@SpookyScarySnoteleks group
It won't let me @ you, but I'll get my character up in a moment, and we'll get started! In the meantime, do you have any ideas for a plot? I can post a starter.
It won't let me @ you, but I'll get my character up in a moment, and we'll get started! In the meantime, do you have any ideas for a plot? I can post a starter.
Here's my character!
Name: Estella Calypso
Gender: Female, she/her pronouns
Age: 16
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: Average height and build, with purple hair in a short bob and large, blue eyes. She has dark caramel skin, and always wears makeup, most notably bright yellow lipstick.
Awesome! Any ideas for a plot, or at least a setting where we could start? I had an amusement park or fair in mind.
Ok amusement park, so they met a one of the games
Great! I'll have a starter up in a few!
Estella wandered around the amusement park, her blue eyes taking in all the sights to behold. In one hand, she held a large bag of cotton candy, and in the other, her black leather purse. She, of course, was wearing her signature black jacket, covered with an assortment of pins, patches and buttons. Today's selection of buttons was more colorful than most days, and the girl hummed a tune to herself as she walked, eventually coming to a stop in front of a fishing game. Estella paid the employee in the booth and leaned against the counter, waiting for another park-goer to join her as competition.
Rika was walking around the amusement park then she seen a fishing game and a girl with a unique outfit She wanted to say hi but that would be weird so she was going to stand next to her inside.
Estella grinned at the newcomer, raising one eyebrow. "So, you're the competition, huh? Pleased to beat you." The girl chuckled at her own joke, waiting for the other to pay so the game could begin.
Huh- um yup ^ pays^
The employee took Rika's money and pressed the "Start Game" button, allowing the platform that held all the plastic fish to start rotating. Occasionally, a fish would raise up and snap its mouth shut. Estella grabbed her rod and started pulling up fish with ease, depositing them in a basket on her side of the counter.
Rika got one - yes!
(I'm gonna get some sleep now, then I have to get my hair done tomorrow, so I might be offline for a while)
By the time the game had ended, Estella had clearly won, her basket was filled to the brim with plastic fish. She grinned and shook her opponent's hand, her eyes shining. "Good game!"
I am rika
"Name's Estella, nice t' meet you!" The girl adjusted her jacket, and started walking away from the booth, gesturing for Rika to follow. "I just got here, so I haven't had time to hit the roller coasters yet. Wanna go on 'em with me?"
^ blushes ^ yes! - follows _
"We'll start small, and work our way up to the biggest," Estella decided, making her way to the smallest of the park's many roller coasters. It was still considerably tall, however. The girl jumped in line, and signaled for Rika to join her.
Estella slid into the seat beside Rika, reaching over to set her purse on the provided racks by the tracks. "You ready?" As soon as the words escaped her mouth, the roller coaster shot forward, climbing up the first(and tallest) hill. It started down, and Estella whooped, lifting her hands in the air.
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