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forum Pick an RP, any RP... [REBOOTED AND OPEN]
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

people_alt 53 followers


I need another RP. I like dark RPs— science fiction and crime. My rules are simple. No vulgar language, strong cursing, explicit sex scenes, magic/demons, or pedophilia. Dark themes, such as rape, are allowed. Sexual innuendos and references are allowed. Mild cursing is not ideal but is tolerable; strong language is not allowed. Post at least 3-4 days a week. Be literate. I need a writing sample. That's all.

Romance Ideas:

  1. I'd really like to do a RP with one character who's super flirtatious and kinky being in a relationship with a super awkward shy person who doesn't know how to respond and usually ends up getting flustered to death. I have one ship like this (they're actually a married couple) already and it's one of my favorites. I give it 10/10.

  2. Taking the previous suggestion a step further so that's it's no long cute but perhaps a bit disconcerting (although still quite fun), a situation where either a) The Flirtatious Kink somehow gains ownership of the Awkward Shy, or the Awkward Shy saves the Flirtatious Kink's life somehow or commits some deed where the Flirtatious Kink is convinced that Awkward Shy is their master and they shall serve them and stalk them forever.

  3. Enemies to tolerating each other to friends to lovers. Or… vice versa. Slow burn or slow fade.

  4. Jock x Nerd.

Non-Romantic Ideas

  1. Character A is a wimpy teen who gets accused of a crime he didn't commit and gets thrown into one of the most chaotic prisons in the country. (This prison has a lot of detail in the way I've designed it so ask more questions if you're interested in this one; essentially, it is ran by the prisoners and prison-gangs within it— they just can't leave.) Character A gets beaten to a pulp by the other prisoners, until Character B— a gruff middle-aged man who is tough as nails— pities him and takes up for him. It becomes a reluctant friendship of sorts, and due to the age difference, almost a weird father-son (or maybe weird uncle-nephew) type relationship. Both characters would be male; I'd be B.

  2. Reluctant mentor figure and overly eager student. Perhaps this could apply to superheroes, spies, or some other important job. Even criminal gangs, since I have a knack for those.

  3. The reverse: overly eager mentor figure and reluctant student.

If you don't like these, we'll come up with something else.

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Hey! I really like the prison idea! However, it might take me a bit to come up with a sample.

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This is in a character chat/rp thread that I just recently came up with that I'm proud of. Melanie was an old character of mine that was forgotten a while ago, so I brought her back, except older and more experienced. (I know you probably didn't need to hear that but… oh well)

A middle-aged woman emerges from the thick of the woods in a bright yellow burst. Her long brown hair pools down to her hips where two SIG P226s rested on each side. Looking at her hands, where the small remainder of the yellow pulse she came from, the woman smiled faintly, wrinkles creasing under her eyes.

"I guess he still looks after me after all." The female puts her hand in her pocket for a second, remembering something distant before returning to the situation, smirking a bit at the bear attacking the hunter.

"Thame's Ice Bear, huh? Really could have named it better, am I right?" The New York accent from the female was faint, hinting to where she called home, when really she had called lots of places home once. She couldn't imagine her life without Him revealing a sliver of the universe's secrets.

"Let's get rid of the beastie, aight? Don't want you people to die now." Unholstering the Sauer pistols, the woman smirked as she fired twice at the beasts left side, only one of the shots piercing through the bear's icy fur. A small trickle of silver blood oozed out.

"You there! Draconian! Aim for its underbelly! I'll keep it distracted!" She closed her eyes and a surge of golden energy bursted from the woman once again, but this was different from before. It seemed like the energy of gold was swirling around her, like she was the eye of a golden hurricane.

C'mon… where are you? No… No… No… Ah yes! There! In her head and the bear's, the newcomer held part of the bear's conscious using an ability she was able to finally master after 32 years. The bear in the forest let out a howl of both rage and pain, more of the silver blood pooling out of the beast's mouth, as it continued to charge, limping, to the hunter who killed their family.

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Oh thanks! I honestly didn't expect to be accepted… (Different people like different things when it comes to the writing in a rp. I know most people are fine with 1-2 paragraphs, but I know the few people who like their rp partner/group to be more literate.)

Do you have a template or should I go fetch one?


Template thing is totally up to you! If you already have a temp you like, drop it here and I'll fill it out.

I think your writing is really good, so you have Ewen's approval. :3

I have some random details about the prison that I'll fill you in on, but it's nothing too complicated so we'll just use both of our imaginations and let it develop as we please. :)

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Here's a simpler one I found on Notebook (credits to @Starlight-Starbright ) that I tweaked only a little bit for our rp.

Background: (optional)
Quote the describe them: (optional)
Song to describe them: (optional)
Other: (optional)


  Currently Unfinished  

Sebastian Paul Vern. He tends to go by Vern.

38 years old.


Demi-heterosexual, although at this point in his life I doubt he's interested in any sort of romantic relationship whatsoever.






  • Cannot swim.

They say that, long before his world went to crap, Vern was a jovial guy with a kind heart. He's always been a big, brutish guy with a strong build, and even long before he entered the world of crime, he was supposedly really strong and into fitness and enjoyed learning different styles of boxing. His true occupation before getting arrested is unknown, and varies greatly according to the rumor. But he did supposedly have a family (a wife and two children) that he adored with all his heart.
Unfortunately, something happened. For some reason or another, Vern [unfinished]

Quotes to describe them:
"Never trust a survivor until you find out what they did to stay alive."

Song to describe them:


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Name: Rune Villin

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Standing at 5'4", Rune has short, shaggy brown hair and dark blue eyes. Because of his lanky body, he doesn't have much muscle for playing any sports. Before coming to the prison, he would be wearing a red hoodie, a plain white shirt, and dark blue jeans.

Personality: Rune was–and still is–pretty gullible and on the shy side, so it was easy for him to be set up and framed for larceny. Rune cares for his friends though, as few as they may be. When in conflict, Rune tries to see through reason and is rarely angry, but he's known to act like a scared child when things don't go well.

Crime: Killing his best friend at summer camp and hiding the body in a remote lake.


  • Well-tempered.
  • Good at math.
  • He might not be athletic, but Rune is flexible.


  • When backed into a corner, Rune gets emotional.
  • Scared to try new things.

Background: Rune was raised sheltered from most things until he attended a summer camp when he was 14. Normally, when at home and school, Rune was often teased and pushed around, but at Camp Everest, he could be whoever he wanted to be.
3 summers of going to camp, Rune had made a name for himself, and drama with him and a friend from home escalated. Realizing his mistake and feeling bad after a week of drama, Rune sent a note to meet at Everest Lake at sunset to apologize to his friend and come clean.
That was the night that Samuel Baker was stabbed to death by Rune Villin, or so the court said.
In Rune's eyes, he couldn't see how he could have wanted to kill anyone, but there was one thing that pretty much sent Rune to prison: a video.
Apparently there was a witness who claimed to be there to make sure nothing got too serious. The witness? A camp counselor recorded from behind what had supposedly happened that night, showing a lanky male barely the size of Rune knocking over Samuel from behind and stabbing him with a knife.

Quote the describe them: "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only option you have."

Song to describe them: Oh Raven (Sing Me A Happy Song)

Other: N/A