forum Sharing Notebooks semi-privately
Started by @celestialaphelion

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Is there a way for me to share the content of a universe with only a select number of people? But not having them able to edit/write anything in it? I want to be able to share the lore I'm writing with a small community, and only that community, and allow them to see new content as I add it.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to fine-tune who exactly has access to pages yet, but it's something I'm working on.

Right now, the options are:

  • Public (visible to anyone with the URL, as well as to anyone viewing your profile)
  • Private (only visible to you and your collaborators, who have edit access)

I'm planning on expanding those options to something like:

  • Searchable (visible in a global search for pages)
  • Public (visible to anyone with the URL, as well as to anyone viewing your profile)
  • URL-only (visible only to those with the direct URL)
  • Friends only (visible only to logged-in individuals you specify)
  • Private (visible only to you and your collaborators)
  • My Eyes Only (visible only to you)

Obviously, I don't want privacy settings to get too complicated so these might change a little for simplification purposes, but it sounds like "Friends only" would do what you're looking for, with the caveat that they'd have to be logged into for the site to know who they are. Does that work for you?


Oh dear, it seems I'm going to be reviving this one from the dead – as I could only now get back to this after so long. But it also looks like there have been no updates on this front for the site in almost 4 years?

It's similar to having a Patreon for writing, a ko-fi, or another Sub based platform. We don't want our writing out there for just anyone to see, but it would be nice to be able to share our lore, our worlds, and our stories with those closed communities. Especially with the rise of AI-scraping tools for writers, having to recluse into these more protected communities is our way of keeping our work safe.

It's just not safe to have our lore, our blood and sweat to just be available anywhere for the internet (and the AI scrapers) to be able to just have access to as they wish. Thus things such as Friends only, or URL-Only would be ideal – as it allows us to have a link that we can set up, and give out only to trusted communities and individuals.

Essentially, I have a closed community that are the only people I want to have access to my writing. No one else. Just my subscribers.