@Mojack group
The Resurgence, also known as the war between humans and the unknown. No one knew where it came from, and even a year and a half later, the origin of the virus remains unknown. It happened to fast- there’s a reason we called it the 9 week war, taking only that much time for the infected to overpower man.
Now, survivors roam a silent world. The safest spots are the bunkers, or some place underground. Unless the infected get in, then it just becomes a death trap. Rumours of cities, still active with people, float around. It’s said some islands remained devoid of the infected, and what infected came to the land were killed. Australia comes to mind, although you shouldn’t trust gossip. It could be outdated info for all you know.
Other spots are military bases, which again, are typically safe, unless an outbreak happens. It’s also more in the open, so you have to take special care in building up defences.
But one of the riskiest, yet common places for survivors to live - is out in the Wild. Aka the entire world. When you were denied a spot in a bunker or couldn’t get to a shelter in time, you were out here. You had to learn to survive, either alone, or in groups. Sometimes, it’s safety in numbers. Other times, safety in numbers, according to the infected, is just a moving buffet.
Sometimes survivors garner enough resources to make their own safe zone. These ‘survivor cities’ aren’t complete safe zones, obviously. But they’re places where survivors come to live, and in great numbers too. Rumours spread, and survivors travel.
Survivor cities aren’t built from the ground up. Usually, it’s just a empty city, taken by the survivors. That’s why some buildings are so unkempt, so overgrown- because no one has lived there for over a year.
You live in one of these survivor cities. Whether it’s on your own or with some other roommates, be it strangers, friends or family, you made your home in one of these cities. It’s not a fair place to live, and food is hard to come by, although the penalties for stealing are major. People have been exiled, a death sentence on its own, just for stealing food.
Not all people who come by the city are residents. Some come to trade what they have in exchange for other goods. Others come for information, or for directions, something that can turn to a trade on its own. Overall, these survivor cities have built up to be one of the greatest safe zones there are, perhaps a sign that one day, mankind will be able to rebuild in this broken world.
But then, a stranger comes to town.
And history repeats itself.
Mutated infected are easy to identify, with their beastly, otherworldly features. Specific mutations cannot be put down, since when an infected enters the mutation stage, there’s no telling what could leave the stage. All I can say is that there’s no coming back from a mutation, and that they’ll be a shell of their former self from that point on.
Non mutated range in their difficulty to being identified depending on their remaining intelligence, with most infected losing intelligent capabilities and becoming easy to identify. Urges to harm or bite people are the first to come to mind. Non verbal, unless the infected maintains a high level of intelligence (in which case, STAY ALERT). Foamy saliva, clacking teeth when near meat (writer’s note: intelligent infected can somewhat suppress this symptom. in case it wasn’t obvious, most infected symptoms do not apply to the intelligent). The best way to identify an intelligent infected is via blood. Is the blood is red, it’s human. If it’s black, it’s infected, and should be put down immediately.
Writer’s notes:
- infected are not zombies. when they die, they stay dead, though their corpses should be disposed of. the farther an infected is in mutation, the harder it is to kill.
- mutations are something that happens due to an unknown reason. mutations occur within 4-5 months of being infected, in which it enters a dormant state while it mutates.
- most infected are unintelligent compared to humans, but possess their own language, that only the infected can understand. mutated are slightly more intelligent than their average infected, although this varies.
- most infected, and some mutated, will become dormant during the day.
Good ol’ infection RP. Where your character is one of the survivors residing in a decently populated ‘survivor city’, and my character is..the ‘stranger.’ Who is this stranger? What will they do? Let’s find out!
Also, this does come with some twists. One, I shall reveal here: your character is unable to catch the virus, unable to get sick from it, unable to turn into an infected, etc.
If I do not know your writing style, I will ask for a writing sample.
First, the rules/notes.
- Do not autohit, but don’t dodge everything either. Play to your strengths, but remember your weaknesses.
- This will probably be a mature RP in terms of violence n blood. Though there’s a time and place for those two. It’ll be a bit darker, considering that most of the human population is infected OR dead, so only commit to this if you understand that.
- And as always, swear to your heart’s desire!
- Ask questions as needed. I’ll be pleased to answer.
- Response time may vary, from same day to several days later. Please keep that in mind!
- Absolutely no one liners.
I’ll swing you into the sun if you do one even though you’ve read this rule - Please try to have good grammar/punctuation!
- Say the sexytimes somehow happen in this, it’ll probably be a fade to black sort of thing. Sorry. I’m not good at writing that stuff, nor am I extremely fond of reading it.
- If you have any ideas for this..let me know. And when it comes to the Mutated and Infected- keep in mind, Infected look more human, Mutated barely have any human features. This means if you want to make an encounter for a Mutated, be it in your character’s backstory or in RP…go wild in creating its appearance! The only guideline I’ll give is that they do look somewhat grotesque, so you’re probably not gonna get any beautiful or pretty looking Mutated anytime soon.
- This list may change (most likely won’t, but I always mention this just in case).
Oh yeah, and the setting of this is somewhere on the west coast of North America.
Remove brackets!
Gender/pronouns: (any gender, any pronouns goes for this.)
Age: (20-25)
Background: (secrets are welcome..write as much as you want.)
Equipment: (anything notable on their person goes here.)
Skills: (any skills, from survival skills to just ‘for fun’ sort of things.)
Fears: (anything they fear.)
Relations: (anyone, be it dead or alive, in the city or out of the city, that they have a relationship to? name the character, their status, and their relationship to them! Remember what I said about roommates? this is your chance…or not.)
Other: (fun facts, anything that I forgot, mannerisms, habits, etc go here.)