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forum Life After Life // OxO // Closed
Started by @knightinadream group

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@knightinadream group

About two centuries ago lived a daughter of a count. Having three older brothers, she was the youngest. While she was incredibly smart and very skillful, she was often ignored by her father and older brothers. They treated her horribly, always disregarding her thoughts and wellbeing. As time went on and as she became an adult, she couldn't take it anymore, especially since her father was trying to marry her off.

One day, she was out in the forest by her home. It was dusk so she decided to go back, but then she heard someone call out for help. Going in the direction of the voice, she ended up finding a man. A very strange and pale man. She could not help but freeze with fear, though in the end, she ultimately decided to help. When helping the man, he attacked her and bit her neck.

After waking up in her room, she started to experience strange things. Her heart was not beating. She noticed how her skin was pale, just like the strange man she tried to help. Going out in the daylight felt lethal. And she had the appetite for blood. After her father suspected her, she attacked him. And the rest that happened afterwards remains a mystery…

With all that had happened, the people in the land do not know what occurred in the castle. Although, almost two hundred years later, 1688, the people began to get weary as strange things began to happen.

Most, if not all, of the people sent to the castle disappear. The lucky ones comeback as a shell of who they used to be. Sick, pale beyond belief, having brain fevers, and shaking constantly with puncture wounds at the side of the throat; it takes weeks for the ones who come back to recover. That is why no one ever goes to the forest leading to the castle for they believed it's cursed.

Admist the oddities and rumors, there is a doctor who has taken it upon himself to find out what is causing these people to become sick or dead. Despite taking care of people in the village nearby the castle, he never had gone there or anywhere near the forest. One day, he got a letter from the castle, asking to come since one of the servants was sick. And even though he had an unexplainable feeling that gave him chills, he decided to go.

To summarize, this rp is about a vampire and a doctor. The vampire, who is a countess, turns and decided to kill her family as revenge for all they have done to her for years, but nobody knows what happened. Nobody knows what vampires are and that they exist. Strange things have been happening ever since then but they have only begin to pile up more recently as of early fall in 1688. There is a doctor who lives in one of the villages who is trying to figure out what is going on, but recieves a letter to treat a "servant" who lives in the castle. In actuality, it's the countess just trying to have fun for herself and lure in another human to feast on, but when the doctor does arrive, things beyond her control change. Whether that be for the better or worse, who knows…..


  • Experienced rpers only

  • This rp is about vampires so it will be dealing with blood and gore. There will be lighthearted moments mixed in along with the dark ones, but please be aware.

  • I would like to be the doctor in this.

  • Please try to respond at least once per day, if possible. My response times will vary, but I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible.

  • Don't be too OP

  • Swearing is okay

  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules

  • At least one paragraph response with good grammar and spelling

  • No sexy times. If we ever get to that, we'll just skip over it. References to it are okay.

  • I believe that is it for now. If you have any questions, just let me know. :)

@knightinadream group

Name: Soare Vasile Dascalu
Title: Doctor
Age: 31
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Apperance: Soare is a tall but lean person. His height is roughly around six foot three to four. He has an inverted triangular body shape with some muscle definition. His head is oval shaped. Soare has sharp and well-defined features. The color of his hooded eyes are a medium brown. His hair is a shade of dark brown, but it looks like it's black sometimes. It is pushed back long; he tries to keep it neat to the best of his abilities. The tone of his skin is a warm ivory. Under his right eye, there is a tiny scar; it is barely visible unless you get really close to him. There is also another scar that goes across his right hand.
Clothing: Typically he wears a white long sleeve flowly shirt along with black trousers. Soare also has a long overcoat which he also usually has on. On another note, he wears spectacles since he is nearsighted. Underneath his shirt, he wears a silver cross that used to be his father's. Depending on who he is treating, he will have on leather gloves and some sort of face covering.
Personality: Most see Soare as a respectful person who is always professional, yet he manages to be bright at the same time. He enjoys being around others, helping them to the best of his abilities. Soare also loves analyzing and figuring out things, especially subjects that tend to be a mystery. It is hard for him to take things at a face value without asking questions or figuring it out himself. At the same time, it is easy for him to get tangled up in something like work for example. Anything that piques his mind and heart, he will be persistent in it. An empathetic and compassionate person, he tends to focus more on others rather than himself; it's one of his greatest assets and weaknesses. Soare prefers to keep his mind off of deep emotions as he worries it will make him mess up. He is not afraid of most things, but failure has always been a fear of his.
Background: Soare grew up as the youngest out of three, having an older brother and sister. His father was a professor and his mother would teach children in the village. The name "Soare" means "sun"; his mother gave him the name since he was born in the middle of the afternoon. He grew up naturally curious about everything, always wanting to help others, and usually at one of his parents' or siblings' side. Sometimes he would go out and play nearby the forest, but he was always dragged away by his older sister. He was told of stories about those who went missing, but he never thought much about it. When he was ten, he was sent to live with a friend of his father's, Doctor Radu. From there, Soare went on to school and eventually began to study to become a doctor himself. Eventually he graduated and began to work alongside Doctor Radu as an assistant. In the meantime, he had a few romantic relationships, but they all didn't work out in the end. He also would spend time with his nieces and nephews, making sure that they never got close to the forest. At twenty-nine, he moved back to his home village after hearing about the strange news of what has been going on. The first patient he treated by himself had pale skin, fevers, chills, and two puncture wounds at the neck. He did everything to treat the man, but in the end, the patient died. The loss of the patient has inspired him to investigate and find out what was going on, yet he never thought of going into the forest or around the castle. Yet just recently, a letter from the castle came asking him to come and treat a servant. Regardless of his duty as a medical professional or his curiosity he decided to go.
Other: Usually he carries around a brown case carrying things such as medical equipment, medicines, and a journal. He also has a brown horse named Vali.


Name: Annabelle Octavia Aldridge
Title: Countess
Age: very old but looks to be in her late 20s
Gender: female
Sexuality: Annabelle hasn't been with anyone for centuries so she forgot her preferences in that matter. She will say that killing her male prey is much more satisfying that her female prey
Apperance: Snow white skin that is soft to the touch, not that anyone lived to tell the tale. Eyes dark grey and green, like a storm over a forest. Her eyes were one of the only things that remained unchanged after her transformation but they do change when she is hungry, they go completely black. Her teeth are sparkly white with retractable fangs but she will keep them out to scare people. Annabelle is lean and tall, almost 6' tall and 150 lbs.
Clothing: mainly black dresses in the winter time but she still likes colour and will wear more blues, reds, greens, and purples on warmer days, nothing floral, she despises the colour orange and yellow.
Personality: tbd
Background: see above
Other: she has some pretty loyal crows as a 'pet' who bring her neat trinkets everytime she feeds them. They once brought her a silver necklace with 2 sapphires and 1 emerald that she wears all the time. There are many crows around her but the "favourite" ones she calls Levi (Lev-ee), Azzi, Medea, and Loki.

@knightinadream group

Never in Soare's lifetime did he expect to get a letter from the Aldridge Castle. He can recall the drained and hesitant expression on the post master's face when handing it over. How such a thing ever came into the village is a mystery in its own. It was difficult to determine whether the sight of the letter or its contents were the most troubling.

After opening the letter, he showed it to the post master in hopes of calming the older man down. It read that there was a servant who had fallen ill and needed to be treated. At the bottom of it was signed, "Countess Aldridge". Now, no one has ever heard from the Aldridge family in years, even King Dragos, so naturally, Soare's curiosity grew rapidly.

The other doctor in the village, Doctor Albescu, strictly told him to not go and that he was mad to after he decided that he would. Albescu's response confused him, shouldn't doctors go out to treat those who need help even if they may face danger? And besides, maybe this trip will help solve the mysteries and oddities that have been happening for hundreds of years now.

Despite living right next to the forest and the Aldridge Castle, Soare never knew why no one dared to go there. Some said it was evil spirits while others spoke of these undead creatures. Others would say it's large wolves. A childhood friend had told him that a monster lives in the forest. The bodies of of deceased that had come from there only spurred more and more tales and fears. Nevertheless the rumors, something strange was going on and here he is, seeing it all for himself.

Fog was hanging around everywhere around him after entering the forest. He could only see a few meters out before it was just pure fog again. Every now and then, Vali, would get scared and refuse to go further. "Shhh, it's alright," He cooed, gently patting the horse. "To be strong and brave, we must go forward. Wouldn't you agree?"

Once Vali had calmed down, they reached the castle within mintues. The sun began to set. Soare got off the horse and made sure that it would be safe while he was gone. With his bag and letter, he strolled up to the castle entrance and knocked.


It had been quite sometime since she had anyone new come visit her. Annabelle remembered her last visitor fondly, how they looked at her with fear and horror before she drained them and tossed them back into the forest for her crows. "Yes, I need a new plaything." She said in an excited tone as her painted, red lips parted into a wide grin.

The weather was getting cooler, that meant that it was time to exchange her earthy colours for black and grey. Which is exactly what Annabelle did. She peeled off the forest green form-fitting dress, she had been wearing it on and off for the last week, and traded it for a grey, lacy blouse and a long flowing skirt. She put on heeled boots, a few chosen accessories, her cloak/cape, and a silver headpiece. It was always fun to get all dressed up before inviting a new victim, excuse me, guest, to visit her.Annabelle crossed the courtyard in a happy mood. The cobblestone was perfect for achieving the dramatic click from her heels as she walked.

Anyone who gazed upon the Aldridge estate would notice one of two things, that there were always crows flying in and out of its surrounding, and that it was a curious building with high towers, some splattering of reds and oranges on the lower walls, and the dark coloured glass. Even now, as Annabelle stood in a room with the strange coloured glass, she had a crow on her shoulder and a crow in her hand while she stroked its body.

"Azzi, bring a roll of paper and a pen to my table. I wish to write an invitation." She called out. A caw was the response as the crow flew from her hands to get her required items. Annabelle sat at her desk, delicately dipped her pen in the ink, then turned to write the invitation before pausing a moment with a frown, a drop of ink fell onto the page from the pen. Who to invite? Annabelle set the pen in the ink pot and sighed, getting up to look at her book of names.

The book of names, titled as such because it was exactly that, a book containing the names of everyone living in the surrounding villages. Annabelle lazily flipped through the pages before selecting a random page, then selecting a name that sounded a bit strange to her. "Hmm, a doctor! How intriguing!" The Countess hurried back to her desk, scrawled out a message. Purposefully making it seem like it was written by someone who had no other option remaining, so that the doctor felt some urgency. She quickly sent a crow with the letter in its best to drop it off at the doorway of the mail person.

It was as if the gods were on her side, her plan worked perfectly. A quick and urgent rapping at the door brought another smile onto Annabelle's face. She dropped her black cape and changed it for a fur lined cloak to hide her form from the friendly doctor. The second time the knocks broke through the silence, Annabelle was standing in front of the doors, almost giddy with excitement. She pulled open the doors and pretended to fall against it, holding the door for support. "Hmm…are you the…cough… doctor?"

@knightinadream group

After knocking on the door, he took a step back. With the back of his hand, he pushed his glasses back. His eyes wandered around, checking his surroundings. Every thing his eyes landed on gave him chills. The dark blue and orange sky was not as comforting as it would be if he were home rather than here now.

Soare shook his head, taking a deep breath. There was nothing to be scared of. Even though he does not know what has happened in this castle or why things are the way they are, he should not be afraid. Why should he? With all the horrors he has seen as a doctor and in his life, there is not much for him to be afraid of. And yet, he forced himself to unclench his fingers that wrapped around the handle of his medical bag.

Swiftly he made the sign of the cross as a means to keep himself assured. Although he was not sure if all the angels and saints could help him, the sentiment of it was somewhat helpful. Out of nowhere, he hear Vali began to become fearful again. The horse stayed put, but he heard the grunts coming from it. He glanced around again. No one was there except for him.

Suddenly when the door began to creak, his head shot straightforward. The doctor took a step back, but immediately shot forward with his arm out to help the person stay up. Softly sighing, he stood back again. A gentle smile swept across his face as he bowed his head to the person. His eyes filled with worry as he heard them cough. It always hit his heart every time he came across a patient; it filled him with motivation to cure them even more, but it also gave him a little bit of worry too.

"Yes, I'm Doctor Dascalu. Pleased to meet you," He smiled. For a second, his eyes looked over past the person into the castle. It was dark, darker than it is outside. He felt the bleakness from inside sting his cheeks, though it was practically the same as the cold outside. Then his eyes fell back onto the person, something was strange about them, and yet he could not put his finger on it. Maybe it was just the fact that they were sick and nothing else.

"May I come in? I do not wish to keep you standing here any longer than need be," He insisted. "If you would like, you may use my arm for support if need be."


Azzi crowed from somewhere above them and a chorus of crows spoke right after, possibly frightening the already skittish horse outside. Annabelle made sure her face was covered enough so he couldn't see her but she could still see him. The doctor was too nice in her opinion. Here she was, acting her age and he didn't seem to realize there was nothing wrong with her. How fun this game would be, Annabelle didn't know. She wet her lips and smiled in anticipation.

"Please do!" She responded to his statement and let go of the arm her offered. "I have a walking stick here somewhere, come in and walk straight down to the parlour, I'll come meet you in a bit." Annabelle's voice went a pitch higher unconsciously. Whether she'd admit to anyone or not, having a living person, she could talk to, at the castle was a treat. Annabelle left to get a staff she used to walk with sometimes and a plate of cookies to seem as welcoming as possible. Loki came down from the kitchen rafters and nipped at her fingers. It was as though he was questioning her sudden hospitality. Annabelle pushed the bird but he flew up to her shoulder. She sighed and defeat and walked back to the parlour to sit.

@knightinadream group

At hearing the sound of crows, his eyes briefly looked up at them. Of course, crows. Many people in the village are very superstitious of almost everything, even Doctor Albescu; crows have always been seen as a warning sign for something, especially death. A chill went down his spine as he took note of the birds. Shaking his head, he stared back at the woman, and yet, he could not see her face.

The beam on his face returned shortly after. He nodded, "Very well then." With foot forward, he stopped when his eyes flickered down to see one of her hands. It was awfully pale, especially for a living person. It couldn't be the white plague, the letter did not mention anything about it. Then again, the letter was ambiguous yet it was urgent at the same time.

Waiting till the woman went back inside, he took one more glance around outside. Once he had taken a couple of steps inside, the door immediately shut behind him. Soare stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder at the door. As he walked towards the palor, he kept looking around. The place appeared to be as if no one had been there for years. It was dark and bleak, but on the other hand, it was nice.

Finally reaching the parlor, he sat down his bag on the end table. He took off his scarf and overcoat, setting them down in another chair. Next he went to the fireplace, tending to the fire and then lighting a candle. Soare stood in front of his medical bag, looking through and making sure that he had everything needed when he heard footsteps. In the corner of his eye, he saw it was the woman. "Well we should get started then," He said, motioning over to a seat. "If you could sit here, I can start to check your pulse and look for symptoms so I then can diagnose you."