@False-andrew flash_on
@Eli-the-transboi heyo!
@Eli-the-transboi heyo!
lol ill get alissa here in a bit
Mk! Should i get Lela in here orrrrr-?
lol so people know what's going on yeah
Name: Alissa Raven
Age: 25
Sexuality: Lesbian
Villain Name: The Scarlet Maiden
Personality: Alissa makes no efforts to hide that she's a killer, and actually emphasizes this fact with the way she talks and acts. She's very open with her body language towards whoever she's toying with. She tends to get bored with her toys very easily; after she breaks them mentally she tosses them aside, unless she actually likes their body, in which case she keeps them around as slaves. She has a bit of a temper that she uses to her advantage to get what she wants from anyone. She has no issues with torture or manipulation, and she actually practices both regularly. She knows she's very attractive and uses this as well in gaining complete control over people. She is a sadist, a masochist and a psychopath, entirely untrustworthy and just as likely to hurt the heroes as she is to hurt the villains.
Appearance:She's 6'5" tall, with dark red eyes, black hair and fair, if a little pale, skin. Her lips are as red as her personality.
Powers: She has the ability to control people's bodies completely. She effectively takes control of their emotions, their mind, their blood and bones and uses these to do whatever she wants. While she's using her power, her eyes glow with a crimson light and her hair starts to wave, as if underwater.
Backstory: No trauma, no guiding motives - she just wants to make the world bow at her feet, and is willing to do whatever it takes to do that.
Augh beautiful-
Name: Lela Guarini
Villain name: The Dark Beauty
Age: 24
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Gender: female (doesnt care what pronouns you use)
Looks: 5ft9, slim with lots of curves. She has dark crimson red eyes that seem black in certain lighting and has pale white skin. She has long wavy black hair that goes down to her hips.
Personality: she has a very cold heart and seems to only have a soft spot for children. She is incredibly sly and can talk her way in and out of any situation. She is extremely manipulative and tends to be slightly narcissistic. She has a bitter sweet tone and can actually be sweet at times, but it’s hard to tell if she’s genuine or just fucking with you.
Powers: she can disable any power someone has and can also ‘steal’ that power as long as she knows how they use it and how it effects them.
Backstory: she comes from a very abusive household and has actually murdered her entire family due to the amount of abuse she went through. She lost her younger sibling due to the abuse as well and this is what had turned her sour.
Omg they both look so similar-
lol she reminds me of one of my older characters mixed with Alissa @.@
XD yep-
XD omg i forgot to mention her hairs down to her hips-
Edit: fixed it-
You wanna do the starter?
ill get it up tomorrow ;-; im tired
XD mk
Alissa stands tall and proud, a spot of blood on the corner of her lips, smirking.
She was holding her characteristic bone-and-blood scythe, staring at the woman across from her, as the woman stared back.
Alissa had sacrificed all of her slaves during the course of the battle, using their blood, bones and souls to heal herself and to create weapon after weapon after weapon, occassionally drawing from her own blood to reinforce her scythe.
She'd long since taken off her dress, leaving her clad in just her lacy black bra and panties, for ease and freedom of movement and the element of distraction.
"So, do you have a name, pretty lady, or do I have to force it out of your last breaths?" she asks, her voice barbed yet silky smooth.
Lela smirks, “Lela…and you must be Alissa…si?” Her accent only amplified her smooth tone. She wasn’t going to hide that she too was bleeding…but she also wasn’t going to show any signs of getting tired.
Lela smirks as she tosses her jacket to the side. “Getting tired, darling? You needed so much backup…it’s pitiful…” She pouts, a teasing look in her eyes. “And yet I didn’t need anything but myself…now what does that say about you?” She smirks, her voice filled with sweet poison.
"Indeed. The Scarlet Maiden, at your service." she smirks back.
"I don't need any help, I just don't like getting my own hands dirty if I can help it. And I can go for much longer, sweetheart." she chuckles darkly. "As for what it says about me, it says that I'm smart and have more power over the masses than you ever will."
She rushes forward, holding her scythe with ease in one hand, producing a smaller one from the corpses that litter the ground around them.
She swings the first scythe in a curling arch towards Lela's feet, the second upwards, hooking towards the woman's chest.
Lela smirks and kicks her in the face, taking her scythes and pushing Alissa over. She smirks, looking at the scythes. “Seems like you just love getting your hands dirty if you carry these around…” she tosses them to the side, placing her heel boot on Alissa’s back and looking down at her. “You know…you look good like that…maybe I’ll make it permanent?” She bends down grabbing her chin.
“Don’t think about trying to use those little powers of yours…you’ll find you cannot cause any harm to me, darling…”
Alissa raises an eyebrow, the scythes dissipating.
"Oh, either step on me harder or get the fuck off." she smirks, twisting her midsection like a snake and wrapping her powerful legs around Lela's hips, flipping her with ease.
She stands up, cracking her neck, before wiping the blood that runs from her nose away and snickering.
"Which powers?" she asks innocently.
Lela smirks up at her, “hm…you come off as a lonely lesbian…” she giggles and kicks her in the chin, quickly standing and sweeping her leg under Alissa, knocking her back down.
“Wonder how many times we go ‘round like this…” she hums softly. “Oh…and I’d love to drive my heel into your back…so hold still wont you?”
"'Lonely lesbian,' or a badass bitch who wants to dominate?" Alissa chuckles, her head jerking back with the kick.
"As many times as it takes until you learn that I do not submit to anybody. People submit to me, and they love it." she giggles brokenly. "And no, thanks. I'd prefer your hands around my throat."
She flips up onto the her hands then onto her feet, roundhouse kicking Lela in the face.
She pauses, wiping the blood off of her cheek. She then giggles softly. Her giggles turned into laughter and suddenly, her hands were around Alissa’s neck pinning her to a wall. “Wish granted…” She whispers.
Lela smirks, looking Alissa in the eyes. “Hm…such a pretty face…” she grins, “would be a shame if it was ruined…”
Alissa rolls her eyes, using her core to pin herself to the wall while lifting her legs up and wrapping the around Lela's midsection, her hands going under her armpits; she uses this position to flip Lela face first into the wall, dropping from her grasp and digging her heel into the base of the woman's neck.
"Too bad I have no problems ruining yours." she smirks.
Lela hisses, struggling under Alissa’s grip. She smirks after a moment and suddenly, Alissa’s hands crush into themselves. Lela pushes Alissa away and huffs. “Don’t you ever touch me like that again, sweetie.” She smiles softly. “It’s very rude.”
Alissa doesn't even flinch.
"Using my power against me, bitch? You'll regret that." she chuckles darkly.
"As for touching you like that, I'll damn well do what I fucking want and there's no way you could possibly stop me save being a cowardly little whore and copying the powers I worked so hard to master." she smirks.
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