kind of like the chat where I put random stuff in except it’s where I put my unfiltered thoughts in whenever I feel like it because I’ve got a lot of things to say that I don’t say at all
And sometimes they’re just the random thoughts floating through my mind at the time
feel free to put in your random thoughts in
Or maybe ask for context
Or just spectate
wish i had jaws like a goblin shark
70% leg!!
sounds an awful lot like Charlotte Smoothie
70% leg!!
sounds an awful lot like Charlotte Smoothie
I've returned with proof, after determining that she is, in fact, about 70% leg

Ya know what, Imma put my thoughts here too
Every human being who calls Sanji a Vinsmoke deserves to be locked up and wear an iron helmet and beaten up by their brothers for the rest of their lives
drew something thinking “this has got to be the best human I’ve drawn in while” but it’s not even a human
Also wow you’re right, she is 70% leg
But without the clown nose
Every time I look for a picture of Buggy(which is surprisingly often), I forget about
timeskip Buggy

wtf is this bs
this is what he used to look like

even prison Buggy looked better than timeskip Buggy

But back to timeskip Buggy
where tf are his arms and legs and torso
are they just-
floatin' around in there?
what if he touches Sea Prism stone, does he just deflate?
Buggy canonically has a detachable wiener, which insinuates that somebody cut his wiener off at least once to see what would happen
i wonder what nontrp stans think when they walk into a conversation between two or more trp stans
or just one trp stan rambling
there’s only one way to find out….
How does one have 85 children at age 68
Linlin, you good?
She's got a damn army of kids
It's like the Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge but with one matriarch
can’t stop thinking about how I asked someone to draw one of my favourite video game characters and they turned him into Sans
me creating characters: time to create a simple design that I’ll actually be able to draw more than once
also me: let’s give this character ten hands, and this one six horns, and this one a complicated pattern
Somebody said "Just because we fail doesn't make us failures" and can somebody remind me to put that in a fic because it applies to a certain pairing who just happens to be my OTP
Gmod prop collision noise
Haha mouse go clicliclicliclic
saw a picture of a pelecinid wasp
waiting for the planet of the apes event tonight
waiting for the planet of the apes event tonight (again)
Buggy is almost peak gay, probably third place
Spots 1 and 2 are taken up by Ivan-chan and Bon-chan, respectively