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Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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  Character A  

There's a dangerous criminal gang that's been running this town for years— and even though you're young, you've been part of it for awhile. Not only have you been a member, but a highly skilled one at that. The leader of the gang even told you that you were one of his favorites.

Or at least, you were. Until you double-crossed him.

Why'd you do it? Because you found out he was trafficking human children, or that he was running a massive prostitute ring? Or did you already know that, and you only crossed him because you needed the cash desperately? Or was it screw the money, because you were tired of feeling controlled?

It doesn't matter anymore. What matters now is that you're on the run, and the gang leader is looking for you. He's got men at every bar, casino, and hotel in the city— but leaving town isn't an option. The fate that awaits you if you're captured is worse than death, because if anyone knows how to torture, it's the gang leader's right-hand man.

Looks like you're screwed.

Unless a miracle happens.

You meet this kid. This really, really smart kid who might just be the answer to your problems. The issue? They've got problems of their own, and you find yourself getting caught up in them.

  Character B  

There's a dangerous criminal gang that's been running this town for years— and even though you're young, you know way more about it than most people do. You've watched crime patterns, done the research— and you know these guys are powerful. But you can't tell anyone. Last time you mentioned it, your peers laughed at you and called you a conspiracy theorist. When you tried to argue it further, they called you a nerd and proceeded to bully you in ways you'd probably prefer not to reflect on. Needless to say, you've dropped the subject.

But that doesn't mean it isn't a prominent thought in your mind, something you mull over and think on. And it only gets worse when a stranger shows up at your house late one night while your family is away and warns you that you'd best stop playing with matches if you're not ready to deal with the flame.

"Basically, kid— you say another word about us and we'll have your a**."

There's another thing to add to the ever-expanding list of your fears.

Then you meet this kid. This really, really strange kid who helps get the bullies off your back and actually seems interested in who you are as a person. Maybe they're even your friend. The catch? They want your help, because they think you have the knowledge and wit they need to assassinate the gang leader.

|| Rules ||

  • MxF preferred if romance. If not romance, any platonic pairing will do, but my character will be male.
  • If romance, no sexually explicit content. However, PG-13 level romance is highly welcome.
  • Violence and blood welcome, though preferably not above an R level.
  • References to abuse (such as rape) is allowed as long as said abuse is not explicitly described.
  • No vulgar language. Keep it mild.
  • No magic is present in this RP.
  • Please have RP experience and decent grammar. Don't post replies that are hard to follow up.
  • I prefer character B, but your choice.
  • Feel free to discuss possible plot tweaks because I just slapped this together. Prone to change.

  • Writing sample required.


  • Build
  • Skin
  • Face/Eyes
  • Hair
  • Clothes
  • Extra


(Here ya' go.)

A wall of humidity hit Aimi as she emerged from the under ground cells the fighters where kept it. She felt the tip of a spear poke her in the back, the Guard's unease and inpatients seeping into the thick air.
On the opposite end another fighter emerged obviously effected by the heat too.
The two fighters took in their surroundings eyes landing on the kings box, awaiting his sign to start.
Aimi bowed low, hoping that'd get her some more sponsors- if she survived. Every fight was a chance of death.

The other fighter shook as he took in his opponent. He'd never fought before, and if he'd hadn't already he'd have pissed his pants again. Her horns and eyes where intimidating enough- but the others had wished him luck. Had whispered the name of who he was going against like a prayer. The young monster barely mustered a bow to the king, his eyes never leaving the blue demon just a few feet across the already blood soaked arena from him.

Aimi offered a prayer to what ever gods would listen. A swift death would be a blessing to either of them.


Name: Delilah Miller
Alias: lilac
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Backstory: from a very young age Delilah was always following her older brother around. Which meant the two of them ended up in trouble alot, especially with the gang that controlled the town. But soon the gang come to enjoy the two siblings shenanigans.
When Delilah was twelve (12) her brother died in a "freak" accident (fire), she turned to the gang so she wouldn't be lonely, and has been with them ever since.
Personality: A surprisingly bubbly happy person, always down for shenanigans. has her moods, but does her best to keep herself and others happy. Can kinda be described as sassy
Skills: tbd
Strengths: tbd
Weaknesses: fire tends to cause panic attacks, not the best at expressing her emotions

Build- small and pitiet, about 5'0 (but will totally tick you in the shins if you mention it)
Skin- a rich dark oaky color
Face/Eyes- rounded off face, dark brown eyes, nose has a straight edge to it
Hair- usually in box braids that go to her waist with a purple ombrey mixed in.
Clothes- usually high waisted shorts, with a plain dark blue shirt tucked in. Will occasionally wear an over sized jacket around her waist, or just layered over the top.
Extra- reasoning for the nick name Lilac is that her brother (Karkota) couldn't pronounce it when he was little and oppted for something easier. The name ended up sticking.

(Sorry for the wait. Delilah is a charter I'm redeveloping and thought would be perfect for this kind of RP :))


Name: Winston Chester
Alias: N/A
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Backstory: When Winston was a kid, his mother died. Winston had always suspected that there was more to the story than he was being told, and when he was 13, his father drank a little too much wine and went on a spiel about how much he missed his wife. During this, he made comments of her death perhaps being planned, and that was enough to get Winston interested in the ordeal even further. Though his father denied ever saying anything like it afterwards, Winston did look into his mother's death— and apparently it really didn't have anything to do with foul play. But during his searching, he discovered a lot of other crimes that hadn't been spoken of— and found that they had a similar source. This led him down a rabbit hole of scrounging the internet and news articles for information, and now he believes that a dangerous criminal gang is operating in the city and practically running everything. Most people laugh it off or avoid the subject, but Winston knows he's right.
Personality: A bit of an oddly turned fellow. He tends to be quiet and fidgety around new people, but will probably jabber for twenty minutes straight when he feels comfortable. He's intelligent and learns new things quickly, although he doesn't feel like people take him seriously and it gets on his nerves. He's got a sweet heart and can be a bit timid at times.
Skills: tbd
Strengths: His intelligence and empathy.
Weaknesses: Anxious. Fearful of a lot of things. Low self-esteem. Easily embarrassed. Low pain-tolerance. Not strong physically. Not skilled with any weapons. Clumsy.

  • Build— Tall and skinny— very beanpole-ish. Probably around 6'0. He has long limbs and big feet.
  • Skin— Very fair-skinned. He burns easily.
  • Face/Eyes— A few freckles are splattered across the bridge of his nose. His nose is lightly large, but not bulbous or anything. He also has large, greenish blue eyes (which are enlarged even further by his glasses). His teeth are slightly crooked, but very white. His face turns red easily, and his ears usually turn red too when he's embarrassed or nervous.
  • Hair— Incredibly curly and messy, generally sticking in every direction like he's been recently electrocuted. His hair is a reddish-brown color.
  • Clothes— He usually wears t-shirts with a hooded jacket and dark jeans or sweatpants. He wears large, round glasses that constantly slide down his nose until he readjusts them, and large red sneakers.
  • Extra

Other: Winston is bullied regularly. Sometimes he tries to stand up to his bullies, but usually not.


(I'd love if you could start! And I don't think there are any. If needed we can always make a pm later to figure things out.)