@lord-of-the-carnival group
heya folks! yet another one from me! this time featuring a Fae-only college lol
A, B, and C are all. . . strange, to say the least; one is a faery who can lie, and nobody knows the deal with the other two. each of them are powerful in their own right, but that begs the question. . . why are they at the college right now?
well, through a series of very unfortunate events which involves explosions, murder, bribery and sex, these three Fae have been sentenced to a year at the College of Fae Beings for Practical Learning and Human Morals!
these three Fae don't know each other that well. . . what they do know is that they despise each other, until they realize this is all simply a setup for the headmaster to collect enough Fae magics and souls to become a minor deity, and since these three are the most meddlesome, it's up to them to stop it.
this can be a poly romance or simply found family, idc which tbh
i'll be playing a female Fae - who i'll put beneath all of this - and the genders of the other two are up to y'all! make 'em as powerful as you want, idc very much about this ending quickly, it's just a filler RP
my character!
Name: Serana Khisaal
Nicknames/Titles: Bladedancer, Bedfellow of Tritus, Stitcher of Flesh, Omenbringer
Age: 28
Ethnicity/Race: Bond fae
Gender: Decidedly female
Sexuality: Very pansexual
Hair Color & Length: Changes colors depending on light: bright light is reds, green and yellows, dim light is oranges and blues, and darkness is when the purples, greys, whites and blacks come out; pixie cut
Eye Color: Her left eye is a Valentine's pink color with a normal human pupil; the right eye is oapalescent with a draconic pupil
Height: 6'4 2/12"
Weight: 198.45 lbs
Skin Color: A reddish caramel color
Clothing Style: This-

-but with a color-shifting fabric that changes to the opposite color of her hair.
Body Type/Shape: Slim hourglass shape is visible through her dress; without the dress she still his a visible hourglass body type but with a hell of a lot more muscle definition; jawline is smooth with slim, high cheekbones and full, pouty lips
Face Claim (Optional): N/A
Voice Claim (Optional): N/A
Basic Traits: Articulate, athletic, capable, charming (to specific people/things, of course), clever, confident, creative, elegant, ambitious, deceptive, dominating/domineering, experimental, irreverent, calculating, sometimes a bit crude, disloyal, fickle, graceful, power-hungry, sadistic, scheming, treacherous and vindictive
Biases: None, really, besides a tendency to be drawn more towards powerful figures
Political Lean (Optional): N/A
Motivations (Optional): Gaining complete control over everything
Flaws: Pshhhh, who needs those when your personality is basically one giant flaw?
Hobbies: Sleeping with various men, women and demigods; killing, betraying, scheming, lying, grafting
Talents: Sex, killing, betraying, stiching
Power(s)- Sticher's Boon, Gentry's Persuasion, The Liar's Truth
Basic Outline: Stitcher's Boon lets her. . . disassemble. . . people and animals and graft body parts to other things and have them work flawlessly. Gentry's Persuasion is a passive power that increases her desirability and beauty to any humanoid being, whether that be a demigod or an elf. The Liar's Truth allows her to lie, which is an ability no other type of fae possesses besides the Bond Fae.
Drawbacks: Her Stitcher's Boon relies on her blood to work.
Inherent Limitations: None of her powers work on true gods or other such fully divine beings. Since demigods are originally mortal, her powers can work on them.
Special Applications (Optional): N/A