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forum Private RP
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group


Here it is! I’ve put the main post below.

1943, somewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean

As far as the world is concerned, this island does not exist. It has never been recorded, never been observed. Never been explored. No one even knows the name of the place, simply because it is not on the maps. Kept hidden, by a spell.

But spells- magic doesn’t exist. Magic is a thing of tales, of stories and legends. It’s not real, is it?

Until someone breaks through the barrier.

It’s not on purpose anything, oh no. Here they come, in a smoking plane. You know, it was probably a surprise for them, to expect water below you - then all of the sudden, there’s a bright light as you come closer to the water. And falling, falling, falling - the light clears, and there’s an entire island ahead of you, one you don’t recall ever seeing while flying. And falling, falling - you’re still falling, all you can hope is to make a safe descent to the ground.

And you crash. It’s not easy, it’s hard, and rough. Crashing isn’t ever easy, isn’t it? You wouldn’t know, it doesn’t happen often. Ever, actually. It doesn’t happen to you ever.
And when you’re recovering your belongings, you realize that you are not alone. Oh no, you are definitely not alone, you realize, as a shadow overtakes your very person, towering above you.

Romance, maybe?

New RP, set in a historical time period. Do not be afraid to get anything wrong historically - this will be fictional, there will be fictional characters and people who do not exist in the real world. If we get far enough, don’t expect the story to align with everything.
A RP in which a lost pilot meets something that they thought was only real in legends. A dragon…impossible..?


  • I would prefer this to be MxF, and I would prefer to play as the woman, though I can make exceptions.
  • I will be playing the dragon-shifter, while you, whoever ends up joining, will be the human pilot.
  • Country of origin, I put there since some people have WW2 knowledge focused in certain countries. If you feel comfortable playing a person from a country you have more knowledge on, go ahead. If you want to try something new, that works too.
  • The setting is mainly Europe and the North Atlantic Ocean, as well as a fictional island in the ocean.
  • Dragons, as far as anyone’s concerned, are creatures of legends. There have been rumours, but the general population wouldn’t know much.
  • Magic can be harnessed by humans, but only through special means. TBD in RP.


Mature RPers preferred. I cannot confirm whether or not there may be sexual things; if there is we’ll probably skip it either way but it will be implied.
Violence and blood, both are welcome. But there is a time and place for that.
Swearing is allowed.
No one liners.
Good grammar is appreciated.
I will be asking for a writing sample, unless we’ve RP’d before.
Ask questions as needed.
This list may or may not be added to.
And for the template…

Age: (19-25)
Gender: (I would prefer to be the woman, if possible - but if you really want to be her please let me know in advance.)
Country of Origin: (Wherever they come from. Refer to the clarifications if needed.)
Languages Spoken: (They don’t have to speak English - my character will know quite a few; presumably whatever your character speaks. RP-wise, don’t worry about typing in whatever language your character speaks; we’ll just assume that’s what they’re speaking in. You can still have them know English though.)

General style of clothing:

Background: (can be brief.)
Family: (who’s alive in their family, any details, etc.)
Other: (anything else)

Assumably, the RP will begin either during the crash-land onto the island, or after the pilot is recovering themselves. Either way, it will lead up to the dragon encounter.


Graham smiled a little bit, "I don't know, I guess it's just a bit of a guilty pleasure, I'm supposed to be evil, dark, or whatever, utilizing the powers of the different elements for my own use, while when I get back home, I drink apple juice in unhealthy amounts. It's kind of funny, at least in my opinion." He said, laughing as well with Asher. The boy's laughter was honestly contagious, and he couldn't help laughing with him. Then he started thinking, Is it a bit sketch that I'm staying with this other boy in his home? I mean, I have work tomorrow. Hmph, that's funny, I don't work besides cleaning up after those "children", but other than that, not too much, at least anymore, but I at least need to check my stocks. Wait, does that count as work? I mean, I'm somewhat getting paid for that. . . Wait, oh he's finished talking, okay, from what he said, and the look on his face, let's see if I can somewhat successfully continue the conversation. "I think that you'll catch them on your own time." he said with a smile, "And once you do, you'll be back in the limelight, and everyone will love you and all that stuff too." He said with a smile, then blush when he felt Asher's eyes on him, _Why in the world is he looking at me like that? I swear, if I got kidnapped by a real psychopath, I'm in trouble. Then the blush on his cheeks grew more when Asher complimented his hair, "T-thank you." He mumbled, for once at a loss for words, "I think you have pretty eyes." He added, not wanting it to be weird and not give the boy a compliment back. "W-wait, you think I'm a good person? Me? A good person?" He started to laugh loudly, then realized that Asher wasn't laughing at all, "Oh, you weren't joking, awkward. . ." He mumbled, looking down at the bed, "But, uhm, I'm really not a good person at all, to me arson is a hobby, not a crime. To me death isn't that big of a deal. I've become so numb to the things that a good person would cry over. I am simply not a good person at all, and I don't want you to lie to yourself, and think that I am." He said with a shrug as if it was that simple, "Don't be upset please, I just don't want you to live a lie or anything." He said with sigh, then smiled a bit, after hearing Asher's response to the bike, "If you want, once I can actually help you with it, I could show you some, if you'd like to me to ruin the surprise or something."

"I uhm. . ." He mumbled his cheeks pink now that he realized what had slipped out of his mouth, "Yeah, uhm I don't have a filter, at all." He said sheepishly, "But, uhm about the working together thing, I don't want you to think that this is permanent or anything, we'll be catching Storm, turning her in and such, and I'll be back to my own private life, I have to take care of my friends. . .Oh god, they are in my house right now. . ."By the time I get back there it could be gone or something. Oh shiitake mushrooms. He thought, then turned back , "You know what, let's not worry about that right now. I'm sorry, but uhm, let's see here, make you the envy of all the heroes, get rid of that annoying Storm, and let me be once more? Does that sound about right?" He said with shrug, then looking closer at the other boy quickly added something, "Mind you, I'm not going to be a sidekick or anything, I will be working with you, not for you, and not exactly helping you either. We both have the same goal, so we will work together to accomplish it. Does that make sense? And once we're done, I'll go back to being a villain, and you a hero. Or maybe I'll just settle down or something, I like inventing things, that's how I utilize my elements, so maybe I could start just inventing to help mankind." Seeing the happy look on Asher's face he burst out laughing, "That's a joke, I would never do anything like that. I'd probably be using them to destroy mankind, or overtake it or something." He smiled a bit, his grin growing more and more as he spoke, "Then, once my inventions become powerful, think about it, robots, anything dangerous, AI's, who knows maybe I'll create some animatronics too that'll force mankind into submission! Then I will be the ruler of alllllllllllllll!!!" Then seeing the nervous/ angry look on Asher's face sheepishly smiled and looked down at the tray of food, "Or, maybe I'll just be the next Elon Musk."

When he was sat back down, he pouted a little bit, wanting to actually take care of himself and not have to sit back down again, That's what I've been doing for the past 2 hours, I want to try to walk or somethiiiiiinnnnnnggggg. He mentally whined, and started to come up with a list of grievancs to give Asher, his normal bravado and snooty self in full rear. Then, when he saw the guitar, his jaw dropped, No wonder he was so sad that he had lost his guitar, now I really feel bad for him. Waittt, should I? I made him a new motorbike to make up for the old one, then doesn't that make things even? Never mind, this'll be one of my late-night exstestential questions that I keep myself up with. "Oh, I uhm, I wouldn't want to mess anything up or something. I'm really good at that, whenever I touch something, it somehow always finds a way to break." He said with a sheepish smile, "Excpet my inventions, those somehow last being around me, Drew, and Clark, surprisingly." He looked down to see the slightly disappointed look on the other boy's face and sighed, "Why don't you play something for me? That'd be nice."

(I hope that was alright)