@Mojack group
a found family RP, except it’s just the two of our characters. having a backdrop in the hundred year’s war, you play as the child. You had a family, but life is often unfair, and at times, becomes brutal. They were killed, perhaps by soldiers, illness, or maybe other causes. I’ll let you decide, since it will be your character.
You experience life on your own for a while, but you probably won’t survive for much longer by yourself. Or maybe you will - but it’ll be cutting it close.
somehow, you end up fleeing soldiers. Perhaps you were sneaking by, and they had assumed you were a looter of some sorts - maybe you were stealing food. But you’re just one person. Young, even. Maybe you have a little bit of fighting knowledge. But even you know you won’t stand a chance against five men, fully equipped in weaponry and gear.
So into the night, you flee, as it is your only choice. And so you hide - or get out of their line of sight. But they’re still searching for you, and you’ve run yourself into a corner.
Will this be the end, for you?
Perhaps not - as the torches the soldiers carried suddenly drop to the ground, and you momentarily see shadows, shadows of fighting.
Just who has intervened here?
As was said before, a found-family RP, could be slow burn. Whoever joins this rp takes the role of the child, I, the adult. A historical rp with some light fantastical elements to it, and some horror sprinkled in. Explore the world alongside your guardian - and perhaps, find your place in it.
Be careful. There are secrets that lurk far from where one would think to look - and should you find those secrets, take caution to not be overpowered.
The setting: Europe, in the area of France. Years into the Hundred Years War, taking place somewhere near the beginning of the Black Death. You do not need to know much about the events to RP here, as it is simply a setting.
where the RP begins: a rural area, after your character was on the run from a group of soldiers.
Is there any magic?: sort of. There are otherworldly elements to this RP, not not wildly known. Perhaps you could find some of them, but you may need the help of someone who’s a bit more familiar with these aspects of the world.
What about monsters?: again, sort of. It’s actually a world very similar to ours - like the magic, the monsters would only be of legend. The only thing I’ll say about this - my character is not a human. At least, not completely. or anymore.
- No autohitting, but don’t dodge everything either. Play to your character’s strengths, and remember their weaknesses.
- Good grammar appreciated.
- Mature RPers preferred, if only because of the blood and violence content that may happen here.
- Cursing and blood and the likes are allowed, but know that there’s a time and place for everything.
- 3 sentences minimum; no one liners.
- Should I not be familiar with your RP style, I will request a sample with dialogue.
- Ask questions as needed.
- Note that this list could change, but it’s highly unlikely.
- Keep the setting in mind with creating your character, please.
Age: (14-19)
Background: (be brief or long as you want.)
Equipment: (anything they might have on their person. Trinkets, small weapons, etc)