forum Saiibo rp!
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Longest rp starter yet! @Kokichi_is_sleepy

Shuichi's eyes darted around the trial room as the eyes of his classmates began to focus directly on him. The trial for Kokichi's death had been confusing, and everyone was expecting the detective to have an answer, but the evidence didn't necessarily point to anyone. It almost seemed like there wasn't enough evidence to properly conduct a class trial. However, now that the trial was ongoing, there was no way to stop it.

"If we think about what we've got, well, I personally, um, have to say that this wasn't a murder…" he told them after a moment. With all eyes on him, he felt himself becoming anxious. "I think that this was, well, a suicide… The evidence…it doesn't point to anyone… If anything, he did this…to himself…"

Tsumugi gave the detective a sigh at the explanation as she raised an objection. How often he paused, how his explanation was filled with a nervous tone and stammering, it all led her to believe that he was hiding something. Even if he had proven himself to be pretty anxious in certain situations, sometimes to the point that he momentarily broke down, the lack of evidence caused her to suspect him, to believe that his anxiety was a result of not being able to think of a believable lie in time to save himself.

"The evidence doesn't point to a suicide, either," she stated. "With how little evidence there is, it implies that the blackened thoroughly cleaned up the scene. Aside from the body and a proposed cause of death, we don't have any information. Now, who here would be able to clean up a crime scene well enough to fully cover their tracks?" she asked. "I believe no one other than the detective is capable of such a thing."

Kaito sent a glare towards Tsumugi. Clearly he was upset with her explanation blaming his best friend for Kokichi's death.

"That's ridiculous!" he yelled. "You're accusing the wrong person!"

Tsumugi shook her head. "It's a classic twist. The detective who everyone thinks is helping is truly the murderer of the case," she responded. "The trustworthy detective ends up being the one behind it all."

Kaito growled at her. "Shut the hell up! My sidekick would never do something like that! Maybe you're the one who killed him!"

Tsumugi sighed softly. "I wouldn't have a motive to kill him," she stated plainly. "Someone as plain as me wouldn't even consider a murder without some motive, although it'd be plain and predictable. However, he did have a motive. He and victim weren't on the best terms, and he was the last one to see him alive."

Shuichi sighed as he looked at the two. "I…I may have seen Ouma-kun last night…but I simply met up with him like he asked me to…"

Usually he'd be better at presenting evidence and explaining, but he was being put on the spot, and his anxiety, only amplified by his hatred of socializing, began to take over his mind. It was difficult to control.

Monokuma, as he grew bored of the argument between the three, made an announcement. "It's pretty obvious who the killer is from the evidence, or lack thereof, so I'm giving you two minutes to finish the argument, and then it's voting time!"

Kaito glanced at Shuichi. "Shuichi, you wouldn't do this, would you…?"

Shuichi shook his head. "I really wouldn't…! I dunno what Monokuma is implying…"

Tsumugi sighed. "You're only further implying your guilt with this breakdown. I think it's plain to see that you're the blackened of the trial."

Shuichi averted his gaze towards the ground as he felt tears forming in his eyes. He wasn't guilty, but he was too anxious to confidently say it, instead beginning to break down due to all of the stress and pressure. He was about to be convicted for a murder that likely was not a murder but a suicide. A horrible fate would befall him soon.

"Alright, time's up!" Monokuma announced. "Now cast your votes!"

Everyone glanced at Shuichi before casting their votes. They all believed that he was the blackened. Some hesitated in their decision, but even Shuichi voted for himself in the end. There was no way that anyone would see anyone else as the blackened of the trial.

"That's right!" Monokuma confirmed after a moment. "The blackened is none other than the detective that you all considered trustworthy. Even the victim thought that he could be trustworthy, and look what happened to him. It turns out he was capable of murder, too."

"Guys, you…you…um, you, ah, you have to believe me…!" Shuichi stammered as he refused to look up from the ground. "I…I didn't…do this…!"

Kaito sighed softly. "I trust you on that. I'm gonna get the mastermind for this!" he declared. "They set you up, and while I can't save your life, I can avenge you! I'll end this game for you, Shuichi!"

After Kaito made his declaration, he wrapped Shuichi in a tight hug. He forcefully blinked back the tears that he felt forming in his eyes. He couldn't believe that he was going to have to watch his best friend die for a death that he wasn't responsible for.

"Thank you… Just…thank you…" Shuichi responded as he held onto his best friend tightly. "I'm sorry…I'm sorry…I let…you guys down… I…I believe in you, though… You'll…end this…I know it…"

Kaito nodded in response. "I'll end this for you!" he assured the other. "Don't worry about it! I know you didn't kill him! I'll end this game for you!"

While Shuichi wished to respond, he heard Monokuma announce that it was punishment time as he was forcefully dragged away from the arms of his best friend. In a few moments, his life would end. Everything was about to be over for him, and there was nothing that he could do to stop it.

As the execution began, he found his classmates surrounding him. What were they doing there? Why were they all involved in his execution? Did they hate him that much? He hadn't even killed Kokichi, and they were all upset with him? Whatever the case, there was no stopping them from what they were about to do.

Before he could even ask anything,a sword was thrown at him. It grazed his cheek, leaving a cut that began to bleed. It was far from a lethal injury, but he was sure that it was just the beginning of his execution. His own classmates and friends were going to be the ones who killed him.

Only a couple of seconds after the first sword was thrown, the figure that looked a lot like Kaede took its sword and stabbed him in the chest. He cried out in pain, but it would do him little good. If there were no other attacks, he would likely die from that injury alone, although it would take a little bit for him to die, so he expected other attacks to follow.

As the sword remained in his chest, strategically left there to prevent the wound from bleeding enough to quickly kill him, the figures of his classmates and friends began to insult him at they continued with their physical attacks. Negative comments about him went through his head in a never ending loop. Somehow, they drowned out the agonizing pain that he was in as they continued playing.

"Stop…!" he weakly pleaded as he fell to the ground. His breathing was growing quick and sharp as he lost blood, some of it filling his lungs from the chest wound, making it more difficult to breathe. "Please…!"

As he made his pleas, the figures stopped. They were supposed to deliver the final blow, but they stood frozen in place. The execution had failed. Shuichi was still alive, breathing heavily and fighting to keep himself conscious as he bled onto the floor around him.

"Help…me…" he weakly told the others as he continued fighting to keep his eyes open.


Kiibo froze, he was the one, he was person to give the final blow. But he couldn't. Soon he ran up, his memory card running over a hundred ways to save shuichi “ he survived! He is worthy to live damn it! He's not guilty!”

Kiibo looked pleadingly at kaito, his body was shaking gently as he injected shuichi with a numbing shot around his stab wound. “I need to cauterize the wound. This will hurt..” kiibo warned, letting his freehand heat up as he got ready to pull the sword. “ then I can treat you properly..”

Kiibo only hoped this would work. He quickly took the second out, placing his burning hand on the wound and closing it temporarily. Now he needed to move shuichi, get him somewhere so he could operate on the man. “ damn it! Someone help me!” he said as he struggled to pick up the other


Shuichi weakly looked at Kiibo as he began to do what he could to help him survive. Everything hurt by that point, and he wondered why the others even bothered to save him. With his wounds, he wasn't sure if he would survive, so why would anyone try this hard to keep him alive? It just didn't make all that much sense to him, although he did appreciate that some of the others were going as far as they were to save him.

"Th-thank you…" he told him.

After Shuichi thanked Kiibo, Kaito nodded in response to the comment that Kiibo made as he took Shuichi from him and gently held him in his arms. The execution itself was surprising, but the fact that Shuichi was still alive only came as more of a twist. It seemed like time was limited for him, but if they acted quickly enough, they would be able to save him.

"You're gonna be alright, Shuichi, I promise…" he assured him softly before looking at Kiibo. "Come on, Kiibo. I'm gonna get him to the infirmary, and then you can do whatever you need to. We've come this far to help him, and we're not going to let him die."

As Kaito took Shuichi, he felt himself slowly slipping in and out of consciousness. He kept fighting to stay awake, but he was finding it difficult. He was weak from blood loss, and the pain that he felt was agonizing. If the others hadn't rushed to save him as quickly as he did, he would have allowed himself to die, but since they acted as quickly as they did, he had to keep fighting for them, no matter how bad things got.

"You're doing great, Shu. Just hang in there," he told him softly. "Just focus on me. It'll keep you awake."

Kaito continued talking to Shuichi throughout the rest of the walk there. He had to give his best friend something to focus on so he could keep himself awake. He couldn't afford to have him pass out at the time, as he could easily die. As long as he was awake, he was alive, so if he just stayed awake, he would stay alive, or at least in his mind. He would do anything to help his best friend survive.

Once he got Shuichi to the infirmary, he laid him down on one of the beds before looking at Kiibo. He would have to take over from here since he wouldn't have any idea of what he was doing.

"Alright, Kiibo, I'm leaving it to you," he said. "You've got this!"


Kaito ended up spending the night with the two of them as well, watching over Shuichi while Kiibo slept. The condition that his best friend was in was rather upsetting, but at least he was likely to survive now, or at least according to Kiibo. It was unclear when he would wake up, but his condition was slowly stabilizing, so it seemed like he would recover from the failed execution with time.

"Well, you're gonna survive. It's alright, Shuichi…" he whispered softly as he looked at his best friend.


Kaito glanced at Kiibo and sighed softly. At least the other was sleeping somewhat peacefully. He had worked hard to save Shuichi's life, and thankfully, everything seemed to pay off, so at least the attempt wasn't in vain. Shuichi was still alive, and he would recover with time. He just hoped that his best friend would wake up in the morning as he slowly fell asleep himself.


Kaito woke up later that morning. It still upset him to see the condition that his best friend was in, but he was glad that he was alive, although he had yet to wake up, it seemed. Either way, it seemed like he was going to recover eventually. Surely he would wake up soon. That's what Kaito kept telling himself.

"Oh, hey, Kiibo," he said as he woke up. "Do you have any guesses for when Shuichi will wake up?"


Kaito nodded in response to the statement. He hoped that Shuichi would wake up at some point that day as well, especially since he was already worried about him. If he woke up, he would at least know that he was slowly but surely recovering. That was all that he wanted at the time, to know that his best friend was going to recover.

"Yeah, hopefully," he responded softly. "You've done well when it comes to saving him, so maybe he will wake up today. As I said, I hope so. Of course, it'll take a while for him to recover, especially with how bad his injuries were, but they were supposed to kill him… Whatever happens, I think we can keep him alive. He'll be alright."


Kaito nodded in response again, glad to hear that Kiibo was going to protect Shuichi with his life. He was determined to do the same, as he wasn't going to let anything else happen to his best friend. It seemed like they would both work together to keep Shuichi alive and help him recover.

"Same here. I think he'll be alright if we both protect him."


Kaito sighed softly, aware of the fact that Kiibo was right about that. He didn't intend on leaving his best friend's side, but it was still pretty upsetting how he couldn't be left alone due to how easily he could die. At least he had a chance of recovering.

"Yeah, that's true… Well, I think he'll be fine with us…"


Kaito nodded in response to the comment. He didn't want anyone to try to finish what the execution had started, especially because he didn't want his best friend to die. No matter what would happen, he was going to protect Shuichi at any and all costs.

"Same here. Like we said, we're going to protect him with our lives. He'll be alright."


Kaito thought about it for a moment as he looked at Kiibo. Hopefully they could come up with a system for them to watch over Shuichi that wouldn't have any issues. Of course, if another murder were to occur, things wouldn't end well, but hopefully nothing else would happen.

"Well, right now, having both of us here is a good idea, especially since it'd be better if we're both here when he wakes up," he stated. "As for the rest of it, it depends on when you need to charge and such."


Kaito nodded in response, although that didn't make too much sense to him. He was pretty sure that Kiibo usually had a longer battery life than two hours, so he figured that maybe the stress of the situation contributed to it. That was the only thing that made sense to him.

"I'm guessing the stress drains you, huh?" he asked softly. "Well, no worries! I can always take over!"


With the explanation that he was given, Kaito quickly confirmed that his guess was actually what was going on, and it made a lot of sense. It made sense that stress would cause Kiibo's battery to drain pretty quickly, so it made sense that he needed to recharge often.

"Yeah, that makes sense," he responded softly. "I'll be able to watch over him when you need to recharge."


Kaito tilted his head in confusion. That didn't make much sense to him, so maybe Kiibo was beginning to run low on battery, as that would certainly explain why some of his comments didn't make any sense. He sighed softly as he looked at the other.

"No? Every time we've voted, everyone voted for the correct culprit. In other words, he'd have no reason to," he responded. "Are you already running low on battery?"