he sighed as his stop arrived. " I guess I'll be seeing you then," he said before heading off of the train. the man stumbled a bit as he tried to keep his balance. today was hard on him. and it would only get harder as he walked to his chemotherapy, and a blood transfusion after that. cancer was hard and maybe even harder on him. his bones and skin felt like fire as he walked. but a car was even harder to operate with his condition.
eventually, in the winter, he would have to bundle up more to try and keep the cold away. sadly the purpling in his lips was inevitable, never changing as long as he did this chemo. but this treatment meant more time with his students.

As John checked in with the doctor he looked in the mirror, he was lucky to have kept his weight quite normal to that of a normal person. but his hair suffered, spikes of grey everywhere and thinning in some places. his purple lips were only more visible in the fluorescent lighting of the doctor's office. he sighed and held onto the scarf with a fond thought.
john had nobody really, the than his students he talked to and his few doctors, no one was there when John went home for the day, no wife, no kids. It was honestly pretty lonely. but John was used to it. he was diagnosed with this cancer at 35. his wife had left him a year later when he refused to have kids. not wanting to leave them with the struggle and grief of his health, nor did he want to leave his kids fatherless in the end. though he guessed it was for the best. his wife had found someone new in less than a week and already was pregnant by the end of the year. it wasn't his problem. not his worries. but he had never thought to look for anyone new after she left.

the chemo room was cold, and the machines were loud. though he enjoyed the simple downtime. it gave him moments to write and plan out lessons for his kids. he worked, even with his weakened body, always doing something to keep his mind off the loneliness. and then his mind went to chase, his cheeks flustering lightly as his thoughts strayed from the chemo room. the man's laugh, his stories, and all the small glances meant something to the dying professor. though hed never say a word. only sit and wait till the moment was right… but would it ever be right? only the cosmos may ever know he guessed.

maybe that should be his next lesson. Shakespeare's way on starcrossed lovers… have the kids write about an old love or a current one. never naming anyone, silent confessions. would the kids like it? maybe.
he started writing in his lesson plan, getting out his laptop, and sending the message to his students for their homework. it was only an hour after school and they'd have plenty of time to do it before their next class. he awaited everyone's submissions. there were no rules other than the prompt.


After explaining the inspiration for his story, Chase looked at his professor and smiled. Their conversations about his writing could last for hours if they had more time to chat, but time was limited. Once John reached his stop, their conversations ended for the day, yet they had always been a highlight of his day. Talking about his passion with one of his favorite people always had to be one of his favorite moments of every day. John had become his friend rather than just his professor over the years.

Upon hearing that there would be more writing prompts like that throughout the year, his smile widened slightly. Prompts where he could add a bit of his own experiences to fiction had always been fun, a hint of realism in an otherwise made up, fictional story from his imagination. As much as he wanted to say something in response to that, John's stop had arrived before he could. Time really flew by when they were discussing his writing, didn't it?

As he turned to leave, he waved at him, his smile having yet to fade. However, as he stumbled, it faded in a heartbeat, though he couldn't ask if he was alright. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he watched this, yet a sense of comfort hit him at the realization that John kept the scarf he had given him. At least he wouldn't have to be as cold as he had been. Hopefully he was alright. Maybe he had just lost balance for a moment. Nothing to worry about, right?

Once the train started moving again, he stared out the window lost in thought until he finally reached his own stop. That day, he was heading to his sister's house to watch his niece for a little while. That had become another fun part of his days, just spending time with her and seeing her laugh and smile. She was such a cute little kid to spend time with. How could he refuse her? The hair clips had become permanent accessories thanks to her, regardless of the judgement some people gave.

After taking a short walk to his sister's house, he entered and greeted her before his niece ran up to him and hugged him. He laughed and picked her up, smiling at her. How she had become one of his favorite family members so quickly. Sweet, filled with energy and happiness, she could brighten anyone's day. However, she was quick to notice that he lacked the scarf she had picked out for him a couple of weeks prior.

Upon being pressed, he explained that it had been given to someone who needed it, a close friend of his. She accepted the explanation and went on with her day, thankfully providing a distraction from his concern. The next couple of hours had been spent laughing and playing with her, all until he finally needed to go home.

After telling her goodbye, he walked back to his house, as it wasn't very far from there. Even after their mother's passing, the siblings remained close to each other, finding it more convenient than moving away. He smiled as he left and then walked back to his own home, just like he did on most days—unless there was no need to watch his niece, in which he'd go there immediately after school.

Once he arrived, he took his laptop from his bag and checked his assignments, seeing that John had given them a short writing prompt as homework. Once he saw it, he began writing about the only potential romantic feelings he had experienced. How strange it was, writing about possibly liking someone who would inevitably read the prompt, but it was all part of the assignment. Nothing to worry about, as names would never be mentioned.


john finished his treatments and got a ride home from an Uber. he was home before he could think.

time skip

the morning walk was cold once more. john took his usual route to work, buying the train ticket and loading on with all of the passengers. he was ready to see all of his students, see their prompts, and see their emotions come to life. he chuckled at the thought of his students. they were obviously in their way all friends, all with their drama, but sometimes he liked being kept up on the tea. and most of his students came to him for advice, each with their own problems to solve.
all of which he always helped with, maybe this would help them understand how to help themselves when he's no longer around.
john was broken out of his thoughts by his usual train stop. he left the train and began his walk, though today a few of his students met up with him. eager to show their story and some asking for help with their grammatical errors, which he answered.

" you all have amazing prompts today, I'm ready to hear all of them in class today." he said. as the rest of his class and he filled into the class room he took the stage, amazed that all of his students looked wide eyes and ready. " so by show of hands, whos all done with their thinker prompts?" he asked, raising his hand along with his students.

"now, who wants to go first!"


After writing his response to his assignment, the rest of Chase's day was simple, boring, as per usual. Most of his life was a similar cycle, but he didn't mind, not in the slightest. It made his life easier, knowing that no unpredictable twists would be thrown at him. After what happened with his mother, he preferred it that way, as it assured him that those close to him were alright, that no one would spontaneously die. The routine had becoming comforting in some way.

Soon enough, the next day had arrived and he was sitting in his usual seat in the classroom, waiting for the day to begin. The other students came in and talked to their friends before taking their seats, also waiting for class to begin for the day. Some students talked to John for advice on the previous assignment before class began while others kept chatting with friends, just like any other day. Just another part of his usual routine, a sense of calmness coming from it.

Once class began, he turned his attention to what John was saying, talking about how he enjoyed each of their responses to his writing prompt. Each student had likely provided a passionate response, as per usual. If there was one thing they all had in common, it was their passion for writing, which made it easy for the entire class to get along. A friend group. That had practically been their dynamic, a large, happy friend group, including John as well.

As he asked about who would like to go first, Chase raised his hand, as per usual. Beginning the discussion with his own work had become another part of his routine, either because John selected him or because he volunteered to do so. Most of his classmates enjoyed hearing about his responses to begin their daily discussion as well, likely due to their enjoyment of his writing, regardless of the subject. They had always been supportive of his work, after all.

"I'd like to start, if that's alright with you." Despite knowing that he would likely have permission, he wanted to ensure that he did before he began explaining. "Is that alright?"


" very much so," John said, moving to let Chase have the stage. john had everything already set up for class presentations, ready to listen to the rest of the prompts, including chases.


As soon as John gave him permission to share his response with the class, Chase nodded and prepared himself for what he would say. Creating a summary of something so personal would be a challenge, especially without completely implying his feelings, but he would make it work. As long as the subject of his prompt didn't realize that it was about them, then everything would be fine. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone had to write about a crush or current partner of theirs, after all.

"Well, my prompt turned into a fairly detailed description of my feelings. For being as old as I am, this is the only time I've felt this way about someone," he began. "I'm not sure if it's just how I am or if I was just stressed out by everything going on in my life when I was a young adult, but I've never understood the concept of a crush, at least until now. As silly as that is, it's true, but it's a nice feeling, in a way.

"These feelings didn't hit me until I started attending university. During my life before this, most of my time had been spent working towards a goal or with family. I had a few friends in high school, but no one super close, since I spent much of my time writing, working—as I had a part-time job back then—or with my family. Then, after I graduated, I had to start working to help my family. Here we are now, at one of the first times I've really had time for friendship since I was still in my first couple years of high school.

"Here and outside of it, I've finally had some time to enjoy myself, allowing for friendships. Eventually, one of those friendships turned into a crush, of sorts. A man a few years older than I am, one of the most supportive, caring people I've ever met, who brings a smile to my face on a daily basis. He was the first person I've felt this way towards, as well as the only. It's a strange feeling, I'll admit, but I think it's one that I've grown to enjoy."

Once he finished discussing his response, he glanced at his classmates, curious about their reactions. Explaining his feelings without mentioning who they were directed towards actually hadn't been embarrassing, and hopefully it would encourage his classmates to share theirs without the fear of judgement as well. He had even come out as gay while explaining, albeit a bit indirectly. Surely they would no longer worry about receiving judgement for their responses, if they had been worried in the first place.


john listened to the story. and listened to the details of the person. now John may have been born at night but he wasn't born last night. his hand gently went up to the pink scarf, a feeling of warmth rushing to his cheeks as he looked to the ground.
had he really been so ignorant not to notice the poor boy's feelings? how long had Chase felt like this? maybe hed been so caught up in not falling again because of his wife that he never noticed someone falling for him. oh boy, Chase had a world of problems to address before they could even talk about becoming anything romantically…
john hadn't realized it yet but another student was already up and presenting by the time hed noticed.
he smiled as he listened to the other students talk about loved ones. but his mind and eyes kept glancing to chase, hoping to catch the boy's eyes now and then, maybe a conformation of the feelings, trying to catch a glimpse… they weren't that far in age, but still a five-year age gap is a little more then he would have thought of. Was Chase aware of that gap? Was he even alright with that?

the end of the class came slower then john would have liked, though when the bell sounded he almost jolted out of his seat " oh uh… chase stay back I need to talk to you quite quickly," he said softly


Being so focused on explaining his response rather than on the person it was directed towards—mostly to avoid any sort of embarrassment that would give him away—Chase didn't pay any attention to John's mannerisms at the time, instead focusing on most of his classmates and how they were responding to everything. It wasn't unusual behavior for him, as he always liked seeing what his classmates' thoughts were when it came to his writing. They had always supported each other, after all.

Once he finished, as his attention remained on his classmates and their questions, he had remained oblivious to John's reaction and mannerisms. By the time he had focused on him again, class had been halfway done and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Maybe he had just gotten through class without making his feelings towards his professor obvious. Besides, he never specified where he had met the person of interest, just that they had met while he was a student, due to lacking time for a proper social life during his younger years.

However, once John asked him to stay as the bell rang, his tone softer than usual and laced with a hint of anxiety, he knew that he had figured it out. That or he had gotten into trouble somehow, but that didn't make much sense, as he hadn't done anything wrong. A couple of the students in his class had never fallen in love before, so surely his first romantic experience occurring this late in his life hadn't been an issue with the writing prompt. John must've known about his feelings.

"Did you need to talk about something?" His tone matched John's softness, though he managed to hide his own anxiety and embarrassment. "Is something wrong?"


'ah, uhm no, " John whispered, he didn't know where to start, or how even to say the words needed" Uhm, is there something you'd like to tell me?" he asked, hinting at the prompt the best he could. " about your prompt at least?