forum PRP with Toxic_Persephone (OxO)
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

people_alt 54 followers

@Toxic_Persephone group

(Can do!!! Y'all should get some sleep)

Scavenge, hide, run.
The three words practically took hold of Talia's mind.
Scavenge, hide, run.
Three rules. Easy to follow, easy to keep.
Scavenge, hide…

"There's nothing to run from here." She reminded herself vocally, nodding in agreement as she pushed her wavy hair out of her face. She really should have cut it a long time ago - long and thick hair really was not ideal for the life she led - but she couldn't bring herself to do it. The dark locks were the only possession of her's that she really liked. They went well with her discolored eyes, exaggerating the blue of them. She couldn't remember the last time she had seen her reflection but she knew that the contrast was quite nice.
Don't get it wrong, Talia wasn't vain in any way. She just had to find at least something to keep her sane out here all alone. The life of a scavenger was lonely, as others tended to stab you in the back for even the smallest amount of water. And loneliness drove people over the edge. Talia included.
She wasn't insane per se, just… not exactly sane. She would chatter endlessly to herself as she moved rocks and twisted metal to fit into holes or cracks other's couldn't, using her malnourished form to her advantage. Usually the conversations were one sided, but sometimes, when things got really bad, she'd have another reply; someone made up in her brain that she willingly voiced.

"Nothing to run from and nothing to scavenge." She scoffed, pulling at a slab of concrete with bandaged and bloodied hands. She didn't flinch when she was cut further into, only pulling her hands back into her side to scowl at the slab, cursing it for being too large for her to move.
"On to the next?" She sighed.
"To the next, yes!" She replied.
The next slab didn't budge though it was smaller than the other. Talia was aware her strength had been declining with each passing day she didn't eat but this was ridiculous. She could have moved both concrete slabs ten times over if she had gotten here a week earlier.
She would have gotten here a week earlier too, if she wasn't so scared of coming across another human. It had taken her the full week to scout out the area and confirm there wasn't going to be anyone to sneak up on her. Or at least she had checked the aboveground places. She didn't even once think of a bunker, which would prove to be an interesting mistake on her part.


((That starter is c r i s p))

Preparation was the key to survival— and that was why Maxim triple-checked his backpack to make sure he was fully armed and had all of the needed supplied. It certainly wasn't because he wished to stall until as late as possible in order to have an acceptable excuse to delay leaving the safety of his protective bunker. No, no, no. That would be ridiculous.

Especially considering how low he was getting on supplies.

Maxim mentally checked off the last item on his list and let out a sigh, slowly standing upright and hefting his heavy backpack up. He grunted lightly as the strap dug into his shoulder, but as he was thoroughly unwilling to depart with any of the things he'd packed, there was nothing to be done about it. He glanced around once to make sure he hadn't dropped anything important— which he hadn't. Was that it, then? He had everything? Yes?

"Alright, Barnabas—" Maxim spun around to face a large clear tank, which housed the only other living creature in his bunker— a turtle. "I guess it's time for me to be off. Is there anything I'm forgetting?"

Barnabas did not reply. He was too stuck-up to even poke his head out of his shell. Or maybe he was just dead.

"No? Well, alright then."
Maxim swallowed, glancing towards the metal ladder that led up to the bunker's hatch door. Was it just him, or was it more ominous than usual? He readjusted his glasses— thin silver frames, with tape holding them together at the bridge and smudges lenses— and walked over to it. It had been quite some time since he had left the bunker, as he had been avoiding that sort of escapade for awhile. After all, why would he want to go out into that savage world when he could be perfectly content in here, watching the movie Back to the Future over and over again on the old DVD player he had salvaged and eating dried meat? The answer was simple: if he didn't restock his supplies, he wouldn't be able to enjoy his comforts for much longer.

He climbed up the ladder with all of the enthusiasm of a depressed sloth— though with his long, gangling limbs, it really didn't take long for him to reach the hatch. How unfortunate.

With one hand, he reached up and entered the number into keypad lock, dreading the resounding beep that informed him the lock had been deactivated.

This was it. He wasn't really ready at all, but he was as ready as he would ever be.

He reached up, slowly pushed the hatch open, and peered out at the world beyond. A ravaged world, possibility filled with psychopaths and cannibals and wild animals. But it did not matter what it was filled with, because Maxim would have to venture out into it regardless.

So he did, clambering through the open hatch. He scraped his knee against the ground and struggled a bit, what with his annoyingly heavy backpack and his overall ungraceful nature. Once he was out, he made sure to close the hatch and reactive the lock, so that his supplies and Barnabas would be protected until he returned.

@Toxic_Persephone group

((Ahaha why thank you, I do have to admit tho, Barnabas is my favorite character already.))

After giving the slab one last futile push, Talia flopped down to rest her sore arms and weary eyes.
"Aren't you weak? What happened to staying strong until the end?" She asked herself
"Well, in my defense I haven't eaten in almost a week." Came the sarcastic reply. She lifted her bandaged fingers to study the blood stains, noting a new one that was steadily growing.
You've been here too long.
Talia ignored her instincts and settled for standing instead, looking around for abandoned structures. Heaps of scrap metal met her eyes.
"There's nothing to run from." She reminded herself. "No dogs, no animals, no humans. Only metal and dirt and rocks." Another look around revealed the same thing, except this time she noticed a small metal rod that looked useful. "And a useful tool."

The rod proved useful as a way to lift the smaller of the concrete chunks. Underneath was…
"Nothing." Talia groaned.
"What did you expect?" She asked herself. There wasn't an answer, only grumbling as Talia moved on to dig through rubble. She avoided the structures still standing, too afraid of them collapsing on top of her to even get near them. She had been trapped once under a fallen building and that was an experience she wasn't willing to repeat. Not again, not ever.

Her head shot up at the sound of a thump, every muscle in her body tensing until she noticed a new stone on the ground. "Must be buildings… right? Right. What else could it be? You didn't see any camps or any people so you're okay. You can stay alone. Loneliness is better than death. Yes."