@Mojack group
rp genres: sci-fi
Aliens exist.
You can believe what you want to. They exist - and it’s kind of sad, actually. For Earth, I mean. If you look at how things are outside of Earth, Earth is kind of..left out. It’s kind of like your friends make plans without you, then you find that all out after the fact. In this case, the person who got left out is Earth, and the friend group is..everything else. No one thinks to invite poor old Earth.
But perhaps the ‘friend group’ isn’t having fun after all. Maybe the better situation in this case is to be left out. Blissfully unaware of what really is happening in the rest of the universe.
Because what’s happening in the rest of the universe is the reason why we haven’t encountered extraterrestrial life.
Until now.
You are not an average person. You work for a secret sect of the government - a part no one mentions, that conspiracy theorists theorize about. You study the unknown. You do have some normal jobs of course, but a big part of your job? Just that, studying the unknown.
This secret sect allows you to access weapons that don’t ‘exist’ in the normal world. These weapons are only last resort - for in case our fears prove true, that the ‘unknown’ turns out to be hostile. At least we have some sort of defense against them, but we don’t know how effective it’ll be, considering it’s never been tested on a live target. There’s so many more secrets in your job - you’re mid-high rank in it, but there are far many higher ranks, with so much more knowledge. Facilities for your job are placed all over the world, but all of them are off the radar. Most of them are underground, massive in size. Built like a bunker.
It’s a normal day, as normal can be. A late night at work - until the alarms start going off. But it’s not just any alarm.
It’s an alarm that was built with a purpose, but never activated till now. To detect the ‘unknown’, if it enters our solar system.
And something had just showed up, on direction to Earth, moving at incredibly high speeds. Faster than anything humans could have built. People scramble to work, trying to figure out where it would land.
It would make landfall into the North Pacific Ocean. Something definitely fell - something of undetermined size and shape, but massive. It glowed so brightly that within hours, the media was already talking about it. But none of them knew the truth, none of them but the secret sect - that this was the Unknown.
The secret sect tried desperately to track it down, but all their efforts failed. Eventually, after a long shift (you’d stayed a bit longer given the appearance of the Unknown) you went home.
Turns out finding the Unknown would be a bit easier than you had thought.
RP where a celestial being falls to Earth for some odd reason, to be learned in the rp. The person joining this rp will take the role of a person who works in the ‘secret sect,’ a secret organization combined from many different governments of different countries. This means when choosing your character’s nation - you are free to choose any country, and this will therefore decide where the RP takes place/begins. Although my character does crash land in the North Pacific Ocean area, you are not limited to the countries in that area if you so desire (though if you do wish to make a character from that area, be my guest).
Could this be a romance RP? Do you want to fall in love with an entity who has no concept of human emotions? It could be interesting. I’m open to the idea.
Some notes:
- the secret sect has no official name. People who work in it might call it the Sect for short. Giving it no official name or logo has helped them keep it secret.
- you are a human without special abilities, as is everyone on Earth. But your advantages lie in the fact you have access to technologies that people outside of the Sect don’t. powerful energy based guns and armours, of course - those are last resort, only to be used in the event ‘Unknown’ is deemed a threat to humanity.
- Unknown is the codename for extraterrestrial beings. If there are multiple entities, they begin to add numbers - like Unknown 01, Unknown 02, etc. Nicknames may also be given, but in a professional setting, Unknown is it.
For the rules:
- No autohitting, but don’t dodge everything either. Play to your strengths, remember your weaknesses.
- Cursing, blood and violence and the such is allowed. But remember that there’s a time and place for everything.
- Three sentences minimum. No one liners.
- Mature RPers preferred - this does not mean a lot of mature content will occur, but just in case.
- Good grammar appreciated.
- If I am not familiar with your style, I will ask for a RP sample with dialogue.
- If smut is involved at some point, I would prefer it to be fade to black - I am not yet comfortable writing it.
- Ask questions as needed.
- Though this never happens, just in case - rules may change as needed.
Template (ASK before joining, and if I am not familiar I will request a writing sample WITH dialogue). Remove brackets.
Aliases: (if any)
Age: (22-30)
Nationality: (list their current country of residence as well! This will decide where the RP begins, as stated before)
Background: (write as little or as much as you want.)
Skills: (what are they good at?)
Relations: (family, friends…lovers? list them here, it doesn’t have to be everything; as well as their CURRENT relationship with them)
Other: (anything notable goes here. fun facts, ailments, conditions, etc)