@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
I'll be using my Wearwolf for this one
I'll be using my Wearwolf for this one
Ok so what's the play here vampire v werewolf
We could do that I'm down for whatever tho,
It's your call I'm just getting back into the flow
Well is this a romance orrr?
As long as it's not gay I'll manage
Lmao, it's not going to be do the worry, ember is straight as far as I'm aware.
Alrighty then you go ahead and start us off
Why do I always have to start? Oh wait I remember, it's because you suck, one sec.
Very funny
I know I'm a comedian, now hush.
Ember walked the streets, it was dark and the air was cool and wet, she shoes could be heard slightly as she walked through small puddles along the side walk, she didn't live to far from here she'd just gotten off work, she worked the graveyard shift at a local restaurant, she had her ear buds in and her arm's in the pocket of her hoodie, she couldn't hear anything going on around her but she was watching her surroundings her rich black hair was soaked and clinging to her face, her amber eyes glowing slightly but not enough to notice. She took a shortcut through a side alley, she'd taken it loads of times before it was quicker to take this way then go around everything to get to her apartment.
A old drunk man with black hair with a sober young man with deep silver hair leading the old man to an alley way near by Ember
(… Wow that's not a lot to go on, M. Lol)
Ember made her way through the ally noticing the men close by on of them reeked of liquor, it was suffocating her lungs, one of the cons of being able to smell things from far away. She stood in the shadows, waiting to see if it was safe for her to make the rest of the way home like this.
(look it's been a hot minute since my last rp)
The boy with the silver hair (mid 20s) waited for her to go around before sinking his fangs into the mans neck draining the Man for everything he had and once he had finally finished his eyes turned a vibrant red
(Excuses, excuses)
Ember stopped in her tracks the moment she smelt something metallic in the air, her heart began to beat faster and she pulled the wire to her headphones causing them to fall out our her ears, she wanted to move but her body wouldn't allow it, she waited for any sound to come, if she heard anything moving towards her she would run, she'd run to her apparent.
Silver had wiped his face "I guess I was hungry" he said to himself in a low quiet tone before going to investigate the woman that had passed him moments ago not moving fast but at a calm walking pace with his hands in his pockets
Ember sucked in a quiet breath when she heard the footsteps she darted towards the end of the ally. she debated on shifting but decided not too she wouldn't have the time it would draw to much attention to her.
Silver walked into the alleyway to go investigate.
(Wym walked past her?)
(She was at the end of the alley right the alley has a left and a right path that can be taken wich makes it a good dumping ground for him to collect his bodies later)
(¥ kinda like the symbol shown)
(Youre killing me bestie)
Ember Scurried out of the other end of the ally looking behind her as she stepped toward the road on the other side.
Once again only relying on his senses he left the alleyway not keeping pace but curious on her intentions following her traces
Ember switched to the other side of the road diagonal from silver, she kept her steps quick and short, she knew he was following her she could see him out of the corner of her eye. Her body was trembling, she was hoping she would see somebody on the sidewalk.
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