@Mojack group
Once, thousands of years ago, metal was forged and then came a blade, black but not all consuming. Markings etched in the lower part of the blade and handle, appearing to be a language — but unknown to human brains.
What do you do when you come across such a blade?
Evidently, it’s not some random sword. It was stored on a pedestal, the stone holding carved perfectly to match the shape. The room itself was old, evidently long forgotten. Dust crept through each and every corner, plants that thrived well in dark places reigned here.
That’s not a skeleton, is it? Just beneath the pillar that holds the sword. Leaning up against it, the skeleton is old judging by the wear on the bones. The remnant of whatever this person wore appears to be armour.
Not plate. Not chain either. And certainly not modern.
You don’t recognize the style at all, broken as it is.
Then there’s the pull. You’d fallen down here by accident. Perhaps it saved you from the battle that went on above. Maybe it will be over when you come up.
You don’t want to think the word ‘if’, but there’s something…dark, about this place. Ominous. Unnatural. You fell down here by accident, but could you have avoided this? It’s not clear how big this structure extends, but surely there is an exit.
This, evidently, is not an exit. And as much as you want to leave…
That sword is calling you.
Thinking about the relationship between a sword and a user lately. Thought about a ‘what if’.
Plot, simplified: Character (you, person joining) is in the midst of some future war, perhaps they’re a soldier, or just a civilian caught up in it all.
Whilst out in a rural area (uncommon for this time period) you slip into a hole, and end up in some weird tunnel, which you realize appears to be more of a structure, as ancient stone walls hide themselves within the roots and dirt that have come forth over potentially centuries of inactivity.
Whether or not you had a communication device of some kind doesn’t matter in this underground structure. Radio, phone, etc.; none of it works down here for some reason. If you had a compass, it seems to not know which direction is which, which solely leaves you to your senses at this point.
But your senses pull you to something unnatural — a strange sword, black as night, of unknown metal, and perhaps a bit too big for you or any average sized person to wield.
Shortly after that — something wakes up, and quickly reveals that the sword is…not so normal.
(Spoiler alert: there’s someone in that sword)
And they’re a bit confused, but also quite strange in themselves. Though, they find your world equally as confusing.
will you return to the surface with a potential ally to get yourself out of this precarious situation? or perhaps you’ll be blessed, and the battle is over by the time you’ve left the tunnels.
as usual, I don’t have a firm structure for my RPs; just an outline. Whatever happens, happens, and im always curious to see what others come up with.
- feel free to do some worldbuilding of your own, like I said love seeing what others come up with.
- this does take place on Earth, albeit in the future (2067). A bit of advanced technology is present, such as the use of combat exoskeletons to improve performance; bullets are still used but other, more heated (plasma?) ammo is present as well.
- there’s not really an exact date of the conflict start; it was smaller conflicts that eventually seemed to just combine into a larger one and connect.
- climate change is still a problem in this world and extreme weather events are seen globally, feel free to use that in your character. children have also been born with health conditions due to this (such as heart conditions)
- a war does take place in this rp, here’s where details get a bit more cloudy. small battles take place over the world, there are no nuclear exchanges but they have been threatened. one major component of the conflict is over fresh water, but other tensions relate.
- you can be a civilian, a civilian who has taken up arms (but officially not a registered soldier), or a soldier of whatever rank or background you desire.
- my character will not be a human but does have human traits. romance is not a must for any of my RPs unless said otherwise. if it happens, it happens is what i say — go with the flow!
- Ask before joining — if I do not know your writing style, I will ask for a writing sample with dialogue. Please have one at ready! Do not be offended if I deny you; I am most selective with my limited RPs compared to group RPs or character chats (least selective; open for everyone usually).
- Activity is not a must. I am not active myself as I am now a college student (times fly by, huh?) If it appears I have forgotten to respond, I may have thought I did, when in reality I didn’t. It could also be possible that it has been a long time that I feel awkward about replying in case the other person doesn’t have the motivation to continue. Please note this before joining!
- Cussing and violence are expected. Note that as is everything, there is a time and place for it.
- Good grammar and punctuation appreciated, but I know that everyone makes mistakes, as I certainly do.
- Mature RPers preferred as a preference. Any sexual content will be a fade to black sort of deal.
- All notebook.ai rules apply.
- One paragraph minimum, or at least four sentences. No one liners. At the very least, give me something to work with and I’ll try to do the same for you.
- Any questions? Ask!
Age: (21-30)
Background: (can be in any format you want. write as little or as much as you want)
Other: (conditions, relationships, skills, fun facts, etc. feel free to mention things that will NEVER or unlikely be mentioned in the rp, because I do it too)