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forum oxo with @emilyevewrites
Started by @menace-to-society

people_alt 63 followers


hi! i just went ahead and made a chat here! lmk if you like this plot and if not i can tweak it :)

After years of being hidden away in a small town in Pennsylvania, two teens escape a research lab and the strange people who run it. At first, they only crave freedom they were never able to have, but as they continue on their journey away from those hunting them down, they realize that their powers may be needed if the world is to survive in its current state.

idk what the threat will be yet, but since stranger things (and this rp as well) are based off like an urban legend, perhaps the "villain" or threat could be as well. i was thinking either like a portal to the underworld (might be too similar to st tho) or some sort of monster. there's also always alien invasion for an idea as well.

anyway, yeah! lmk your thoughts, just wanted to make this so i don't forget lol



one other question, idk if you want romance or not (idc either way)? and if you do, is there a specific gender you want my character to be (again idc lmao)?


name: Phoebe Katz
age: eighteen
gender/pronouns: female, she/her
sexuality: lesbian
power: foresight, she can sometimes see possible futures if she tries, occasionally important things come to her in flashes without her trying (when she is in her future vision mode, her body is defenseless for however long it takes her to see what she needs to and her eyes roll back in her head)
appearance: Phoebe has naturally curly dark brown hair that goes to her shoulders and deep brown eyes framed by thin eyebrows. She has high cheekbones and bow-shaped lips. She has slightly tan skin, just a few shades darker than fair. She has a few freckles and dimples in her smile. She stands at 5'7", a bit over average height, with a slender body type. She has the hands of a pianist despite her lack of ability at any instrument, and lacks any sort of grace whatsoever.
personality: Phoebe is determined, and when she knows what she wants she goes after it. She is smart, and will speak her mind to those willing to listen. She has a lot of back up plans due to her being able to see the future (more or less). She is a bit arrogant at times and knows that she is powerful, and she can be selfish. However, she does try to help others when she can. She's extremely protective of those she's close to.


that's fair lmfao,, prepare for a longass starter bc mine are always long and i wanna fit in some bg info to make it as easy to understand as possible >:)


Phoebe was amazed that she was finally here. Outside. Breathing in the crisp Pennsylvania fall air. It felt wonderful compared to the building she had spent the last several years of her life in. Each of the kids there had been taken in at a different age, from their infancy to much more recently. Most knew little about their families, either because they were so young when they were taken to what the adults there had only called "The Lab" or due to something that Phoebe feared was dangerously close to memory-altering technology. Or torture. Might just be straight up torture. She had been abducted when she was much, much younger, barely remembering her family naturally, so she was lucky enough not to have been subjected to it. In her visions, if this escape plan had failed, then Phoebe would have been subjected to whatever-it-was. Her foresight wasn't always the clearest on the details.

She felt bad that she had been leaving so many of her peers in the Lab, but there had been no other way. Her visions had proved it. Many of them were comfortable in their captivity, some even having grown to love the doctors there. Some were too young to understand what was happening at all. Time and time again her visions had shown her the truth–only Adalyn would have been able to escape with her. She glanced at the girl next to her, wondering what was so special about her that Phoebe's visions had confirmed that she needed Adalyn.

Phoebe herself had been planning this escape for some time. The oldest children in the Lab were eighteen, and Phoebe was unsure whether the doctors there would do something to them once they got older. Even if they didn't, a lifetime of captivity sounded terrifying enough to Phoebe. She had been living there since she was around three, so she had been practically raised by the doctors there. For a while, she had been content, but as the visions got more frequent and more complicated, she realized that there was something seriously wrong with that place. And she could only hope to stop it from the outside if she didn't want to risk the lives of everyone there. She glanced at Adalyn. That girl was the key–Phoebe knew it, but what she didn't know was why. And before they returned for the others, she wanted to figure that out. While everyone in the Lab knew everyone else, it would be a stretch to say that any of them were friends. The head doctor, Mr. Johnston, liked to foster competition in them, rewarding those who finished first and punishing those who didn't. Phoebe had a lot of time in solitary to think and plan.

She pursed her lips, trying to remember exactly which path she seen herself and Adalyn take out of here without getting caught. While she had been caught up in a reverie, she couldn't afford to waste time. They would be searching for the two missing girls soon. They just had to get out of this forest and hitchhike their way to a nearby town, which led to them finding someone's dropped wallet that had the cash to get them a change of clothes (the ugly white track suits they currently wore were hideous and also a dead giveaway to anyone looking for them). The kids in the Lab didn't have much of a choice of outfit. At any rate, for the rest of her plan to be put in motion, they needed to get out of here as soon as possible. She glanced at Adalyn, hoping the other girl was ready to get the hell out of here and get into hiding so things could go somewhat smoothly. What Phoebe hadn't admitted to the other girl was that after they found temporary shelter, she had no clue what to do next. Her visions hadn't gotten that far. She only knew that sometime, in the not-too-distant-future, they could rescue their peers. She needed to rest and regroup.

"Come on, this way," she instructed, walking towards a particularly thick patch of trees. That's right. After the trees got denser, they thinned out again gradually to reveal a road, and on that road travelled a truck they could hitchhike in. But not if they took too long.

(hope that works!)

@emilyevewrites group

(Oh hell yeah. So, I kind of may have done a lot here… I hope it's good with you.)

Adalyn blinked hazily, all the sights and sounds blurring together as everything had become way too bright and way too loud. There was wind and sunlight and animals chirping and rustling around her in literally every direction. She could somehow hear each little movement the critters made. But above all, she could hear her own breathing. It was short and quick. She was hyperventilating. Like she'd been running. Running? Running from what?

Her mind was refusing to process anything, even the simple sensory information of the wilderness around her. It was all too much for her, and Addy winced at every little motion that happened in her peripheral vision. She was powerful, incredibly so. As a result, the doctors in the Lab kept her on a steady dosage of drugs to alter her mental state and numb her to her surrounding environments. However, her power was only one of the reasons. The other was much more complicated.

From the time she was three years old, Adalyn began to show signs of magical abilities. She could make things float through the air. She would start crying when other people around her felt sad, but once they calmed down, so did she. She would accidentally send memory glimpses into her parents' minds, which originally scared them, but they got used to it. Obviously, this led to her parents – Alison Mirka and Janey Maier – to discover her abilities. However, they made the decision to not tell anyone of their daughter's powers. They thought that it was what was safest for Addy and their family. They were right.

Once Adalyn was old enough, Alison and Janey sat her down and explained the use of her powers to her, from what they had been able to gather so far. They made Addy swear that she wouldn't perform her magic for anyone outside of their family and especially not in public. Eventually, the family fell into a rhythm and was able to keep hidden long enough for Addy to go through almost her entire public schooling. But she had been found out just several months ago.

With her beloved parents held at gunpoint while she was taken, eighteen-year-old Adalyn was dragged off to the facility. The first weeks were a nightmare for both Addy and the doctors. The former refused to relent to her captors, and the latter group was determined to study such a powerful and devastated individual. So, she was… subdued. Enough, at least, for the memory-altering technology at the Lab to work its horrible ways on her. But it hadn't worked.

For reasons known only to the Almighty and Adalyn's guardian angel, the girl kept her memories. However, this also meant that Addy was even more restless than before. She wanted to get home and begged anyone who would dare to look her way to tell her if her parents were alright. Eventually, the doctors found the right combination of drugs to keep the memories locked away while also rendering Adalyn physically and mentally useless so they could then study her.

They'd gotten in a few days worth of testing before their newest subject was yanked from them again. And now here she was, walking through this new place, and there was a girl standing beside her, talking to her. Her voice sounded like she was underwater when she spoke. Adalyn barely remembered her… this was a girl she'd seen before. But from where? Without being able to pinpoint it, she began to stumble her way after the girl. Addy took maybe three steps before she stepped on a twig. It cracked under her foot, causing Addy to immediately stop, wince, and cover her ears with her hands.

"No," she whispered, her voice hoarse from both screaming and not being used. "Too loud."


Phoebe narrowed her eyes. What cocktail of drugs was this girl on? Jesus Christ. Those Lab shitbags had really gone overboard with her. Maybe that was why Phoebe's visions had always shown Adalyn escaping with her; the girl must be powerful if she had to be that subdued. That or she was a liability for running away, which, with little Phoebe knew, was entirely possible. No one came happily to the Lab once they were old enough to process what was happening. She'd witnessed it happen multiple times. Whether through machinery or drugs or manipulation, the others always calmed down and accepted their new lives, at least on the surface.

But it had been a real pain in the ass to get Adalyn all the way out here, narrowly avoiding getting caught multiple times. Since Phoebe's own abilities weren't exactly offensive and Adalyn was practically useless right now, there wasn't much they could do if they were noticed by a doctor or guard besides run. And even that was proving to be difficult. All this effort had better be worth it. If it had been up to her, Phoebe would have taken Jackie, the girl who could turn invisible and who had always gotten along with her. But in every eventuality where she took Jackie, one or both of them died. So that, of course, was a no-go. She would have even preferred the annoying Frederick, a boy with could imbue his body with psychic power, making him stronger and faster. But again, if she brought him along, one or both of them would die. Ugh, her power was so frustrating, though she supposed it was more the circumstances that were frustrating than anything.

Hopefully Adalyn's drugs wore off soon, or this was going to be a lot more work than Phoebe wanted to deal with. It would all be worth it if they could escape for good though. She sucked in a breath, cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk's. At this point, she might as well carry Adalyn. She just wasn't sure if she could do that, not to mention keep it up. Maybe she could try piggypacking her out of here? Not for the first time, Phoebe wished that she had telekinetic powers instead of her prophetic ones. She just had to think. What had her vision shown her that would be useful?

Someone yelled in the distance. Shit. They were running out of time. It didn't matter if Adalyn's ears hurt, Phoebe would shove her forward if she had no other choice. Sorry, Adalyn, she thought, a bit annoyed as she grabbed the girl's wrist and forcefully tugged her forward. At least her current pain would lead to her escaping. Phoebe didn't have time for her whining, not if they both wanted to escape with their lives. They had just started doing more in depth testing with Phoebe recently, since her abilities had always fascinated them. And her powers were getting stronger. She knew she only had a matter of time before she went insane if they kept it up; already her powers were gradually eating away at her sanity, the visions getting more and more frequent. She wasn't sure if it was natural or due to the doctor's tampering, but it was awful. And she doubted the effects on Adalyn would be much better.

"Come on," she muttered under her breath, her grip firm on Adalyn's wrist. She would get them both to safety, godammit.

@emilyevewrites group

Adalyn whipped her head around at the shout. "What was that?" she asked, her voice a whisper as she started to tremble with fear. She barely had time to process what the yell could be before she felt a grip lock around her wrist, and she was being pulled through the woods. Adalyn whimpered pitifully as she stumbled messily over the uneven forest floor. Roots seemed to reach for her, wanting to trip her up and slow her down.

The girl spoke to her again, but this time, Adalyn was able to hear her. "Where are we going?" she mumbled, slowly beginning to gain awareness of her surroundings. Every step made her head clearer. In the Lab, she'd literally been hooked up to a non-stop IV with powerful sedative drugs in it. Slowly, they were clearing from her system as she breathed in the fresh air and increased her heart rate.

Eventually, her feet found more of a footing. Her gross motor movements were improving, but her mind was still foggy. "Where are we going?" she repeated. "Who are you?"


Phoebe huffed. All these questions were getting on her nerves. She couldn't escape from a dangerous facility full of people who wanted to experiment on them with this increasing barrage of questions. Seriously, why did she have to take someone so annoying? Well, Phoebe could hardly blame her, since she was probably still feeling the effects of whatever drugs has been used on her. In Adalyn's position, Phoebe would probably act similarly, but at the moment her temper was incredibly short. She only had one shot to get this right. There were multiple paths they could go after they made it to the next city and changed clothes, but only one path where they escaped up to that point. Everything had to be perfect or they would get sent back to the Lab, or possibly die depending on which guard they came across. At least the trees were beginning to thin out here, enabling Phoebe to see snatches of a dirt road in the distance. They were so close!

But of course, Adalyn's queries were loud and if they wanted to avoid detection, they should probably quit talking and move quietly. Phoebe couldn't help an annoyed expression as she faced her companion. "Be quiet," she hissed, squeezing harder on the girl's wrist. "They will catch us if you keep talking, and we're both done for if they do." She continued walking, determined. The road was getting closer and closer. Soon enough, a truck would be driving down it, manned by a kind, middle-aged man named Brett. Brett would drive them to the city, since that's where he was headed. That part was important. This road didn't exactly get a lot of traffic.

After several more steps, Phoebe sighed, feeling bad for the girl she had all but dragged along with her. "I promise I'll explain everything later, but we need to get out of here," she said in a hushed voice, just loud enough for Adalyn to hear without straining. Soon enough, she heard a car coming this way. It must be Brett. She hurried Adalyn along even faster, determined to road before the truck was in sight.

@emilyevewrites group

Adalyn winced as the girl who was pulling her gripped her wrist even tighter. She whimpered again and tried to pull away, but the motion was weak and lacked any real strength. "Who?" she asked before her brain could actually process what the girl had just told her. "Sorry," she apologized, stumbling slightly over a protruding root. Her coordination was returning, yes, but the process was still slow. Her drugs had been strong.

She blinked slowly while meeting the girl's gaze and offered a dull nod. The bags under her eyes stood out even more in the daylight. Her skin was pale and her hair was frizzy. "Okay," she whispered back before struggling to keep up again. Apparently, they were in danger. This girl was… helping her? Adalyn was determined to keep up with the girl now, though she wasn't any more graceful. Her toe caught on a large branch that had fallen, and she nearly faceplanted in the dirt. If it weren't for the other girl's hand holding onto her, she would've gone down.