@False-andrew flash_on
@maglohydracreati hi XD
@maglohydracreati hi XD
So- I'll copy our last two responses and put them here and we'll continue from there lol
(Sounds Fabulous)
@maglohydracreati groupHello there!1 hour ago
Arthur stared at the hand for a moment, briefly wondering what she wanted him to do, then just grabbed her hand on impulse.
@Undeniable_Force flash_on1 hour ago
(Oh- nvm-)
(Hey- we could make a roleplay out of the current scenario XD)
Rayla smiles and nods, closing her hand around Arthur's as they're transported to a different world.
@maglohydracreati groupHello there!1 hour ago
(I'd be fine with that)
Arthur flinches at the sudden energy transporting them, but any fear is overwhelmed by sheer exuberant curiosity and hope. A day ago, he'd been trapped in a lonely library. Now, he was traveling the multiverse. Life was looking up. He grins.
Rayla giggles slightly, sobering up as the world around them compresses, and folds, around them, brining them to Rayla's home.
After a few seconds, the blackness and pressure vanishes, leaving them standing in the middle of a bright green meadow, mountains looking in the distance, their size incomprehensibly massive.
"Welcome to Ûrdgrad. My home." she smiles, completely sober now.
"Whoa…." Arthur is practically left speechless at the sight. "Its magnificent…."
Rayla smiles.
"I was raised in this world. When I'm away from it, I feel incomplete." she says softly, closing her eyes and tilting her head back.
After a moment she opens her eyes again, and they look brighter. She turns her smile to Arthur. "I can show you sites of battles long past. Places where great works of magic were made and used. Places where the Old Gods still walk. The only question is. . . what do you want to see first?"
"Well, firstly, I think I'll probably need some more detailed context before I make a choice. Like, a basic lay of the land. Like, what are the rules here? Are there dragons? Real Gods? Angels? Vampires? Just a brief history lesson, and/or a explanation of the world in general. Just so I know what exactly exists, and what doesn't." Arthur pulls out a big black journal, and a pen, like a student ready to start taking notes.
"There are no real rules beyond 'Do not fight the gods will,' and 'Magic exists in everything.' There are dragons, yes, though their nation lies to the Southeast. Angels have not been sighted in millenia. The last vampire was killed only a century ago." Rayla explains, addressing each of the obvious points. "Obviously, there are real gods, but there's two castes to them. The Old Gods and the New Lights. There's also demigods, like me."
"Elves and Dwarves are a part of the same nation, and the reside fully to the East. The Fae have long since closed their borders, and nobody knows why." she adds. "We also have the Void, an inter-planar anomaly that resides in the deserts the the West, which spawns demons and abyssal Horrors. In the North are the Giants, or what's left of them."
Arthur writes this all down. He freezes a moment, and asks nervously…" So uh, what are the distinctive features of vampires? Are they any different from the normal pale skinned, turns into a bat? When they were still alive, I mean."
Rayla shakes her head. "Their only defining feature was when they smiled - all their teeth would be slightly pointed and angled inwards, like a shark's. And they smiled often."
"Ok, good. Hm…. Where are we now actually? Like, where are the nearest nations from here."
"We're currently in unclaimed territory, near the old Kingdom of the Giants. That lies just beyond those mountains, actually." Rayla smiles, turning Arthur's attention to said mountains.
"Well then… I say we go explore the Giant Kingdom then!" Arthur hops onto his feet, puts his book into his bag, and looks eager to move.
(Hell yeah XD I have some things I've found on Pinterest that I've been dying to use as prompts or scenery)
Rayal grins.
"Those mountains are still about. . . 400-ish leagues away? They are massive, kid. It'll take us a while to get there, but we can do it." she says, pulling travelling supplies from nowhere. Like usual.
"The journey is half the fun, am I right?" Arthur is grinning ear to ear, doesn't seem like anything can break the sheer joy of seeing an entire another world, not even the most treacherous hike.
"Exactly." Rayla says cheerfully.
"Quick question though, how much stamina do you have?" she asks.
"Excellent question! I haven't been on a physical excursion in about 500 years, so….. not the best probably? I shall soon find out!"
Rayla snorts, trying to hold back laughter, and failing miserably.
"You're barely even a fraction of a fraction as old as I am, holy hell!" she exclaims. "But yeah, I guess we'll find out."
She starts to walk towards the mountains.
Arthur squints at her suspiciously. "How old are you?! What….. 20 Million?" He trails behind her, chuckling to himself.
"Way off the mark there, kiddo. By a few million years." she laughs.
She looks over her shoulder at Arthur. "Actually, we need to do something about our clothes."
"Close at least. With that long a life span a few million is small numbers." He looks down at his clothes in confusion. "And whats wrong with my clothes?"
Rayla nods, amused. "Yeah."
"As for your clothes, they don't match any known customes of the world. I'm not sure how long I've been gone, but I'm in Dragonborn's royal clothes that may be heavily dated. So I'm going to find us some more modern clothes for this world." she explains crouching down and reaching through the ground, digging around for a bit before coming up with a male traveler's outfit, fitted for a scholar with many pockets and layers, and a mage's travelling gear. She chuckles. "According to the style, I've only been gone for a few seconds. I thought the dilation would be weirder."
"….So did you reach through a portal, create those out of thin air, or loot a buried corpse?"
Arthur takes the clothes, and goes a bit aways place suitable to change clothes.
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