@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
I'll probably change the title later. If you have any suggestions, let me know!
@I_Am_A_Lost_Boy, here we are. Shall we work on characters or plot first?
I'll probably change the title later. If you have any suggestions, let me know!
@I_Am_A_Lost_Boy, here we are. Shall we work on characters or plot first?
Oh, and are you ok with late replies?
As in, late at night? Or just slower replies?
I'm totally alright with either, I just want to know which you're talking about haha
If it's late night replies, I'm typically not on past 10 pm
And plot works for me! I know we have the basic idea, but what age are we thinking?
Slow replys?
Yeah, that's totally alright! I might be a bit slower too, if I'm being honest.
Oh, sorry, my brain isn't working right.
I mean a large(ish) gap in between responding to the other person's post. So if I write something and post it for you to see, you might take an hour or so to respond. That's what I meant.
Yes. But some times i can be faster
Oh- I have to go. Be back in an hour.
Alright, that's totally okay! (to both, lol)
I might try to work on my own character, while you're gone.
Right. What age range are we thinking? High school, college, adults?
High school?
That works for me! I'm assuming the dangerous person would probably be a transfer student, correct?
Alright, that makes sense.
Who would be playing the dangerous/transfer student?
Me, perhaps? And if so, may I be male?
Of course! I'm honestly, super flexible to whatever :)
Do you want a character template? (And just FYI, I'm gonna have to get offline in a bit.)
I wanna jump right in. If that's fine? (That's alright! Me too.)
Yup! If we're ready to start, would you possibly mind putting up the starting post?
Ok! But Tomorrow? (11:30ish AM EST)?
That's good with me! I'll probably have been on earlier, and might already have to disappear for a while, but I'll try to respond later in the afternoon!
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