I've been craving one of these for a while now so SOMEBODY HELP MEEE
I've been craving one of these for a while now so SOMEBODY HELP MEEE
YAYYYYYY!!!!!!! =^w^=
So what kind of romance are you looking for? M/M, F/F, M/F, something else? I'm fine with anything :DD
hoping for M/F but im cool with whatever
Alright I can do that :P
Templates or jump right in?
(i do better with templates)
Alright :D
Are you going to be the male or female? I can be either XD
And any certain plot in mind??
sorry for being off and on, I just finished my honors geometry final
finals week for me too, dw about it!
i'll be female and I'm hoping for a slow burn type thing but i guess we can see as it goes along
Alrighty I'll get a template up soon.
Name: Thomas Bridger
Age: 24
Likes: Early mornings, late nights, gardening, early morning runs, the rain, writing, poetry
Dislikes: Loud noises, afternoon, jerks, greasy food, headaches
Sexuality: Heteromantic Asexual
Personality: Thomas is very relaxed and chill. He's quiet and stern but he's very caring too. He's very fatherly, always knows what to say and how to help people. Thomas is kind and understanding, but he comes off as cold at times. He has a piercing glare that rubs people the wrong way, but he's just very observant. A dad friend in his friend group. He has to keep one of them from committing arson daily and that wears him out. Thomas is tired a lot, someone please give him a nap.
Name: Orion Minerva
Age: 23
Likes: LIbraries, siracha, frogs, memes, the smell after it rains, boys who paint their nails, gargoyles
Dislikes: tobasco sauce, cheese, clothes that actually fit, white moms on Facebook,
Sexuality: Biromantic Heterosexual
Personality: Sarcastic, witty, has a great sense of humor but horrible social skills, keeps to herself because most people take her sarcastic comments the wrong way and she thinks that if she explains them it's not as funny.
Appearance: Long curly hair, caramel skin, dark eyes, pierced ears, always wears a solid long-sleeved shirt under a graphic tee and jeans, usually wears converse.
(he is vv cute. also, here's the starter)
Orion stood in the shadow of the alley, a pretzel in her hand and her eyes cast downward. She brushed all of the salt off of it and methodically tore bits and pieces off and put them on her tongue. Of course, the second she decided to step out of the alley, she bumped into someone.
"Oof," Thomas groaned as a figure bumped into him. "Sorry about that," Thomas hastily apologized, his gaze momentarily flickered down to the woman before going back up to his best friend, who he also saw as a little sister. "Kara! Stop trying to pickpocket! We can't have another situation!"
Thomas grinned sheepishly at the person who had accidentally ran into him. "Little sisters, am I right?" He laughed softly. The man was about to take off after Kara, but somebody barrelled into him from behind, causing him to stagger right back into the woman, making her drop her pretzel and Thomas to spill his coffee all over the front of her shirt. Thomas's bright blue eyes went wide, he stammered out a few quick apologies. "Uh, I'm so sorry about your pretzel, let me get you another one- and your shirt! I'm so sorry!" Thomas shrugged off his jacket, wrapping it around the woman.
Orion blinked at him. "It's my fault really. I wasn't watching where I was going. And to you, Kara, is it?" Orion peered at her. "If you really want my spare change you can have it."
Then, addressing Thomas again, she said. "The shirt can be washed, but thank you for the sentiment. You don't need to worry about me. You seem to have your hands full as it is." She raised an eyebrow and held out the few quarters she had left from her pretzel to Kara.
"It's no fun if they give you what you're trying to steal," Kara sulked, still pocketing the change and shoving the pretzel into her mouth.
"Kara!" Thomas scolded. "You can't go around taking whatever you want."
"Th'e othered!" Kara retorted, her mouth still full of pretzel.
Thomas sighed, rubbing his temples. "But no, let me buy you another pretzel. And you can keep my jacket, it's cold and I'm- Kara stop looking at me like that." Thomas glared at his friend. A shit-eating grin was plastered across her face as her dark eyes darted from the woman to Thomas and back to the woman.
Kara swallowed the pretzel and wrapped an arm around Thomas's shoulders. Well, tried to. Kara was 5'2", a mere ant compared to Thomas's 6'11". "Hi, I don't think we properly introduced ourselves. I'm Kara, this is my best friend/only responsible figure in my life, Thomas. You are?"
"Um. I'm. . . My name's Orion. And I'm sorry to ruin it for you, Kara. I have to go home and feed my cats, but you're welcome to come with and get out of the cold. It's the least I can do for you." She glanced at Thomas then at Kara. "As long as you don't try to pilfer anything, that is."
Thomas was about to object, but Kara acted fast. "We would love to, Thomas loooves cats."
"Nope! Lillian and Harley can wait, a little detour will be fun." With that, Kara grabbed Thomas's wrist, leading him down the sidewalk. "C'mon Orion!"
Orion led the way to her apartment and unlocked the door. Two cats peeked around the doorframe, one a tuxedo with blue eyes, the other pale cream.
"Huh-uh, both of you, back inside." Orion nudged them with her foot. The cream one made a soft 'rrrow' sound. "Yes, I'm sure you are." The tuxedo cat followed her to the cabinet where she took out two cans of cat food and opened them up. "The obnoxious one is Clefairy and-" she picked up the tuxedo cat and set him on the counter next to a can of food. "This is Sir Ben."
To Thomas, Orion said, "Kara said you like cats?"
"Clefairy?" Thomas asked with a chuckle. He crouched down to scratch the cream cat's head. "Hmm? Oh, yes. I love cats. I have one back at my house, even though it's technically Harley's, but I'm the one who takes care of Fiona." Thomas reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. His lock screen was a goofy selfie of Kara making a weird face. Two people were in the back, one of them had fiery red hair pulled into a ponytail, she was deep in thought at a desk with a ruler and pencil behind her ear. The other person had the top of their brown hair pulled into a bun, the rest of it fell to the length of their chin, they were smiling brightly at the camera. Thomas was in the very back standing over a stove with only his back half visible.
Thomas unlocked his phone, pulling up a picture of a brown-grey tabby with big green eyes. "This is Fiona-"
"THE LIL' NUGGET!" Kara inputted, she had found her way on the floor and was cooing at Clefairy. Kara rolled onto her back, placing the cream kitten onto her stomach. She had only pet the cat for a little bit before her phone began violently vibrating in her overall pocket. Clefairy scrambled off of the girl, and she pouted in turn. Kara answered the phone, "Yo wassup, Harley?"
"Mhmm… Yeah we took a detour… Yeah, we're going to be late. Then tell Lily to shove it! I don't care that she doesn't want me to call her Lily! Lillian's too many syllables."
Thomas sighed and plucked the phone from Kara's grasp. "Sorry about that Harley, we'll be there soon." Thomas hung up and handed the phone back to Kara. He turned to Orion. "Sorry we have to head out, but maybe we could hang out again." Thomas scribbled his number onto a sticky note and handed it to Orion. "Uh, see you later?" He smiled sheepishly and walked out the door, dragging Kara behind him.
Clefairy mewed and followed him to the door. "Alright. I'll call you. . . or something." Clefairy sat next to the door and meowed again. "Yes, I'm sure he'll be back, Clefairy," Orion said, pouring a bowl of cornflakes. "I have a feeling this could go downhill very quickly."
"Kara, what's your deal?" Thomas huffed. "You can't just barge into somebody's home after trying to rob them."
"I do what I want, Tommy Boy," Kara answered with a snarky grin. "Also, I would have loved to stay more and play with FurrBaby and Sir Glen-"
"Clefairy and Sir Ben," Thomas corrected as the duo exited the apartment building, heading down the street towards downtown.
"Whatever. Plus, you're going back there later."
"You literally gave her your number, plus there were some sparks. I saw them."
"No, you did not."
"Shut up, I did. Thomas as soon as she calls you, I'm setting you two up. As soon as I tell Harley, we're going to have your wedding planned."
"For the love of God, Kara stop talking. We ran into each other, you stole a pretzel, and then we petted her cats. Nothing much."
"You gave her your jacket!"
"Yes, as a kind gesture, nothing romantic- Wait."
"You left your jacket at Orion's house didn't you?"
Thomas sighed, opening the door to the rec center for Kara to enter. "Yes, I did. I'll get it later today. Come on, we have some rock walls to climb."
(thomas is a smol boi and i love him)
Orion changed her shirt and put a load of laundry in the washing machine. Clefairy meowed and pawed at her ankle. "I already told you, he's going to come back." The cat meowed again. "Why? Because he left his coat here. That's considered normal human behavior." Clefairy purred.
"Alright, alright." Orion sat down on the couch and Clefairy jumped up next to her. "Sit down already."
(he's a dad friend and Kara is his friend child :P XD)
"So you spilled coffee on the girl Kara was trying to rob, went to her house, hung out with her cats, left unexpectedly and left your jacket there," Lillian summarized. She blew a piece of curly, flaming red hair out of her face before scaling another small section of rock wall.
"Yup," Thomas replied. He ensured that his feet were sturdy before reaching up to grasp a higher handhold.
"I am still so confused but Kara told me that we're planning a wedding so I guess we are!" Harley added enthusiastically. They were hanging from a strange position below Thomas.
"HELL YEAH WE ARE!" Kara cried from her own little section of rock wall to Thomas's right.
"Kara, stop," Thomas sighed, climbing higher.
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