@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
I've got a ton of tiny people prompts, anyone interested?
Person A is a rag doll that was brought to life years ago by a scientist, who has been studying and running tests on them since day one. Finally, Person A escapes- with no idea where to go, and almost losing their arm in the process. As Person A continues to run they encounter Person B, just the average Joe who was out for a morning jog. Person B wastes no time in picking up Person A, seeing that they are not only alive, but in pain. Person B decides to take Person A home and try his best to help the little doll, neither knowing of the people who had been watching the whole time…
A world where a species of humans was discovered that evolved near identical to our own- except for their height. At a mere few inches tall, this new species has been deemed too helpless by the general population, thus to be treated as pets needing constant protection.
Prompts within this world:
- People who have “service tinies” instead of therapy dogs/other animals. They keep the tiny with them all the time, and they help the giant calm down from panic attacks, detect medical problems, help with physical disabilities, all kinds of stuff. Just… tinies helping people as their job. For example, a blind person always has a tiny on their shoulder who help them locate themselves when they move around or to retrieve objects for them; a person who would use a tiny as a fidget item (either gently or not) to calm themselves in stressful situation, or to have their hands occupy while they concentrate on something else; tinies with some kind of simplified therapist formation that would be frowned upon bc doesn't replace a real therapy session but still preferred by some people that don't want to go to or can't afford a therapist
- Person A wasn't expecting to find themself in the Tiny section of the pet store, but there they were. They also weren't expecting to find one of the tinies (Person B) had a shock collar to 'deal with behavioral problems,' and had been in and out of the shop for the past six months. Least of all, they didn't expect themselves to be buying the tiny.