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forum Robot into human?? Group or OXO
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

I have a robot oc named Elise, she's the sweetest little thing.

She wants to be human, so who's going to help her?
I don't really have a plot, we could figure out a way for her to become human, or just say she gets turned human and thrown on someone's door step unconscious.

Who knows? :))

@AnxietyGremlin group

If it's okay can I join. I don't mind a no, but its a really interesting idea, and I have a plot in mind. I have a few people in mind depending on her sexuality and if you want a romance of not. I have a few ideas for this, but again. If you say no i don't mind

@AnxietyGremlin group

Okay okay okay i gotchu my friend. I can send a link to the character page.

My first idea is that she got turned human through witchy magic, if that exists in this world, and not knowing where else to go, she goes back to where she was created, which is now abandoned, and my character is an urban explored, so he finds her and takes her home.

I'll tell you the rest in the morning :)

@AnxietyGremlin group

Again, if magic exists, he could be an aspiring wizard, and she could have gone to every wizard and witch she could find, and no one would help her. Maybe because that kind of magic was frowned upon, or they just didn't care, but he either didn't care if it was frowned upon, and/or wanted to help her regardless of the reprocussions. As the roleplay goes on, he learns spells and builds his magic up until he can finally cast the spell to turn her human

@AnxietyGremlin group

She could show up human in his backyard for some reason, and we'll discover that reason as we go along. He take's her in as he has no where to go. She knows that she was once a robot. If you want she can try to hide it from him, or she could just admit it, but he get's suspicious eventually. and that one isn't really well developed, but if you like it then we can focus on making it a better plot

@AnxietyGremlin group

I really like the urban explorer one if you want to go with that! You can pst a starter, or if you want, I can, or we could just jump right in. whatever you want to do.

@AnxietyGremlin group

Quinn was delighted. He walked up to the property, excited to explore. He had his polaroid camera around his neck, and was ready to get evidence. He was an urban explorer. He went to old abandoned buildings, took pictures, and walked around. He hoped for strange occurrences. That's what he lived for.
He walked up to the decrepit looking building, and looked around. The walls were crumbling, the windows were broken, and everything was dirty.
He went inside, and it was even worse. It looked like a lab, or a workshop of some kind. It looked like a tornado had come through.
He walked around for a little, taking pictures of especially weird or beat-down things, until he turned a corner and saw a girl.
She was just laying on the middle of the floor. He was a little wary of going near her, but a few light prods with a stick proved that she wasn't going to react. He went over and examined her for a moment. She was pretty, but he was still a bit on edge. She looked kind of weak and sickly, like she hadn't eating in a while. He couldn't just leave her there. He shook her, and tried to wake her up.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

She let out a soft groan as she was poked, but she wasn't exactly conscious. She had passed out because she had ran around the area and then ran all the way back incase she missed something or maybe they had a chance they were coming back.
She had brusies and her feet were dirty having not had any shoes, she also didn't feel the pain from the adrenaline she had.
She had glasses on, but the glasses were cracked.

@AnxietyGremlin group

He shook her a little bit lighter, as he could tell she was only partially conscious. "Hello?" he asked, hoping she could hear him "Miss are you okay?" he was hoping she would be, but was ready to help in any way possible if she wasn't. He saw her cracked glasses and hoped shards didn't get in her eyes.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

She realized someone was shaking her, and she forced her eyes open, only for them to close again. Is this what if felt like for people when they exhausted themselves for so long they just could only sleep?
She finally managed to get her eyes open and looked up at the guy staring down at her. It took her a good minute to realize his lips were moving and he was trying to say something.
She moved to rub her eyes, "could…could you repeat that..?" She spoke, yawning as she spoke. She winced as she felt the pain in her feet from running on the concrete and stone.

@AnxietyGremlin group

"Are you okay?" he asked. He didn't mind repeating himself at all. "Is there anything I can do for you? Do you need food or water? Anything at all?" He asked. He was worried about her. Not for any reason other than that he was a caring person.
He looked around. He realized he was still holding her shoulder, and let her go.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Before she could say anything her stomach let out a large growl and her eyes widened, "u-uhm…food please.." She spoke, looking away and holding her arms around her stomach. She felt awful…she didn't realize how badly humans needed food. Why was it that humans were so..fragile? She just- hadn't realized how much human bodies were weak too.
She winced as she felt her foot hurting.