@Mojack group
Lately, people have been dying.
Of course, people die every day. But not in this way - a good chunk bitten from their neck, their final expression frozen in fear, signs of a struggle; the signs have all stayed similar.
And they show no sign of stopping, either. The murderer’s targets have no connection to each other. No discernible reason can be determined, aside from sadism - and the possibility that the murderer may be a cannibal. But human teeth can’t bite like that - no, not rip into one’s neck like that. So surely, it must be an animal.
Whether you like it or not, this is the case you’re working on. The killer, whatever it is, shows no signs of stopping. If it turns out to be some sort of crazed animal, then you’ll call the right people to handle it. If it turns out to be a crazed person, then you’ll also call the right people to handle it. You’re the investigator, after all. It doesn’t mean you can’t fend for yourself - but generally, it’s not expected of you to preform the arresting.
The coast is a popular place for tourists, and despite the murders, business hasn’t slowed down.
One late evening, you’re at a bar. Maybe you drink, maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re waiting for someone, or maybe you’re playing a game - maybe you just like to go here to relax sometimes.
You notice something peculiar, though. You see..a lot of people. The coast is busy, after all.
But there’s something off about that man.
He’s talking to another person, and from what you can tell, they seem to enjoy his company - you can’t quite discern what either of them are saying, however.
Within minutes upon you noticing them, they both get up, and go outside. You’re not sure what compels you to do it, but you follow them, a little ways behind - and they go into the nearby alleyway, where it’s a little quieter.
some of the victims were found in quieter locations. in fact, nearly all of them were.
Careful not to get spotted, you watch - the person seems quite relaxed. Almost in..a daze of some kind. He lightly holds them, and for a moment, you think that maybe your hunch was wrong. That maybe this is just a couple looking for shelter from the public eye, to enjoy a private moment.
Then he bites them. They hardly react, almost seeming to fall asleep from where you are, it’s hard to tell. But he bites them in the neck, and you freeze, because that’s definitely not normal.
And..is he drinking their blood?
RP in which an investigator of a mysterious string of murders encounters a mysterious (well, more like follows) stranger in an alleyway one night and sees something that they’re probably not supposed to. You, the person joining this RP play the part of the investigator.
The investigator doesn’t have to be from a police department - they may have been hired by a concerned party.
This RP deals with vampires of several types, all of my own creation. I won’t say too much OOC about the types of vampires, as you’ll be playing from the perspective of a person who’s encountering a whole new side to the world.
First, for clarification— my OC is not the murderer! Your character will not know this initially though, so it’s up to you as to how they react initially…
Could this be a romance? Like I say with most of my RPs, it could be - depends on how things blend with our characters.
Anyways, rules.
- Ask before joining; I will ask for a sample of your writing with dialogue if I forget/don’t know your style. If I deny you, it’s nothing against you personally! Im just fairly selective with my one on one RPs, although not really other types.
- Mature RPers preferred due to potential content of violence and whatnot.
- Any sexual content will be a fade to black, as I’m not fond of writing it.
- Swearing is allowed, as well as violence (duh). But as I’ve said once before, there’s a time and place for everything.
- Good grammar is appreciated, but we’re a flawed species that makes mistakes sometimes. So it’s acceptable if it’s not a 100%; I’d just prefer proper punctuation.
- In fights, play to your strengths, remember your weaknesses. Don’t autohit, don’t dodge everything, and we’re cool (I’ll do the same).
- These last bits aren’t really rules. I can be very active. I can also be very inactive. Please note this if you want to join.
- I really want any potential partners to know - if I appear to ‘ghost’ the RP, it is 100% not against you. I’m just a very awkward person overall and my thought process goes something like this once I come back from a long break “well I’m not sure if they’d want to continue this…” Again, I don’t really know how to explain this! But if you see me online, and want to continue the RP, feel free to send a message (either through pm or in the RP).
If you have any questions, be it a rule related one or story/lore related, feel free to ask!
Age: (22-26) (personal note - chronologically my character will be a bit older than this, but he stopped aging in this age range)