@Mojack group
Sine Morte,
without death.
In record, only one species on Earth is truly immortal - Turritopsis dohrnii, Immortal Jellyfish.
In history, there have been legends, stories, rumours - of immortal creatures, or even humans. Some made the personal claim, while others, through their deeds, came to be viewed that way.
Whether any of those tales are true or not remain unknown.
But the Immortal Jellyfish is only biologically immortal. It can still succumb to death through other means. Predation. Illness. Still, it’s a topic of study for many.
A drive home is interrupted as your ride stutters, and you pull over to check it out. It doesn’t seem like a major thing - you’re certain the car will start if you try it again. But as you’re going to return to the vehicles, something catches your eye.
A lot of it. And fresh. Not a single drop dried.
As your vision adjusts as you look upon the scene, you don’t see much - except that the blood trails off, as though whatever left it had walked away.
Perhaps stunned, or just thinking in silence, you hear it - or at least you think you do - a stumble, some sort of curse. Across the road you’re on, leading away into the woods. Where the blood leads.
With the sun setting, it may be better to return home, and pretend you didn’t see that.
But will your curiosity get the better of you?
RP in which a person’s car does a weird thing while they’re driving and they’re forced to pull off to the side one evening. They check around a little bit, but once they’re confident there’s no major problems (or nothing they can see) they go back to start the vehicle…only to see the blood, and then hear someone (or something) in the forest. Perhaps you should mind your own business. Or maybe not.
some notes about the rp
- modern, takes place a few years in the future however. I’m thinking 2035
- the RP begins in a somewhat rural patch of land, although your character may just be passing through this area to get somewhere else. or maybe your character lives in a rural area? up to you
- i am not very active sometimes, so please keep that in mind
- before we go any further, my character is indeed immortal. to what extent and why? let’s just say it’s another one of my “character gets put in another world” RPs
- Play to your strengths, remember your weaknesses. In the event of a fight, don’t dodge everything, but don’t autohit either.
- Blood - this RP will have plenty of that, so I will say mature RPers PREFERRED. As always, cursing is allowed.
- Sexytimes will be a fade to black sort of deal.
- My only rule on response length is that I have something to work with.
- Ask before joining! If I do not know your style, I will have you send a writing sample with dialogue.
- Punctuation and good grammar greatly appreciated!
- If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Age: (22-25)
Employment: (if any)
Background: (as long or as short as needed. point form, paragraphs, etc; however you choose to display your characters background is up to you. and additionally, you don’t need to put everything down)
Other: (anything else goes here. fun facts, their home, their fears, relationships, etc)