@False-andrew flash_on
So, there's a really cool Fae roleplay idea I want to try out.
The Fae are strange, vibrant and extravagant. Even the weakest and poorest are demonstrations of nature's raw, unmarred beauty, at least on the outside. Little does anyone know, this extravagant exterior is only a shell, gifted to them by High King Oberon or Queen Titania. Beneath these carapaces lies something frail and shameful, a face they can never show for fear of ridicule. The Fae are born with their faces hidden in their hands, and only rarely are they born at all, some dying before they even get the chance to develop much.
Those who do live are told never, under any circumstances, to show their faces.
But one day, something peculiar happens. Something unprecedented. A human catches the visage of a Fae Lord, and lives. Because beneath their carapaces, beneath that gold and silver filigree, lies raw, untamed emotion. Regret and shame mar the eyes of the Fae, but the human calls them beautiful, and means it.
This leads to a series of stunning and sometimes brutal interactions as this Fae and this human fight for their own survival, in a world where neither one was supposed to meet. War sparks, and each has to choose a side: love, or their own blood?
Will their love win? Only time will tell. . .
- Cursing is fine, just don't go overboard!
- Be online often; I'm generally online from 2:40 PM CST to anywhere from 10:00 PM CST to 3:30 AM CST.
- Occassionally, I'll be on all day but that's rare except for the weekends.
- Being powerful is perfectly acceptable here!
- Be at least semi-literate. Punctuation at the least so I know when a sentence ends and another starts!
- Be kind out of character! I'm pretty understanding when it comes to rudeness, but if I feel that it keeps happening even after I try and help you, I'm not going to roleplay with you. I understand, nowadays life is stressful but don't take it out on me please!
- I don't do smut! PDA is fine, insinuations is fine - if we get to the sexy time stuff it'll be a fade to black or implied. References are perfectly fine lol, just don't be too gross.