forum name at least 1 thing that this does that all the other things dont do + name specifically how you found it, for example if you found it from a friend, how did ur friend find it?
Started by test test

people_alt 54 followers

test test

  1. name at least 1 thing that this does that all the other things dont do +
  2. name specifically how you found it, for example if you found it from a friend, how did ur friend find it?

test test

  • looks like each note/doc/file has a tag
  • there's folders like a regular file browser…
  • each folder has a total word stats
  • shows preview of tags of notes within containing folder
  • there's an expanded title section under the 'title'
  • word count / total time to read in each note/doc
  • theres some graphs data about ur notes..
  • can filter…
  • last edited notes bump top…

huh… seems like most are a bunch of basic things it's just starting to have and it's 2021….
looks like this was starting to be made 5 years ago….

test test

more stuff, alot of basic stuff

well i prob signup in the long past and just forgot
anyway hope however many devs/makers there are making this has fun, and hopefully they can use their skills and what they learned to help make an app/product/software even better in the future
in the longer future, they hopefully they can join a good team making a great new app/product that does never-seen-before things, gl!

something is wrong with the editing field on the forums btw (on chrome) - should use discourse as forum software btw, 1000x and easier to setup