forum The superhero's sidekick and the Villian 0/0 maybe g/g romance? (open!!!!)
Started by @Spider-man

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So I'm in a Superhero/Villian rp and I got an idea halfway. I'd like to be the sidekick. This doesn't have to be romantic but if it is I very much prefer g/g.

Juggling high school and a secret night life can be difficult. That's what two of Westwood High's senior students have found at least. They are complete opposites but little do they know they have a bit more in common than they thought. Well if you count them both nearly killing each other each night as having something in common.

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Awesome, thanks! Do you mind putting your character up first so I have time to think about mine?


Name: Lili Abel
Age: 17
Gender/pronouns: Female She/her
Sexuality: Homosexual
Description: Long blonde hair that trails down to her lower back and pale skin. It's always up in either a bun or ponytail. She has glasses surrounding her dark brown eyes. She wears simple and not expensive-looking outfits. Just jeans and a t-shirt.
Personality: She's stubborn and defiant but will keep her mouth when she has to. That's mainly just around her family. She'd willingly listen to anyone else. Barely even listens to them. When it comes to school she keeps to herself. Opting to avoid making friends since she doesn't like to lie to them. She loved to read and study. Hating when she doesn't know the answer to something.
Backstory: She lives in an overly traditional household. They are a lower middle class at best but her father still doesn't allow her mother to work. Believing a woman's place is at home. She's terrified of what would happen if they find out either of the secrets she figured out at 15. That was when her first crush started forming along with her powers. She can use pyrokinesis. It started off as her just getting overly warm when mad but she has learned to control it. She decided to try and put her powers to good use. Going out and fighting some bad guys. Failing miserably to the point where an already famous hero had to save her. She then took it upon herself to follow this hero around until she was officially taken under his wing. its affected her schoolwork a lot. Being out all night has caused her to be fired and show up to work late.

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Name: Celestia Thomas
Age: 18
Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Description: Waist-length wavy pure white hair(she usually turns her hair black with magic so that she doesn't stand out) that's always tied up into a ponytail // pale skin that's dotted with freckles // Icy blue eyes // Commonly wears dresses with flower print or t-shirts and skirts //
Personality: She can be very motherly but she's also incredibly mischievous and manipulative // Quiet and doesn't speak to people very much // Excellent liar // Genuinely a sweetheart but in the corrupted kind of way
Backstory: She'd rather keep her family life to herself // developed cyrokinesis at a young age which easily overwhelmed her and caused her to—well let's see if that's revealed later on, shall we? // she uses a bit of dark magic to change the color of her hair(occasionally her eyes and skin tone as well) and that's as far as she wants to step into the realm of dark magic //
Other: She is not exactly happy with what she is currently doing

Here's Celestia! Sorry my description is a bit short, she's a relatively new character.


Shes great! I forgot to add how Lili is a side kick so I added that really quick. I can make a starter in a second. Should we start as hero/villian or at school?


Lili tried to be as quiet as possible when she snuck into class 20 minutes late. Her hair in a slightly messier bun than usual and her clothes wrinkled. She slid into her seat near the back. Luckily the teacher didn't say anything but Lili knew that soon they would start calling her parents. That's sure not to end well. She took out her notebook and tried her best to catch up on whatever topic the teacher was lecturing about. This was history and she didn't like history all that much but she needed to pass.

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Celestia glanced up from her notes as she noticed the girl who sat next to her in class slip into the classroom and sit down. She watched silently, studying her, before looking back at her notes. The girl looked a bit tired, Celestia was also tired but she managed to hide that fact. Feeling kind, Celestia held her notes out to the girl and whispered with a smile, "Here, go ahead and use my notes to catch up on what you missed."


Lili glance over and saw Celestia. At least she thought that was her name. She had a few classes with the other girl but she's never spoken to her. "Thank you. You're are a lifesaver," Lili whispered accepting the paper. "This all I missed?" She asked sitting a little straighter.

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"Yeah, no problem!" Celestia whispered back, the smile on her face widening. She nodded when Lili asked her question, "Yes, we haven't done too much yet. You know how slow this old hag is." She giggled softly, "Let me know if you have any questions!"


"I should be good but thank you," She said nodding. She straightened completely and paid close attention to the teacher. Near the end, the teacher started talking about the homework. Lili groaned internally knowing she probably won have time.