forum So- I have a race and would love some feedback!
Started by @ScotchTapeWorm group

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@ScotchTapeWorm group

I have this race I've been tweaking for a while now and really just wanted to see if the idea made sense at all?
They're called 'Charivari' which I found after looking at Bavarian jewelry and thought the sound and meaning fit my race like a glove. So in essence they're dark elves with metal in them. Literally, they have veins that almost flow with precious metals like gold or silver, and sometimes copper. As well as gems that are embedded into their bodies. Their skin is either ebony dark or even as light as an almost violet. The gold, silver, and gems don't stay confined to the inside of the bodies however, and silvery streaks can be seen across their bodies. As well as popping out of the skin in either jagged or almost jewelry-esque protrusions. Gemstones also litter their skin and give them a shimmery quality. For example, a Charivari child could be born with bracelets literally already attached to their wrists and a pattern of gold and silver on their back and chest similar to marbling. The total amount of gold/silver/gems has become a class distinction and being born with more is often a good thing. The precious material is often prevalent around the face and comes out in unique patterns. It's even a genetic thing, with children inheriting specific patterns or styles from their parents.
Deformities often happen like a child being born with a literal silver tongue or an eye covered by a jutting out of gold. Those deformed are shunned by what society remains of their culture, and those born with copper in their blood are often deemed 'lesser' of literal less value. Class distinctions are very important and often tied to self or monetary worth. Eyes and hair are generally the same as other dark elves, and they don't really have too many special abilities other than that of their dark cousins. When they die, as long as the gold/silver is touching blood it remains in a liquid like form and is highly prized among bounty hunters and collectors. If used in spells as components, interesting results can occur. Predictably the Charivari have been hunted to near extinction, having only one great city left and most individuals live in small communities or are sold off as exotic pets.
Culturally Charivari are extremely competitive and value beauty and skill over all else. They practice ancestor worship and have interesting death rituals. When someone dies, their body is torn apart in an almost brutal fashion and anything valuable is quickly collected. It is then given to a 'soul-smith'. Charivari believe that after the bodies death the soul resides in the metal, so the smith will forge the materials into whatever was decreed in the persons will. Usually some kind of weapon, jewelry, or statue. Weapons and jewelry are given to family and next of kin and is usually magically enchanted in some way, to act as if the dead person is still watching over their loved ones. If the dead's soul-metal cannot be collected the soul is believed to be trapped or dead.
Gold and silver, along with gems not collected from a Charivari are not taboo to work with, and smiths and artisans are actually highly encouraged to craft with them, as they are holy metals. In times past when their numbers were higher, Charivari nobles would often try to cover themselves in crafted jewelry to appear more well-bred. While it was not frowned upon, in their history there have been several major scandals of peasants who went to such extremes as to melt metals into their own skin to fit in with high society. Wizards and magic is also encouraged, though its more a demonstration of skill and grace rather than the gaining of power. Some wizards have mastered the art of using the gems and metal in their veins to conduct spells and will intertwine magical tattoos in between their natural veins.

I have more written down somewhere, but this is the gist of the culture, religion, and looks! Any feedback or critiques or just suggestions? Would love to hear it!

@ScotchTapeWorm group

Yes actually, I probably should have made it more clear. I did mention that they were hunted to near extinction and most of the 'lore' I guess comes from before they met other races. Now they're mostly in scattered communities or sold as exotic pets. Definitely high profile bounties, they come pre-loaded with a reward lol.

daelstrom Premium Supporter

How could you make the metal in their physiology work in a biological way?
How do you make characters relate to them as more than just living jewelery?
While others may see them as precious metals for exploitation, wouldn't that make them resent the very beauty that defines their culture and existence?

i could see how the survivors of treasure seeking genocides might deny their nature, hide their value to others and resent their own glory.
Their illustrious past might make them feel nostalgic or resentful, seeking a more simple existence to allow longer time to enjoy it.

The metal could also suggest a different biological equation. Maybe its like quicksilver, their emotions rapidly and coldly morph to the most efficient and necessary incarnation. Their character somehow exemplifies the ideals we have for our metallic friends

I'm not sure about the magic of your world, but does their make up limit them from certain kinds of dweomer?
Druids are said to refrain from metal use*, does their unique physiology limited them or provide advantages?

Anyways, just mah thoughts

*don't get me started on the misrepresentation of druids

@ScotchTapeWorm group

Ooo, thank you for the questions! I tried not to get too much into backstory, but the entire reason they have this.. Curious characteristics, is because of a deal with a high fae. Essentially a fraction of dark elves left their homes and were jealous of their fair folk cousins and made a deal with a fae to be 'the most wanted creatures on or under land'. They got their wish in a way.

Charivari are, by nature, incredibly vain, being raised to see themselves as blessed or better than others. The problems arise when, of course, they are hunted for what makes themselves up, it ends up being something like a martyr syndrome, or a paranoia built on justified fear. A simple existence is paramount to degradation, though whether this be a curse from their oddly magical creation or a problem with themselves is up for debate.

I really enjoy your take on the emotional aspect, I don't consider too much adaptation for my races, but I can definitely see how useful it could be. Perhaps Charivari being born with more or less metals depending on the region and how many still exist, as a form of natural defense.

As far as magic, I like to make it more a level of individual skill, and Charivari are adept at manipulating their own bodies and their more precious materials. Being able to channel magic through themselves as effectively as through a grimoire or other aspect. In effects to druids, I doubt any Charivari would wish to become one, they tend to spurn nature, though there is a faction that considers it the purest form of beauty. Druidcraft is more taboo than other forms of magic, as it goes against much of their principle culture and nature.

@ScotchTapeWorm group

Small update on this, I was thinking of making their culture a meritocracy? As the leader would naturally be the one who could survive the best, be the most beautiful etc, etc. It leaves more room for competition which is vital for Charivari society, with plenty of backstabbing, murder, bribes, and numerous plots. And because of their… uh, tendency to be hunted down and killed for money, to keep a species like this alive, I was imagining another deal with the fae, like in their origin. Tiny pockets of fae-wild allotted to them in return for service. It would allow small cities to flourish in areas that are harder to access. Any thoughts or opinions on this would be VERY welcome, as it is a loose idea that needs expanding on in the tiny dome I call a brain T^T

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

First of all, this all shows you to be a large dome, big brain person. Well done!
As far as survival, perhaps the distinctions made between those with copper in their systems (and perhaps iron?) have lead to a more working class/warrior caste group. Perhaps the second deal with the fae was something like if there were going to be beautiful Charivari, they would need strong Charivari to protect them, and so the fae blessed the "uglier" individuals with strength/bravery/power. That way, the species would never die off entirely. It would also create a group of Charivari who are sought after, not as trophies, but as mercenaries/assassins/prizefighters.
Also, if it's a meritocracy, where beauty can play into the equation, are there arranged marriages, or any form of eugenics, aimed at breeding the most beautiful Charivari child? Like those with the rarest gems and highest concentrations of gold (or something) will only marry and have kids with others of their same status and rarity? Or couples who have a child with copper may give it up for adoption, or even (depending on how dark you want this) kill it?
Furthermore, is the meritocracy based on group approval? Or like a gladiatorial "prove your worth" situation? Is the leader elected/voted the most beautiful/strongest/most intelligent, or is there constant clawing to the top? Competitiveness in an amiable situation looks different than competitiveness in a life&death situation.
Just some thoughts :)

@ScotchTapeWorm group

Being serious, those are INCREDIBLE ideas, thank you so much! I love that idea so much, of iron being more warrior/mercenaries type, and copper perhaps being more menial labor workers like farmers or servants. Perhaps even those with ebony in their veins being able to pass off as normal dark elves and being used as assassins or spy's. Even among the lower castes I imagine while they can't be as 'beautiful' as the higher ones, the competition that runs through their veins as surely as the metals do, and the skill and bravery would be the reason for rank.
As well as for the meritocracy, yes to basically everything, these people don't have great morals, though if that's a cultural thing or a price the fae took I'll leave up to the readers imagination~ I imagine it's a bit like the Altmer in the Elder Scrolls if you're familiar, constantly trying to breed the 'perfect' altmer, in every possible way. It makes illegitimate children very identifiable, as peasants would have hints of noble gold or gems, so leaving a child alive can be dangerous for rank, which is everything to them. So unless they have a streak of compassion or the mother/father decides to take them away, the children are often unceremoniously taken care of.
For election of a leader it's constantly changing, so a council is also in the background to actually help take care of work when the leaders keep getting replaced, though staying in power can be incredibly lucrative if it can be managed. Factions and betrayals are commonplace, with a few unspoken rules of 'don't murder unless you can get away with it and no one can prove it was you' or 'don't betray your allies unless you already have their replacements lined up'.

To be totally honest I came up with this in a few minutes, thanks to your questions, I adore hearing other people's thoughts they are so good for brainstorming omg. I'mma go write like eight pages now lol

@AnxietyGremlin group

I love this idea, very mega smart. But if i may ask, Are there like, different races with exotic types of metal in their blood? I know copper, gold and iron are the main ones, but what about precious metals like platinum, or radioactive metals like plutonium. Maybe these could be examples of exotic sub-races, or divisions of the race? Maybe in more wasteland types of places, Charivari with plutonium are more common because of the types of creatures that live there and the types of people that come through, but in more utopian or hidden away kind of places, Chirivari with platinum are more common because of the fact that not a lot of hunters and such know about that area. Maybe the plutonium ons are seen as dangerous criminals in more densly populated areas, while ones with metals such as plutonium are seen as extremely high class. Just some thoughts. I used plutonium and platinum because I figured you'd know what they are, but you can do whatever. just a bit of feedback to add variety

@ScotchTapeWorm group

Oo, fun ideas for sure. The world I've placed these guys in is essentially each country is ruled by a god and that shapes the land around them depending on the power levels and personality of the person who inherited the power that generation. So any area that doesn't have a patron god looking over it is a badlands area, with some level of plague, curse, or desolation on it. I like the idea of plutonium for maybe Charivari trying to carve out a life in these badlands where no other races would be, maybe developing the radiation as a manifestation of a curse, turned into a natural defense mechanism. I like the idea of them adapting different kinds of metals for different environments that they live in. Like platinum being found near rivers or in sandy areas, so Charivari with platinum might be denser there.
Definitely some fun ideas to play around with there! Thank you :D

Lisandre Premium Supporter

That's a nice twist on Elves. Some food for thoughts here.

  • Do a carrence in mineral intake or prolongue exposure to something diminish their «metal and gems» heatlh? What do they actually eat? Being made of mineral, i assume you need a full blown vitamin and mineral intake to maintain it.
  • Why would a " deformed" child be cast out if the child as per your exemple born with a chunk of gold for an eye. Wouldn't he be deemed more beautiful, more statuesque like? A blessed child? Are their beauty standard similar to ours or have they evolve toward more shiny thing and the way the mineral are distributed. Would some individue be infim due to a member being cut off or harvested? Then i can see those being cast out as they are not deemed beautiful and sacred anymore? What would be the main criterias of beauty for female, and for male?
  • Being such work of art, what costume and accessorie are they fond of? Are their clothes rivalising with their skin, or is their skin the main show stopper? How much skin are they confortable showing? Since they are hunted, they tend to hide, but what would be their ideal glam or traditionnal. You mention that some tried to melt metal and gems into their skin, is there other way for them to fake it? I see that you have the whole fake rich scam, is there the other way around. Rich that want to downplay their value. Aka Steve jobs in jeans and turtle neck thing.
  • Some minerals like labradorite or amazonite are from specific identifiable places. Was it from evolution and contact, if let's say the at the begginig there was only two noble metal, silver and gold, the high five gems, diamon, saphire, emerald, ruby and amethyst and then as time went on, some new one appeared? Or was it given at first and cultivated trought eugenics? Different nations\clans value different things.
  • If there was over-hunting, you may consider a drastic drop in the amount of showing minerals. Like the elephant right now that have less and less ivory due to the hunting. Maybe the newest generations are kinda bare compare to previous ones.
  • How do you kill something that this basically a suit of armor? They bleed metal, but aren't they rigid and deflecting? Is their gem protuberences sensitive and painful if hurt? Do their protuberence flake and break like glass, shed like old concrete or emove like rocks in mud? Can they shed diamond and gems? maybe as they grow for exemple. Would children loose baby gems? Do they keep growing until death. Are old individual grow covered in gems, almost stiff from it, or are do they have a set amount?
  • What was the hunting tactics and how are they avoiding it?
  • How old are they expected to live. Does having metal in their vein add or remove lifespan, is there a different lifespan between metal?
  • Do they value other material thing?
  • Do you have half-breed, an metal elf with a regular dark-elf? Can they reproduce with other races?